

It's early in the morning around 6:00 am , and the breeze blew violently outside the house of Mr Kane kale.

In the sitting room, Derek kale was sitting on the dining table, In his hand was a sandwich, which he ate at a slow pace.

Though the morning is cold but he felt warm or rather hot. He felt as though he was about to fall sick, but he remembered that today is a big day for him, the school he attended was resuming today which means he may not come home early.

Even though today is suppose to be a good day for him, his a little bit sad because his elder brother is leaving for the Altered Police Force (APF) to become an altered police, as he saw his brother, Damion kale packing his items for the journey ahead of him.

His mind drifted to a conversation he had with his brother last night.

"look, kid bro you know I won't just leave you here with dad alone,"Damion said while lying down on their bed.

"I know it's just that I'll miss you so much," Derek said with tears dripping from his left eye.

Damion looked at Derek like a lost puppy that needed saving, but Damion knew that he couldn't stay back.

"Derek get a hold over your self, you ain't no kid anymore, now that am leaving the house, for the APF program, i need you to be strong and also take care of this old man for me", Damion said while standing up from the bed and hugged his brother.

"And by the way, you know we need money, so look at me being in the APF as an opportunity to work, while sending money to sort out bill for you and dad", Damion said.

"Alright bro I've heard you", Derek said.

"But I'll send you a parting gift when am settled in the military program, now get some sleep tomorrow is gonna be a long day for you, so cheer up for me bro", Damion said while covering himself with the duvet.

Derek remembering the conversation between him and his brother last night, it gave him strength.

"Its time let's all go to the bus stop so that Damion may start his journey" mr Kane said.

Damion stood up, picking his back pack and carrying his traveling box, as he exited the house he cracked a joke just to lighten the atmosphere.

"Bro you need to stop saying that shit, you crack me up with that joke every time, and come to think of it, it's a privilege that you're selected among the ten people for the military program", Derek said.

The family of three walked towards the bus stop quietly, and by this time it's already 6:36 am, and that when mr Kane broke the silence.

"Damion I know you can be",mr Kane gulped before continuing his speech, "hot headed sometimes, but the military is very strict any misunderstanding you're toast, so you need to comport yourself and obey the rules, hope you're listening to me Damion ?", his father asked.

"Yeah yeah, dad I gat you, you know I can also be cool headed too right ?", Damion replied also making Derek laugh.

The long anticipated bus Stopped, and while Damien was about to enter the bus, he turned back and said "goodbye" and the bus drove off.

"Dad am running late already, so see ya later, I gat to run, bye", Derek shouted while running towards his school's direction.

On his way to school he passed many Street, allies, and he saw some gang members flying their gang colors, and making all sorts of taunting sounds but he didn't even pay them any form of attention, not even slightly.

While working he heard some footsteps behind him, Derrick noticed this a mile away, but he kept on moving so as, not to make the person trailing him to know that his aware.

So he took the next Turning, and waited to intercept the stalker, while Derek was waiting the person passed him and kept moving forward, shockingly the stalker was wearing the same school uniform like his own.

Opon taking a closer look at the stalker, it appears that it was his best friend Freddy that was Stalking him secretly, So he jumped on Freddy, and Freddy shouted "bro you scared the hell out of me, man what the hell did you do that for huh ?",

"Wait, are you scared, but you were the one stalking me a while ago", Derek replied while throwing his hand wildly in the air.

Two of them, both Derek and Freddy continue laughing, joking And hitting each other as they walked to school.

Freddy asked Derek about his holiday, and Derek simply replied "it was uneventful, and my brother had to leave for military program early this morning so it was pretty much boring.

They both walked into the school hallway, and walked straight to their lockers, while looking inside, and checking the contents inside. after that, they both walked into their classroom and sat down on their separate desk.

The teacher walked into the class, greeted everybody and went straight to Business, she addressed them about the resumption, and after that she started teaching them maths

Even though news about the altereds were rampard, and everyone knew of their existence, the schools that are non altered schools still used their normal curriculum of teaching.

After the teacher left it wasn't up to 5 minutes, it's break time already and everyone brought out their devices, watching videos of altered fights.

In this time and and age, fights where more popular, and when I say fights , I mean altered fights, when the altered first came out, the olympics crashed immediately, the same thing happened to wrestling, WWE fell to their knees , and the World Wide Altered Fights, was born into existence.

And Derek has always been, fantasizing about being an altered, but he's weak and at the same time poor so he, tried excluding things like that, from his thoughts.

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