

[ Three thousand years ago]

The once harmonious relationship between humans and demons shattered, plunging them into a devastating war that spanned countless decades.

This catastrophic conflict claimed the lives of hundreds of millions on both sides, transforming what were once vibrant battlefields into desolate landscapes of death and despair.

The rivers, once clear and life-giving, ran thick with the blood of fallen warriors, bearing witness to the unimaginable horrors that befell the land.

Homes were reduced to ashes, villages lay in ruins, and the anguished cries of orphaned children pierced the air, echoing the anguish that gripped the hearts of the inhabitants.

The aftermath of the Great War left the realm in the grip of poverty and despair, casting a suffocating shadow over its people.

During the war, the Thirteen Knight demons from the bloodlines, possessed great power, making it impossible for any human to touch them, resulting in countless human lives being lost.

Once, in a sudden event, a light from the sky fell on the land - God's blessings, blessing the humans with divine favor. They received the celestial stone, a mystical artifact capable of transforming into a ring when touched by a worthy individual. This wondrous creation came to be known as the 'Divine Ring.'

Empowered by its magic, the humans found their mana and strength augmented, enabling them to wage war against the Thirteen Knight demons.

However, the Divine Ring's power was entrusted only to a chosen few, ensuring that its potent capabilities remained in the hands of those truly deserving.

As the demons began to crumble beneath the relentless onslaught, several demon armies faced devastating defeats, their captured brethren subjected to unimaginable torture that only ended in their gruesome demise.

Despite these hard-fought victories, the impenetrable defenses of the demon nation's capital remained impervious, guarded by the indomitable demon king known as Athur.

His awe-inspiring might rendered every human attempt to breach his stronghold utterly futile, further strengthening the demons' unwavering hold over their dominion.

The demon king Athur overpowered every human, losing his temper and reclaiming the places captured by the humans. Yet, surprisingly, after his success, he protected his people at all costs.

Athur personified the essence of a true Demon King, instilling fear and despair in the hearts of all those who dared stand against him.

After the war ended, the demon king Athur went missing, leaving the entire country trembling and plunged into chaos.

In order to avoid further conflict, the Thirteen noble families took control over the country, assuming authority over currency, weapons, magic, finance, agriculture, food production, protecting demons, and surveilling the borders, among other responsibilities.

There were noble humans who vehemently refused to accept defeat. Driven by pride, greed, hatred, and an insatiable thirst for power, they transformed into the true monsters of society.

These individuals harbored a deep-seated desire to eradicate every demon and subjugate the demon nation under their tyrannical rule. In their twisted quest for dominance, they united, forming a resistance movement that sought to overthrow the demons and seize control of the realm.

However, the resistance movement faced total disaster due to the failure of their plan. Some of them were killed, some managed to escape, and some chose to remain in silence, hidden in


"In a world where Demons are good and Humans are evil"

Albedo_xcreators' thoughts
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