
The Blood Codex

What is it like to hate, to truly hate till the only thoughts that consume you are vengeance. Dexter had always felt a strong hate for the world, just as his father felt a strong hate for him. He comes across a book in the library called The Codex and right as he is dying he reaches out to it. [Awakening Blood Codex] [10% complete] [50% complete] [99% complete]

IMoney · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: Stronger


Name: Dexter

Blood type: O

Gender: Male

Age: 14

State: Malnourished]


Lv3: 0/30


Soul: 2.7

Strength: .4

Agility: 1

Vitality: .5

Defense: .5

Intelligence: 2.6

Mana: .1

Active skills: Block Lv3. Basic Survival Skills Lv2. Manipulation Lv2. Acting Lv4. Sprint Lv1.

Passive skills: Hatred Lv1. Selfish Lv.Max

P points: 2

S points: 0}

Dexter saw that he had 2 purchase points from the 2 level ups he had, he would've went on but the squirrels got suspicious and refused to be tempted by the acorn mash.

Dexter was unsure that there would be anything that cheap in the skill store that was worth it.

Just as he was about to click the skill store tab on his interface he heard a-

[DING would host like a tutorial of the skill store and 1 free skill recommendation]


[The Skill store use depends on what skills are bought host's skills will be kept in mind when host turns level 15 as that is when host will change their race and class]

[Skills can be gained naturally and the closer host is to gaining a skill the cheaper it will be in the skill store]

[Host will have a 50% discount upon first purchase]

Right in front of Dexter's eyes he could see the skill store.


Search Bar

Specified Search Bar]

[Using the specified search bar host can make sure that the only skills host sees are within host's purchase limits]

[S.A.I recommends Basic Toxin Immunity {Passive}]

Dexter went to the Specified Search Bar

To search up toxin immunity.

[Basic Toxin Immunity 2p (50% discount)

Intermediate Toxin Immunity 20p

(50% discount)

Toxin Immunity 200p (50% discount)


'I Purchase The basic toxin Immunity'

[FINALIZE PURCHASE OF: Basic Toxin Immunity. YES/NO]


[Gained: Basic Toxin Immunity]

Dexter started coughing he couldn't see, black goop was coming out of his eyes and mouth, all he could feel was the slightly metallic liquid sliding up his throat and the feeling of his tears mixing up with the strange liquid as it dripped down his face.

Dexter quickly shoved his hand down his throat to trigger his gag reflex. The best way to stop this was for him to get out all of the black slimy liquid that he couldn't help but feel was blood.

His knees buckled as he dropped to the ground curling into a fetal position.

Once Dexter was certain that it was over he lifted himself up his arms shaking as he put his weight onto them.

He dragged his barely functioning body over to the creek and looked at his reflection.

He had black goop all over his skin so he scooped up some of the water and wiped his face as he glanced at his reflection once again he was shocked.

All of his former acne was gone and his hair had a sheen to it that it lacked before. His dark brown hair fully complimenting his golden eyes.

What shocked Dexter the most though was that his eyes before leaned more towards brown than gold but now the gold was apparent it speckled his eyes like freckles or stars that shined in the galaxy.

His frame was still thin but his skin was smooth as if all the callouses were removed his scars were still there but they were no longer scabbed over but instead they looked like they had been picked and all that was left was marks.

After Dexter's body adjusted to the loss of mass he realized that he felt different.

He felt lighter and the breathes he took were easier, it was like he never realized how suffocated his airways were before.

[+ .2 vitality]

[+ .1 strength]

Dexter had gotten stronger he refused to be weak to have to struggle to get even an ounce of happiness.

He despised the thought of it so he would do anything to become stronger.

Everything can be sacrificed so he could be stronger.

[^Hatred Lv.UP]

I will have an update schedule of 2-4 times a week I most likely won’t update on Mondays so you can expect Tuesdays and Wednesdays I will update in the morning and my chapters will usually have at least 600 words.

IMoneycreators' thoughts