

Long ago, before the coming of civilization, There lived 5 great nations which were the Humans, Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, and lastly Goblins. They all lived in perfect harmony and worked together as one, but unfortunately, all good things came to an end when one Goblin named Omhigan, desired power and wanted to rule all these nations. After filling his people's heads with his poisonous ideas, they too followed him and began to attack other nations, The Goblins were creatures who had the ability to control and produce fire at will, so Omhigan combined his people's magic powers and created a weapon called " Burning Star" What which had the devastating power of Cataclysm, a power so destructive it destroyed the entire nations in one sweep. But the creation of the "Burning star " came with a heavy price and that was the lives of his own people, immediately after the Cataclysm was activated his people were gone as well. The Survivors of the Cataclysm united and defeated Omhigan once and of all and that was how the Goblin nation became extinct and peace returned at last. But hundreds of years after The Great war, The nations started fighting amongst themselves and they were divided, many lives and clans were lost as a result of this conflict. The nations that fought bitterly with each other were the vampires and the werewolves, who massacred each other for hundreds of years. Almost on the brink of Extinction, One Wizard named Orlando suggested a peace treaty between them and offered a solution that might unite them once again and that solution was the creation of a school where every nation would attend and socialize with one another, Everyone agreed except the Vampires and werewolves who still hated each other so much. Tired of the mass killings they too finally agreed to the peace treaty but they still hated each other... Along the line, something happened that led to the discovery of a long-hidden secret that would change the lives of everyone forever..........

Sarah_Micheal_3518 · Fantasie
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9 Chs



Being in Hibernation for 5,000 years is sure a long time. I feel like I've been lost in time and I doubt if I can settle in this new world that has evolved.

The last thing I remember before I went into Hibernation was my parents being killed before my very eyes by an Evil being whom everyone thought to be long dead.

After witnessing that horrible event, I was saved from the jaws of death by a witch who took me to the far end of the world where Evil will never be able to find me.

After that, I was in a dark place in which I thought I would never wake up. Throughout my long slumber, I've been getting weird dreams that I couldn't comprehend. I was 15 years old when I was put into Hibernation.

Many years later, I finally woke up from my hibernation chamber and the world I was in now was totally different from the one I was used to, But this time I didn't wake up as a fifteen-year-old boy, I am now a grown-up man.

Everyone might be surprised how I'm still looking young for so long, well it's quite simple…

Lady Artemis the witch who saved me gave me a portion that decelerated my growth cells to make sure that I didn't grow normally like the others, after that she used the last of her magic and trapped me in a magic ice sphere... She never told me her reasons for her actions, all she told me was that the sphere would free me when the time was right, and after that she disappeared.

After I was freed from the Ice sphere, I found myself in a strange-looking environment, there was no soul in sight, just me.

After I regained control of my senses, I spotted a ruby necklace in front of me. I remembered the necklace because it belonged to Lady Artemis. This necklace was all that was left of her. I took the necklace and began to walk to wherever my legs took me to.


My name is Arthur Xagon and I'm a Wolfire. Wolfire is half breed created as a result of the cross breeds between two different species namely Vampire and Werewolf.

Wolfires look like a werewolf on the outside but unlike werewolves, The Wolfire are four times bigger in size on the inside, we have some of the abilities of a vampire which are:-

Super speed




Thanks to our mixed genetics, Wolfires are literally immune to all weakness suffered by both werewolves and vampires except Silver.

In other words, We are stronger than either vampires or werewolves. Sadly, as much as I hate to say this, I'm the only one in existence.

My father Xagon was a werewolf and my mother Anna is a vampire, they both loved each other and lived far away from their families, fearing that they might be put to death. Unfortunately, Death found its way to them when Omhigan attacked them one night and killed them all.

My parents once told me that Wolfires existed in the past but they mysteriously went extinct and Traces of their existence were wiped out from history. I've heard Tales about the Goblin mass murderer Omhigan and the extinction of the goblins from the face of the earth, From what I was told he was dead thousands of years ago but seeing him in my parent's house that terrible night made me realize, He had faked his death and with time finish what he started.


After 2 hours of endless trekking, I found a house where I was received by a human, She was very kind and generous to me, but all the hospitality came to an end once her husband came home later that night and saw the treatment his wife was giving me. After that, things didn't end well for me, I was kicked out of the house.

After I left the house, I got to the main road and got a ride to another place called New-york, I was amazed by the manner in which I was being transported to the place.

Time sure went by and the world had changed a lot. The humans had made fascinating inventions that I couldn't possibly comprehend and among these inventions is the " Truck", It was the contraption I was in when transported to New-York.

After many hours, I arrived at the place, It was so noisy and full of lights., I looked out from the truck staring at the place which I was in and there were so many weird things. Eventually, I soon got out of the truck and began to wander through the streets staring at the people. There weren't just humans but there were also vampires, witches, and werewolves amidst the crowds.

Back in my time before I went into hibernation, every clan was at war with each other but not here they are mingling and socializing.

An hour passed since I came to this city and I had no idea where I was going plus I was also hungry, Darkness had covered the city and I had to find a place to sleep.

Just as I was passing through a dark alley, I spotted two vampires manhandling a lady trying to rape and steal from her, while the other one was busy with her back, the other one was busy ripping off her clothes.


Lady ➡ Please... Let me…Go!!


Vampire 1 ➡ Relax you human b-tch… You'll enjoy this… HA, HA, HA. After all, the night is still young.


Vampire 2 ➡ Man! This b-tch is deep in her pockets.. Look at the bundle of cash I just found.


Lady ➡ No please that's my... ARGGHHHH!


Vampire 1 ➡ Stay where you are b-tch or I'll break your neck. Everything you own is now ours. HA, HA, HA.


The poor lady was in terrible danger, the other Vampire was inflicting pain on her by strangling her neck while the other watched with amusement, I just couldn't standby and do nothing, so I decided to help the lady out.


Arthur ➡ Hey! Let her go! NOW!


Vampire 1 ➡ Who are you supposed to be? A knight in shining armor? HA, HA, HA.


Vampire 2 ➡ Get lost stranger before you make yourself bleed.


Arthur ➡ Did you fools hear me? Let her go or suffer the consequences.


Vampire 2 ➡ Here hold this cash bro, let me show this mustached fool what happens to people to poke their nose in other people's business.


Vampire 1 ➡ Don't kill him yet… Let him suffer a little.


Vampire 2 ➡ I get it… Slow torture… HA! Here I come.