
Weapons, Dinner and a Question

They all stood in silence for a bit, before Muzaka asked the question that popped into his mind "What do you think, Tsume-chan?" everyone in the room noticed he added -chan to her name, including himself that looked slightly taken aback at himself, before he looked at Tsume as if studying her with narrowed eyes before they shot open as if he was shocked by something before returning to normal, Tsume was blushing the entire time and her blushing caused the others to chuckle or giggle at her.

"Alright, if you all come around near lunch time tomorrow, I should have the weapons ready for you by then. Oh, and one more thing. You can all call me Muzaka, Amakuni Yasutsuna is the name I use with people I don't know or don't want knowing my real name. So y'all can just call me Muzaka" Muzaka told them, and as they all left out the front of the shop, the people that was walking in the area looked at all of them in shock. All of their outfits were unorthodox, but at the same time it gave all of them an aura of pressure.

*Tsume POV*

Walking back with the others, we split off agreeing to meet up at 1 PM the next day in front of the shop, and I jumped up on the roofs with Kuromaru, making a beeline towards the Inuzuka clan compound. Jumping through the air, I could feel that this armor was made with care, and attention to combat feel, and allowed me to use my All Fours combat style even more naturally. Muzaka really knew how to make armor that worked with the user of the equipment, that was for sure. When I thought about him, I couldn't help but feel my cheeks heat up, there was something about him that just called for my attention. I arrived at the gates of the compound, and walked through, noticing the shocked looks of the other clan members that saw me, which made me grin inwardly. Coming to the front door of my house, I kind of hoped my mother would be home to get her reaction.

Opening the door, I called out "I'm home!" and it turned out mother was indeed home, as I heard her respond "Welcome home, pup, how was your-" I heard her walking closer, and as she was about to ask how my day was she walked around the corner and saw my outfit, and I couldn't keep the grin off my face as I saw her complete shock.

"What do you think, mother?" I asked, and she snapped out of it before walking over to Kuromaru and myself to take a closer inspection of the armor we were wearing, taking curious looks of all the parts, noticing the tabard that I had donned, she nodded her head and gave me a feral grin "Nice. A very well done piece of armor I must say. How did you get it?" I chuckled at her question "I was hanging out with Kushina and Mikoto, and we met up with Minato, Inoichi, Chouza and Shikaku. While walking, we noticed a new store with a sign outside, stating that they would make free equipment for the first 5 shinobi or kunoichi, at their own discretion. If they didn't like you, it was a no-go. We walked in to see if there was anything. The entire front section of the store was empty, no wares on show or anything and honestly we were slightly sceptic because of this. That's when he called out to us and told us that he was simply too lazy to make some things for display or quick sale at the moment. Rated all of our equipment D rank at best. Mother, the Nidaimes Raijin was only ranked as A rank. This armor is S rank. He made 7 pairs of armor, S rank all of them, each armor, if you were to pay for it, is 5.000.000 Ryo. He said we can pick up our weapons tomorrow at around lunch. They too are S ranked weapons, each worth 5.000.000 Ryo too. You should see the others. No, wait, come with me tomorrow to pick up my weapons, and the others. You will see then what I am talking about! I can't wait to see him again though" I spoke quickly and excitedly the entire time, and I got louder and louder I realized, all except the last part which I whispered out, but it seems mother heard me "So you got a crush on this guy, eh pup?" I blushed before shaking my head slightly "It's more than that mother, in front of him it's like my entire body is screaming at me that I belong to him" when I told her, she was shocked. Before she smirked at me "Well, before I was interested and very tempted to go, now I simply HAVE to go and see who managed to snare my little pup like that. He might be my son-in-law after all" at her words I just blushed and told her I was heading off for bed.

Waking up early next morning, the time flew past quickly as I trained with Kuromaru in order to completely get used to our armor. It was like it was becoming part of us. That was of course after reminding mother that we would have to leave so we would be at the shop at 1 PM. Washing up, and donning my armor, we left for the shop, and arriving shortly before 1PM, we saw everyone else arrive too. Seeing mothers face at us wearing our equipment was priceless, and she was honestly greatly impressed. She also noted that all of us donned the same green piece of cloth, and she honestly found the piece aestethically pleasing on all of us, and didn't seem to disrupt the equipment too much.

We walked into the store, and this time the front wasn't empty.

*Muzaka POV*

Without sleeping, I managed to craft all of the weapons by the time it was morning. Taking a quick nap, I woke up at 10 AM. Deciding to put the weapons on display with notes that they already had owners, I did just that. Bringing the weapons on display inside the shop, not in the windows. Had to keep it a bit of a surprise for them.

When 1 PM came around I had taken a few custom orders of lower rank worth, and finished it all. I made a bit of profit on every craft, enough to make sure I could buy things from the system store I had. I was sitting down wearing a white shirt with a large V neck, large enough to show the 3 scars on my chest. I wore casual black almost tight fitting jeans.

I saw them all enter, with the addition of a woman that resembled Tsume quite a lot, and figured that she was here to check if 'I was good enough for her daughter'

Giving them a casual wave, I pointed at the displayed items "I decided to go ahead and make weapons that would be useful, match your outfits, and also fits your build, skill set and what I found to be your most suitable type of weapon. For Kushina and Minato, I decided to continue with the his and hers theme, so I made a weapon, which is pretty much similar to the other, you can say one is the female to the male sword. They are both Felsteel Longblades, but have yet to be named. Both are already attuned to be used only by yourself or your descendants in the future" I handed them each a katana-like weapon, but the blade itself had a trio of colors, red, blue and black. The swords were opposites when it came to the color. They giddily took them, and could feel the connection immediately. "Chouza, meet Gorehowl. It's a battleaxe" throwing him the axe, he caught the massive thing, the blade of the axe was enormous, and there was a hole in the axe leaving an opening. Truly, it was like a mix between an axe and a scythe. He too could feel the connection to the weapon, and instantly felt like it was tailor made for him. I quickly explained the weapons of the others to them, and finally came the time to the last one. Tsumes claws. They were the ones that looked the most inconspicous, the most normal in the world of shinobi. But what I told them shocked them. "Tsume-chan, when making your claws I might have gotten a bit too excited" they all looked weirdly at me when I said that. Huh. I guess I should explain "I might have added some of my blood to them, allowing you access to some of what makes me.. well me. Put them on and I'll both explain and show you. Oh, by the way, because I added my blood to it, they are now SS ranked weapons. Congrats!" I said nonchalantly at the end, and they all just looked at me as if I suddenly became even weirder than before, or sprouted a second head. When she put them on, she could feel it. Both the weapons, and the call that was now available to her. "Can you feel it? Both the weapon and the call" I asked her. She looked at me and nodded. I looked around, locked the shop and marked for being closed, gesturing them to follow me upstairs. When we got up the stairs into my apartment, I lead them into my living room and asked them to have a seat. "Tsume-chan, pay close attention, we'll be training this for you later, since you need to be able to enter the state almost as fluently as I do" I stand up straighter, and right before I start, I think of something. "I'm only taking my shirt off so you can see what happens better, just to make sure you know Tsume-chan" I took off my shirt as I told them. Returning to my fully standing position, they see my claws grow out and fur sprout up my arms and connect to the sides of my chest, making me look feral. "This is only part of it. I can keep going further" I let them know, and continue till I stand in front of them as a wolf. I am twice the size of Kuromaru. Turning back to my human form, I keep talking "Tsume-chan you will only be able to use the first part. It will greatly improve all your physical capabilities and senses" they all looked at me in shock and I just chuckled at them while putting back on my shirt. "Oh, and by the way, I am capable of using all of those weapons, so I will be teaching you how to wield them properly. Like all skills, they can be ranked in 5 categories of skill-level. Novice, Learned, Master, Grand Master and finally God of said skill, as example God of Smithing, and I won't stop training you till you reach at least Master level. Honestly, I would say Grand Master level, but I am sure you do not want me nagging you in five years time how to wield your weapon" I chuckled at the thought of heckling them in five years about their weapon uses.

Catching on the ranking system, Shikaku smartly asks "So, what rank are you?"

Smirking at him "Do you want the full list of what is worthwhile of my abilities?" to which he just nodded. I returned the nod.

"I am... God of Smithing. God of Leatherwork. God of Woodwork. God of Cooking. Grand Master in Sewing and Fuinjutsu. I am at the very least Grand Master in any weapon. Did you think I named my shop GodCraft as a joke? I tore down three shops, and built mine after clearing my land in a single day. On day two I put the finishing touches on the insides. And then in the evening made seven sets of S rank armor" I told them while grinning. "Now then, who's hungry? I need to make myself some lunch, so if any of you want some grub let me know and I'll make some extra" they all nodded and I walked into the kitchen, shortly after Tsume followed me in, not wearing her wolf hood.

"Why are you helping me so much? Think I can't handle myself on my own?" she asked me, looking straight into my eyes, looking for answers. I simply shrugged "Nah, you can handle yourself. The reason I added my blood is because I somehow already like you. I'd rather you stay alive to dislike me for helping you, rather than having you dead and liking me" I told her honestly, and it was clearly not a response she expected, going by the furious blush she couldn't control. A blush on such a dominating and feral woman is downright hot, I had to admit to myself.

"Really?" she couldn't help but ask, to which I sighed, looked straight into her eyes "Yes, really" I responded and after that, turned around to begin cooking. Half an hour later a massive feast was on the dinner table for everyone to dig in.

As everyone finished their dinner, I told them to show up here at 9 AM next morning to begin weapon training. Though, before Tsume left, I dragged her to the side.

"Tsume-chan, want to go on a date with me some time?" I asked with a smile, and I secretly enjoyed the small look of shock that she showed then. She nodded "Sure. It wouldn't hurt I guess" and I nodded in return. As I saw her leave, turning and waving to me first, I smiled and waved back, as she ran to catch up to her mother. The smile never leaving my face for the rest of the day.

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