
The Black Wizard

In a new fantasy realm, Cain finds himself reborn as the son of a high-ranking Marquis. Hoping to become a Holy Knight and live his life in peace, he is shocked to discover the existence of a group known as wizards, whom even the strongest Holy Knights pale in comparison to. Follow Cain's journey as he sets out to become a dark wizard, determined to ascend to the pinnacle of this world. .............................. As a new writer, this is my first novel, and as a non-English speaker, there might be some errors so please bear with it. Thanks.

Lucifer_Arcnine · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Chapter 11

After Oron left, we all headed towards the wizard apprentice residential area. There, I saw many people in wizard robes, walking around alone or in groups. Besides the wizards, there were also slaves of various races, from humans to beastmen to many other races whose names I didn't know. The wizard world was clearly more advanced than Czar and other continents. The streets were spotless, and the houses were made of various materials I didn't even recognize. It felt like stepping into a completely different world, one that was much more sophisticated and organized.

After wandering alone for a while, I asked a human sweeping the streets about the location of the housing allocation office. The man, seemingly accustomed to such inquiries, kindly pointed me in the right direction. After searching for a while and passing by various bustling marketplaces and serene parks, I finally found the office and went in.

Ten minutes later, I emerged from the building with a map detailing all the places in the academy, from official buildings to the black market. The map was intricately designed, highlighting not just the major landmarks but also hidden nooks and shortcuts that only seasoned residents might know.

Following the map, I found a modest two-room house with a bedroom and a bathroom. While the house wasn't very large, it wasn't too cramped either. It had a cozy feel, with a small garden outside and a sturdy wooden door. After placing my clothes in the wardrobe and arranging other necessities, I sat on my bed and began to delve into the Shadowless Meditation method. The bed was surprisingly comfortable, with soft linens that made me feel at home.

According to this meditation method, to become a first-rank wizard apprentice, you must remember and etch nine basic runes in your mental space with spiritual energy . Only then can you formally become a wizard apprentice and control a small amount of magical energy or mana, which can strengthen your spirit and body and help you cast basic zero-rank spells. The mental space is a spiritual place in our soul that stores our spiritual energy, which is directly proportional to the amount of magical energy or mana we use. Engraving these runes increases the total amount of spiritual energy.

Similarly, to become a second-rank wizard apprentice, you have to engrave 21 additional runes on top of the basic nine. To become a third-rank wizard apprentice, you need to engrave 32 more runes in your spiritual space. However, in addition to engraving the runes, you must also have enough spiritual energy, making daily meditation essential for all apprentices. No information was provided about becoming an official wizard, so I set aside that matter for now, as it was not relevant at this stage.

Focusing deeply on my meditation, it took me about an hour to roughly memorize the first rune, even with my four-star talent. Thinking about how much time it must take those with one and two-star talent was distressing. Now, the next step was to engrave the rune in my mental space. This step was much more difficult than the first.

Just as I was about to engrave it, I felt a sensation in my head. Focusing on it, I realized it was my cheat that had been refreshed. After going through so much in such a short period, I had completely forgotten about my cheat.

There was no need to think about what to use it for, as it was obvious. While I was about to upgrade the Shadowless Meditation method, a feeling of longing came from what I considered my cheat in my mind. Focusing on the source of it, I found it pointed towards the pocket in my clothes. Remembering what was in it, I took out a shining magic crystal. The touch of the magic crystal intensified the longing sensation.

Although I had only five such magic crystals, I knew the cheat was more important. Allowing it to absorb the magic crystal, a magical scene unfolded before me. Where my hand touched the crystal, an orb that constantly changed colors emerged. Like a living creature, a crack like a mouth opened on it, and it immediately swallowed the magic crystal. After digesting the crystal, the glowing sphere fed me a large amount of information as well as new features it had unlocked.

According to the information, this sphere-like entity was a fragment of the omniscient and omnipotent Yog-Sothoth, one of the most powerful beings in existence. During a titanic battle with the Lord of Tindalos, Mhi'thrha, this fragment was separated from Yog-Sothoth's body. By a twist of fate, it attached itself to my soul when I died, leading to my reincarnation in the nearest world from there. To Yog-Sothoth, this eye was an insignificant part, much like a single cell in a human body, which allowed it to form a symbiotic relationship with me without overwhelming my being.

The eye, despite containing a minuscule portion of Yog-Sothoth's power and vast knowledge, had sealed itself to avoid accidentally killing me. This seal was necessary because the sheer power of Yog-Sothoth, even in a fragment, could easily obliterate an unprepared mind and body like mine. However, as I grow stronger, parts of this seal will gradually lift, allowing me to access more of its capabilities. The magic crystal I had served as nourishment, awakening the eye from its unconscious state and enabling it to unlock new functions for me.

'Status' aligning with my thoughts, a window appeared in front of me. The eye, drawing from my memory, presented the familiar format to simplify its accessibility.





MANA : 0






Looking at the panel, I was a little surprised. Even after being an official knight, the panel still showed him as an ordinary human. This indicated that in the eye's view, whether I became a knight or not was irrelevant.

Not focusing more on the panel, I decided to first upgrade my Shadowless Meditation method. After giving the order, a vast amount of information compared to before began to fill my mind. Before I could read and understand it, along with heavy dizziness, I fainted.