


/"Why bother coming if you are not even going to walk through those doors and see your brother?/" Those were Sonya's words earlier before MJ left the hospital.

Under normal circumstances, MJ would have been pissed by Sonya's nagging, but she was right.

Her visits were becoming less frequent, and she never stayed for too long. She always wondered to herself what the use was, whether she was in the hospital, in the parking lot, or hotel, there was no change in Jorge's condition.

She had avoided going to where it all began for quite some time, but she could not run from it forever.

Upon arrival, the beach house was nothing like she remembered, it felt like a place harboured by the dead, like there was something left behind.

She did not know how to feel, either the place was cursed or her family was.

First it was her kidnapping, and now Jorge was shot.