

  Danielle had planned not to back down without teaching the Dominicks a good lesson. After the confirmation she got from Shannelle, she was ready to set her plan in motion.

  That afternoon, she was meeting with a man, his name was Henry Damon and he was Adele's ex-boyfriend. How Danielle met with him remained a mystery, but they both had grudges against Jamal and were looking for an opportunity to get back at him.

  Danielle knew that working with a man like Henry would yield fruitful results.

  "You are here." Said Henry as he rose from his seat to greet Danielle. He stretched out his right hand for a handshake which Danielle gladly accepted with a smile.

  Once they were done with greetings, they sat down to discuss the purpose of their meeting.

  "Henry, you have no idea how excited I am to see you. I can't wait to set this plan in motion so I can teach those brats a lesson." Said Danielle.