
The Billionaire's Weakness

''ooh !so that's it then,listen here you Jerk (I said grabbing a collar of his shirt)if you think I'm gonna stand here and watch you humiliate me,you thought wrong,we are done,and this time there is no going back "Ariah. ............ Tariah Patricia Anderson is a 24 year old who her life become a living hell when she met the hot billionaire and fall in love with him despite all the hate and disgust from the beginning. Edward Barmaceda is a 26 her old hot billionaire known for his wormanizing ,arrogance, looks and fame,he fell in love with an ordinary girl that he never thought he could fall in love with. Edward Barmaceda created and took over his fathers businesses he's one of the richest man across the African continent , he settled in Namibia to extend his business using his ruthless ways of grabbing opportunities as always .This time he was humilated by a low life girl and he become questioning his dignity ,respect when all he did was stare at the beauty in front of him instead of taking an action . He started helping out the girl in her life problems but he always make sure to hurt her in the process knowingly or unknowingly which sometimes made him feel guilty at times , they never really liked each other even when they lived in the same roof yet he offered her a roof without paying a penny with the excuse of her paying his depts which was just an excuse to keep her close. He was faced with the greatest challenge of his life that not even money or fame could do anything to solve the matter .Despite all the ruthless and trauma Tariah went through because of him she stayed by his side during his most difficult time and that's where the strongest connection started , they started dating but he didn't want the public to know because he thought they would look down on him, she kept on pursuing him to tell the public but he never did even when she was pregnant with his child , when she dicided to leave him he become miserable and he almost lost his wealth to his enemies because he was trying to protect the love of his life even when she didn't want anything to do with him.He finally realised that she's indeed his weakness. .....

Amalia_Itamalo · Teenager
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29 Chs

chapter 28

Edward's POV..

"I'm sorry baby girl ,are you happy now?"I asked looking at her glowing beautiful skin as she blushes.

" I'm more than happy"she said her face becoming red , she's one hell of a cute woman.

" So, can I ?i asked opening my arms for a huge hug ,I just want to feel her body on me.

"Hell no , what do you think you are perpetrating" she spoke up letting my arms fall back on it's original spot.

(feisty much)

(I like feisty)

"It's just a normal hug" I tried reasoning with her and don't ask me why cause I also don't comprehend the sudden change in me.

"Seriously?" i asked looking at her with an amused and confused look

"Ok , ok, I guess 45 second hug will not do any harm., so come on pretty boy"she said smiling brightly.

(that smile brighten my day)

That was the confirmation I needed to feel that body on me, just wanted to sing " I just wanna feel your body on me!!!. I don't even know whose the artist is coz it seriously doesn't matter at this point .

" so it's pretty boy huh"i said not ready to let go yet!

Guys you all know that feeling, so don't get me started....with the butterfly in the stomach , knees becoming weak, your heart beating fast as if it's about to explode and all those romance crap , reality is hitting me in the face right now

"mmh" she hummed enjoying the warmth feeling created by our physique.

(told you,it's a feeling I will never trade for anything)

I guess we both needed it.

"So what did the doctor say " she said breaking the moment after the starring competition.

"Oh that" I said acting nervous

(give me the damn medals ,my acting skills are on firerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)

"Is it that bad"she said biting her bottom lip.

(bite those lips once again and I will smash my lips on you ,girl don't play with me)

( so tempting)

" Starring is rude Eddy"

"Eddy my eyes are here "


"Edward Bamaceda " she called out finally taking me out from my.....you know..

"Damn girl, I'm not deaf ,you just unnerve me from looking at the most tempting beautiful thing I have ever laid my eyes on" I said

"And don't call me Edward , Eddy sounds better and sexy coming from your mouth" I said

" ok "she said blushing showing of her dimples that I'm only seeing now.

" okay? , just like that , no Edward this ,Edward that "I asked a bit surprised because I was seriously not expecting that.

" yes "she declared

" like everyday, you will get to call me Eddy and not Edward in the morning in the middle of the night in the afternoon, whether we are on good terms or not , even when you are working up, taking a bath, when you are eating "I confirmed.

(what the hell is wrong with me, what kind of questions are those)

" Yes. yes. yes, don't get on my nerves or I will change my mind "she said getting annoyed.

" okay "I said with a big smile plastered on my face, she just made me the happiest man on earth.

" So Eddy ,what did the doctor say?"she asked with a serious expression on her face.

(she just ruined my moment)

"So the doctor said you should start excersing, eat fruits and vegetables, drink lot of water , eat healthy meals thrice a day, dress sexy and don't cut your hair, move into my bedroom and lastly don't stress too much"I said with a heavy breath as it was too much info stored in my brain,I really do have a great memory ,don't I?

(she gave me the "are you kidding me look)

I mean after all my efforts of rembering what the doctor said ,all I got is that look , come on Tariah just hug me already , reward me for my espionage.

(I mean that's what the doctor said as far as I can remember.)

" Ok, thank you for telling me what the doctor said and what you added to what she said ,I appreciate it a lot " she said with a straight face.

"So what do you want to eat princess,I'm at your service" I asked changing the subject.

"Mmmmmh" she said touching her chin as if thinking of something

"Mmh!" I hummed looking at her beautiful face.

" How about you decide for me ?I can't put my mind to anything I wanna eat right now."she said after a couple of minutes of her pretending to think of something

"I'm just going to order pizza, pie,, burger, smoothies and coke ,I hope it's fine by you" I asked coz you guys all know that I don't know how to cook,I'm not going to embarrass my self in front of her

.I'm not doing that"guy cook nice food for a lady , lady falls inlove with him all those

crazy romance stories and movies.

This is the real world ,so no cooking! periodt!

"I'm no one to demand so yeah,it's cool by me " she said

"" It should be here in 5 minutes " I said looking at my watch.

(silence and stealing glances at each other)

"So what do you want to tell me or do to pass the 4 minutes before the food get hear. Coz if you keep looking at me like that ,I will not control myself , so baby girl what do you want to do, but if you want to keep looking at me than I can be your fine art for the whole day." I declared.

(guess what guys she walk out on me, me?Edward)

(Just kidding , she went to get the remote for the tv)

(dramatic much)

"So what do you wanna watch" she said while sitting down and turning her face towards me.

"you" I blurted out without thinking

"what?" she asked confused

"I mean ,watching yo....what I mean to say have you ever heard of a movie or series with the title of" You."i asked not getting exactly what I'm asking

"No,I have nev..., wait what " she asked flabbergasted.

"It's a tv series" you",i have heard about it but I have never seen it,,thought you could do me the honour of watching it together with you , but it's okay if you don't want to "what am I saying.

" It sound scary from the mentioning of it's name , so it's a total no, suggest something else," she said

"okay how about killing Sarai, it's a romantic action movie "I suggested as it's the only movie I know.

" is it scary, "she asked

(girls with their fear of scary movies, I mean you can tell that those are lies, but whatever, it is what is)

" No, it's not, on the contrary, it's the best you will ever get to watch, trust me," I said

"ok, cool, let's watch...ding ding .., I will go get the door she said getting up.

" it's here, "she said after getting all the food and drinks on the counter.

" Smells nice here " Scarlet said coming from upstairs ,I even forgot that she was in the house.

"It's your hungry stomach that is speaking on behalf of your mouth, set the dining table so we eat" I said to her ,she always smell food from afar , and she arrive the time when there's food.

(food instinct)

"It looks like someone has made my job easier ,I don't have to lift a finger " she said sitting on the the chair straight to mine

Tariah have set the table, how did I not see her doing this.....

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°till next chapter guys°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

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