
The Billionaire's Retribution

Marcus was a nobody, a worthless, useless husband who could barely afford to take care of himself talk less of his wife. His lack of money made him lose everything most especially his wife, who was the most dearest to him. But when all things seems to be getting worst, a shoking text changed his life for ever. "WHAT WILL $100,000,000,000 DO FOR YOU?" He was Marcus Blackwood the heir to a rich and powerful family He will make all those that caused him pain to suffer in a slow burn

Prince_Of_Fantasy · Urban
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14 Chs

Confronting The Boss

Maxwell was seen in his office, his face all stressed out and angry. It had been four days, and the new boss had refused to reply to his texts. He even requested project approval, but it was declined for no reason. He was alone today; Hannah didn't come with him. For some reason, he had become cautious about everything, trying not to get in trouble.

Maxwell scrolled through the computer in front of him, checking information from other companies owned by the Blackwoods. Their project offers were already accepted and even begun. So why was his different? Why only in the H & M industry? Something wasn't right; it seemed the new head boss was targeting their company for a particular reason.

In the middle of his thoughts, there was a knock on the door. "Who is it? I'm busy," he asked.

"Sir, it's me, Henry," Henry replied.

"Not now, Henry. I'm not in the mood for work," Maxwell said, uninterested. "Sure, you're not. You're always not in the mood for work," Henry mocked to himself.

"Sir, it's something important. It's about the head boss," Henry alarmed, sparking interest in Maxwell.

"Alright, come in."

Henry walked in, maintaining his stoic expression, a file, and an iPad in his possession. "Any good news?" Maxwell asked with curiosity.

"Absolutely not, sir. It's total bad news," Henry stated, and immediately Maxwell's heart skipped. "What do you mean?"

"The company won't be receiving any income this month and the next two following months. That means you won't be getting any payment in three months."

"What? Why?" A confused Maxwell asked.

"According to the complaint, our company has been rumored to have a $10,000,000 shortage, and you, sir, were accused of embezzling such," Henry said.

"This is absolute nonsense!" Maxwell's temper reached its boiling point. "Give me, let me see it," he took the file from Henry, reading through with wide-opened eyes in shock and annoyance.

"Who the hell does this new guy think he is?" he yelled with anger.

"The boss, obviously," Henry replied with a low voice, almost like a whisper.

"What was that?" Unfortunately, Maxwell heard it.


"What did you just say?" Maxwell asked again with a menacing look, daring Henry to say it one more time.

"Hum… nothing, sir. I was just saying this new boss could cause a lot of trouble for our management," he quickly formed a lie.

"Better. So now, how am I supposed to pay the staff and workers in the company?" Maxwell asked.

"I don't know, sir, but you have to find a way. Otherwise, the staff might get angry. Three months without payment can cause a strike, and if the staff refused to work, everything would be on hold. The functionality of the company will dwindle, resulting in setbacks and potential shutdown."

All these words rang in Maxwell's head like a bell. This company is his only source of income and survival, and this new boss is just making everything difficult for him. He's not even up to a month in office, and all these are happening.

"What do we do, sir, since the boss refuses to meet with you?" Henry showed concern.

"This is getting out of hand. I can't handle it anymore. I'll go to him directly," Maxwell replied.

"You mean you'll go to the Blackwood's mansion?"

"Yes, I'll go there and meet with him face-to-face. I need a proper explanation for all this and also to prove my innocence."

"Don't you think that would be inappropriate? You might get into more troubles, legal troubles," Henry advised.

"I don't care. I'm going. I can't just sit here and receive bad news from that son of a b**** when I'm here trying my very best to benefit this company. There has to be a reason for all this." However, Maxwell insisted.


Maxwell's black car drove inside the Blackwood's compound, making a stop in the parking lot. He stepped out, heading straight to the entrance, but was met by the guards.

"Excuse me, sir, who are you?" One of the guards asked.

"I'm Maxwell. Maxwell Luther, the manager of H & M industry," Maxwell addressed himself with confidence.

"And what do you want?" The other guard asked.

"I'm here to see the boss, Marcus Blackwood," he replied.

"Sorry, sir, but no entrance. The boss isn't expecting any visitors today."

"Hey, I'm here for a business meeting, and if you don't mind, step away and let me go see him," Maxwell insisted.

"Sorry, sir, but we're just doing our job. The boss isn't expecting anyone, and even if he is, we would have been informed of your arrival," the guard declined.

"Do you even know who I am?" Maxwell boasted.

"The manager of H & M industry?" The guard said sadistically.

Maxwell was pissed. "Do you realize you will get fired if your boss finds out you kept me here waiting?"

"No, we won't get fired. We're just doing our job, sir. It's best you request a meeting officially with the boss before coming."

"I can't believe I'm arguing with a mere guard like you. I'm going inside, and don't try to stop me," Maxwell said, trying to force his way inside but was stopped by the two able guards.

"Please respect yourself, sir. Don't cause a scene here; we might be forced to react," the guard warned, but Maxwell was proving stubborn.

Marcus was inside his office with his personal guard Sam, busy with work, his eyes fixated on the computer. Abruptly, his door was barged in by a maid.

"Sir, sir…" she tried to speak.

"What is wrong with you? How dare you walk in the master's office like that?" Sam interrupted.

"I'm sorry, sir, but this is something important," she said in haste.

"Get out!" Sam ordered.

"Wait, Sam, let her speak," Marcus said. Sam responded with a nod.

"Thank you, sir. It's outside; a man wants to meet with you, and he's fighting with the guards to come in," she announced.

"What, who?" Marcus asked.

"It's the manager of one of your companies, it's Maxwell, sir," the maid stated.

"Is he out of his mind? Don't worry, young master; I'll take care of him," Sam said, attempting to leave, but Marcus held him back.

"No need, Sam. You stay here; I'll go handle everything," Marcus said.

"Are you sure, sir?" Sam asked with concern.

"Yeah, it's alright. I'll talk to him."

Meanwhile, back at the entrance, Maxwell struggled as the guards held him firm. "Take your hands off me, you stupid guards!" he exclaimed.

"Sir, please, you have to leave. Don't push us, or we might have to hurt you," they warned.

"You wouldn't dare! I'm the manager of one of your boss's companies. If you lay a hand on me, you're getting fired and jailed," Maxwell threatened.

"What's going on here?" A voice came from Marcus as he stepped outside.

Immediately, the guards stood still, and Maxwell was both shocked, puzzled, and confused at the sight of Marcus. What on Earth is this trash bag doing here?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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