
The Billionaire's Mistress: Love of a surrogate

The powerful and aristocratic Zelkowicz family is obsessed with having male heirs to continue their lineage. Harry Zelkowicz, the heir of the family has a stoic personality and is in a loveless marriage with Sasha Famazani. She is the heiress of an equally noble family however she's infertile. The matriarch decided to get a surrogate to bore the next heir of the family. Reina Lyle is a sweet, fiesty and beautiful young girl who confronts life joyfully and enthusiastically despite her poor background. For a large sum of money, Reina is forced to be a surrogate mother for the Zelkowicz family. However, after two failed artificial insemination, the matriarch advised Harry to get close to Reina to mate with her naturally. After a series of passionate encounters with her, Harry is attracted by her cheerful and unrestrained nature; the two fell in love with each other and become involved in a passionate love affair resulting in Reina's pregnancy and also igniting Sasha's jealousy, exposing Reina to infinite danger. Realizing that the display of his affection will endanger Reina and the matriarch vehement disapproval of him to love someone below his social status, Harry started to treat her coldly to protect her but it caused her to be heartbroken and disappointed. After giving birth to a pair of twins, Reina is ruthlessly chased away by the rich family despite her desperate attempts to get back her children. Unable to deal with the psychological trauma of losing her loved ones and abandoned by her lover, Reina gave up on life. Seven years later, a guilt-stricken Harry meets a woman who looks identical to Reina but she treats him with cold indifference as she does not recognize him. However, Harry is unwilling to give up and begin to pursue her again to regain her love and forgiveness at all cost. Will he be able to get back her love and forgiveness? Will she be able to leave behind the past pain and humiliation she suffered and love him again or will she move on with a new source of happiness?

Monica_Aryee_7983 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 36

Lyle House

Annie was cleaning the house when the photo frame of Reina hanging on the wall suddenly fell down, shattering into pieces on impact and startling Annie in the process. Her heart jumped with fear as it's believed that a glass suddenly breaking on it own is regarded as a bad omen. She kneeled down to pick up the photo, carefully avoiding the glass shards. "Annie, what's that noise?" Mother Nova called.

"It's nothing Mama. Don't worry about it". She hurriedly replied. But the distraction caused her to prick her finger on a glass shards, injuring herself. Annie hissed in pain and stuck her finger in her mouth. Droplets of her blood had fallen on to Reina's photo. She picked it and fervently uttered a prayer.

" Dear God, please protect my sister and keep her away from harm."

The aftermath of the accident has rendered everyone in the car unconscious and with serious injuries except Sasha who staggered out of the car with a bleeding forehead. Other than that, she seems perfectly fine. The van chasing them from earlier was parked and three men were holding guns have surrounded the scene.

"Madam are you okay? You're bleeding". The leader of the hitmen asked Sasha. She glared sharply at him forcing him to lower his head. She touched her forehead and felt a wet liquid. She looked at the blood in her palm with a confused expression as if she couldn't feel the pain at all. Soraya was right after all. Sasha was really the one behind the attack. She was a lunatic. So crazy she didn't mind putting herself in harm's way just to get rid of her enemies.

She stretched out her hand and the hitman quickly gave her a gun. She slowly made her way to the car, opened the door and pointed the gun at the unconscious Reina who groaned softly. Realizing that she was still alive, Sasha became even more crazed.

"You should've just died bitch. Why aren't you dead?. Die.... Die....Die". She screamed. Her eyes were filled with murderous intent and it seems like she'll pull the trigger any second. Just then another luxury car arrived at the scene. Mr Smith and his men alighted from that car. He saw Sasha pointing a gun on someone and immediately rushed over.

When he saw the unconscious Reina in the back seat covered in blood, his heart skipped a beat and a burst of anger filled his heart. He quickly grabbed the gun from Sasha and shoved her away. "Are you crazy, you bitch?. This wasn't our deal. You obviously wanted to kill her". he yelled angrily, pointing the gun back at a fearful Sasha. Immediately everyone drew their guns, aiming at each other and the atmosphere became tensed. This lunatic had come to him several weeks with a proposal. She promised to help him get his hands on Reina. This was supposed to be a kidnapping operation rather than a murder plot. How can he not be furious.

"So what if I kill her?. She's nothing more than a slut who wants to snatch away my husband's love. It's only right that l take her wretched life as compensation. What can you do about it?" Sasha retorted. She was cold and arrogant without regard for anyone. Mr Smith looked at her like she was a crazy lady and felt even more indignant at her ruthless words. "You're crazy". He yelled.

He ordered down his men who lowered their arms as he proceed to take Reina away from the car and left with her shortly, leaving behind Sasha and her men. She looked at the unconscious Soraya and smiled grimly.

She raised the gun and aimed at her with the intent to kill but redirected it at the last moment and shot the driver instead. She shot him three times in the head, killing him off in an instant without any remorse. After that she calmly looked at the hitman and uttered, "Hit me". The man raised his head in shock. "Madam's meaning....?"

"I want you to beat me up. Just do it". Despite their confusion and hesitation but under her own orders, the leader raised his hand and slapped Sasha hard in the face. The force was so strong that she fell to the ground and the man proceed to beat the crap out of her but she endured it. Neither crying or screaming in pain. In no time, she was beaten into a really bad shape, her face was badly bruised with one eyes already swollen shot. She laid on the ground in a bad state. Even the hitmen couldn't bare to look at her condition but she opened her blooded mouth to laugh derisively and weakly said, "Shoot me".

The hitmen were flabbergasted. Did she want to kill herself. They had met a lot of eccentric clients in their line of business but seeing someone as crazy as Sasha was an eye opener. The leader wanted to refuse but Sasha was having none of it.

"I paid you to obey my order. Now shoot". She spoke with difficulty. Pointing at her shoulder and gesturing the man to shoot. Without a choice, the leader took his gun, pointed it at her and shoot her in the chest. Blood gushed out from her wound and she spat out a mouthful of blood. The hitmen quickly got in their van and disappeared from the horrible scene. Sasha stared at the bright sky and thought of her younger self who was so enamored with the young and handsome Harry.

That year, the sky was also especially bright and she had come to the Zelkowicz mansion for the first time. When she saw him reading in the garden of hundred flowers, so serene and beautiful. Like an ethereal immortal passing through this mundane world, she lost her heart to him completely. Since that day, he became her heart's desire, her passion, her life and her obsession. She followed him always, like a shadow. Hoping that one day, he'll turn around and look at her for once.

Old madame was happily drinking tea and enjoying being massage by a servant.

With the news of the pregnancy, her mood has been really good. Lady Mina frantically walked in with an anxious and worried look. Seeing the ever pious Lady Mina with a distressed expression, Old madame couldn't help but asked, " Mina, what is wrong. Why are you looking so pale?" Lady Mina cried," Old madame, something horrible has happened. There's been a terrible car accident". "What?!" Old madame shot to her feet, looking horrified.