
1 | Xinyuan City, Day 1

<Xinyuan City, Day 1>

"How come there are a lot more people here today?" A young man wearing a simple gray robe leaned against the wall, slightly panting. He had just walked for a few meters, but he already felt like he would collapse any moment.

Not one of the townspeople paid him any mind as they continued on with their own businesses. Even the old lady, who was selling sweets at the street opposite to him, didn't greet him like she usually did.

The young man seemed to not be affected by this though. In fact, this was how he liked it to be. He didn't want to see them casting gazes full of pity at him. He didn't want their pity. More so, he didn't need it.

Just as he was about to move forward, the unusual owl perched on his shoulder sent him a message via voice transmission: "I can sense a very powerful aura approaching. Make sure to restrain your aura, Young Master! Be quick!"

Without any hesitation, the young man did as he was told. His already frail aura was completely suppressed now, and it seemed like he was just any other normal townsman in Xinyuan City.

"Out of the way!"

The people on the bustling streets of Xinyuan City immediately parted when they heard that loud bellow. Everyone's gaze was then trained on the middle-aged man sitting inside a conspicuous carriage.

Dozens upon dozens of warriors wearing elaborate suits of armor lined up on both sides of the road, acting as a human barricade to prevent any passerby from blocking the way.

Although he was curious to know the identity of the mysterious middle-aged man, the young man in gray robes didn't move from his spot. A few meters in front of him, he could hear the townspeople discussing.

"Who is that?" asked a brown-haired girl around the same age as him.

"Isn't that General Qin?"

The one who spoke was the old lady the young man was familiar with.

"Who did you say it was, Granny Su?"

"It's General Qin!"

Those in the know did not dare speak any further when that name was mentioned. All of them chose to remain silent as they watched the carriage move past them in respect and also in fear.

In the whole Mengxiang Province, there were only five people who had been given the title 'General'. Of the five, the first General was said to have already reached the peak of the Second Realm. This person was none other than General Qin of the Royal Palace. No one would probably not know the legend he created in the previous wars.

"Why is the Royal family's first General here?"

Discussions rang out in the crowd. Everyone was wondering why the great General had come to their small city. It should be known that there were more than a hundred cities under the Mengxiang Province, comprising small and large cities. The Xinyuan City was only one of the many small cities in the East Prefecture of the Mengxiang Province.

The crowd followed behind the carriage of General Qin out of curiosity. The guards did not restrict them from doing so. Those who did not even know what was happening were dragged by their friends amidst their confusion. When the carriage stopped, they found themselves at the training grounds located at the heart of the city. Many people gathered here just to see the legendary General Qin.

"People of Xinyuan City!" A deep voice boomed out across the training grounds, commanding everyone to listen. "Beside me is General Qin of the Royal Palace. Under the orders of His Majesty, we will be selecting outstanding youths to be trained in the Royal Academy. The examination will be held tomorrow. Regardless of your background, if you think that you have what it takes, come here tomorrow morning. The Royal guards will be in-charge of the registration until this evening."

This statement caused an uproar in the entire city. The various clans in the city immediately went up to register the promising youths they had nurtured in these few years. Even the small families not affiliated to any clans signed up their youths to try their luck.

A chance to study at the Royal Academy... who would be willing to pass up on that?

But while everyone was agitated about the examination that would be held the next day, in a secluded corner, a frail-looking young man stared silently at the bustling grounds, clutching a piece of paper in his hand.

"Grandpa, I will find you even if I had to conquer the whole heavens." The gray-robed young man swore in his heart.

Looking at the people around him — youths signing up together with their families, friends wishing each other luck— Hei An felt a stabbing pain in his heart. Unknowingly, tears brimmed in his eyes and his vision blurred.

If his grandfather was here, how good would that be? But there was nothing he could do. His grandfather left him with nothing but a letter and a piece of stone. The moment he woke up, he realized that he was all alone in their rented apartment.

Smoothing out the piece of paper in his hand, Hei An read his grandfather's letter again and again:

'Ah An, my dearest grandson, I hope you forgive Grandpa. I don't really want to leave you alone, okay? I love you. You are Grandpa's favorite grandson. But I have to go. They have already found me. If you stay with me, you will be in danger. I can't let anything happen to you. I don't want anything to happen to you. I don't want to leave you, but I have to. In the future, you will understand.

Did you remember that piece of stone I gave you before? Go to the Qin Clan of the Yueyan City and hand that stone to Qin Han. He is a friend of mine. He will help you.

Hei An, remember that Grandpa loves you no matter what. There are just some things that I can't tell you right now, but you will know when the time is right. Don't forget what I thought you before: Nothing beats knowledge. Learn whenever and wherever you can. It will be much harder for you, but I believe that my dearest grandson is dauntless.

- Love, your Grandpa Zhen'

Based on his grandfather's letter, Hei An inferred that he needed to find someone named 'Qin Han' from the Qin Clan of Yueyan City. But there's a problem: he had not left Xinyuan City before! And even if he had a complete map of Mengxiang Province in his possession, he would probably not be able to get there. He didn't even have that much money left on him to cover for his lodgings and food.

Hei had just turned 10 this year. Just imagine what could a child that age would do to fend for himself. Would he be able to survive?

Carefully folding his grandfather's letter and hiding it in the secret pocket of his robe, Hei An's gaze became resolute as a plan formed in his mind.

He had to pass the examination to enter the Royal Academy!

That is the only way for him to leave this place.

But was it really that easy?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Thank you for reading! This novel will be updated daily.

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