
The bad boy's lost love

The things we see might always not be right. The angle I see the things will be different than the angle you see and that's what actually makes the difference over here. It is the nature of us to notice the differences at first than our similarities but it is nature of love to ignore those differences and accept what each other have. He thought loving her would be easy. He is guy and she is a girl and nothing could beat the love of both of them equally love each other. He was wrong though. She left him. He tried to moved on but never could. And one day, he suddenly encounters her and the hatred, the anxiety, the sadness, the madness everything comes up on the surface of his feelings and the mystery, sufferings and the new harsh beginning of their untwined story folds out. Will it work? Or will it not?

Deborah96 · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Once again

Dduk..dduk...dduk * knocks on the door*

" Who the shit is knocking the door like hell? Piss off," he shouts in an arrogant way because sleep wasn't letting him get away from it. It had hugged him like it was the closest thing to him and today, suddenly after such a long time, he had dreams about her.

It has been so many years that he hadn't seen her and he had made clear to the world that he had moved on in his life a long time ago but still today, whenever he dreams about her it gives him such an amazing feeling that he doesn't want to wake up from his dreams.


These annoying knocks had already made him wake up from the bed. He quickly goes to the washroom, washes his face, and then, wears his sweat pants and walks down to the dining hall.

" Was it you who knocked my door ?" he scolds butler Jackson.

" Yes, young master. It was already the time for your work out and I knocked to drop by some of your stuff. Actually, it was already too late for your work out and you never slept so long, so I thought you must be awake," he says in a soft tone, a pinch of fear clearly exhibits in his voice.

Hand brushing his fluffy hair with his fingers, he twists his another wrist and looks at his watch as his beautiful waves of his hair falls in front of his forehead.

"Shit!," he swears.

It was true. It was actually his mistake.

" Where's my bag pack? Hand it over to me," he says.

His butler hands him his bag pack. He takes it away and swings the keys of his Lamborghini, gets inside his car, and throws the bag pack to the passenger seat, and starts its engine to the gym.

It's already been more than 7 years that he hadn't seen her and after seven years, he wondered why she suddenly knocked at the doors of his mind. And her knocks were already disturbing his perfect schedule.

He stops his car in front of the gym and then, he grabs his bag pack and walks in for his work out.

To be honest, work out is the most lovely moment in his whole day. He gets to meet all of his college mates in there.They work out and hang out together and talk lots of stuff, especially girls and their curves and their seductiveness, and yeah, how they can get them to bed.

His dramatic silly and perverted friends had even finished dating all of the girls visiting and training in the gym.

" Look, look, look...look at that ....Oh! my goodness !!! Look at her boobs and her hips. She must have really worked out hard on the gym. Just look at her abs and the muscle in her arms and all her sweat makes her look extra..., sexy," his silly friend Harry spouted.

" And, maybe on the bed too," he rounds up and balls the towel and then throws it at Harry.

" Seems like you are more of a expert Asher" Harry says when he was on his way to shower and Asher just waves his hands back to him, taking off his upper clothes, he walks to take the shower.

Turning on the tap, he lets every drops of water to touch his masculine body, he lets it wet him in his every core of body. Collecting his hairs that reach his forehead, proudly backward he places both of his hands on the wall and drifts himself on some old memories till he senses some stimuli in his body.

A tender, beautiful and soft hands painted on red colored enamel, runs on his tightly packed abs making their tickling way towards his chest, hugging him tightly from behind.

" This is a male section, Jessy. How dare you come here?" he speaks without even seeing her face.

"I can come wherever you go and wherever you are Ash," she says as she kisses his back but gently throws her hands away and turns towards her, and then, his eyes shows as he was in lusts.

She winks her eyes and smiles with the expectations from him, as she bits and licks her own bottom lips.

"You want me, huh...," he speaks twitching his lips on one side.

She nods her head unaware of what was actually coming to her. He stretches his hands to reach her wet hairs which were drenched being together with him on shower. He gently strokes her hair and reaches out his fingers on her white, wet neck and approaches as if he was going to kiss her roughly and roughly, today.

Bringing his face just an inch apart from hers, on which she closes her eyes, submitting herself to him, he smiles coyly and pulls her hair from behind and says," Get out of your wild and unrequited dreams Jessy. It's never going to be true."

Grabbing the towel, he unfolds it and wraps himself with it around him and walks to the changing room. He dresses himself back and then, check out the locker and hangs the locket with the book as the pendant on his neck.

" Ohh..., So that's it. You have to explain me Ash. Is it because that you work on publication house that the pendant is book or is it because you still remember her that you are still having this shitty book as your pendant?" she roars.

Hearing the word 'she' and 'her' coming out from her lips, literally made him a bit mad and he shuts his locker with a loud sound.

He tries to walk away unanswering her questions,leaving her just like that but she holds him from behind and pleads," It's been so many years already Ash. She is never coming back to you. Just give up on her. Don't you see me standing here, everyday yearning for you, yearning for your love."

Loosening her grips on him, he says," You're wrong Jessy. I had never waited for her and I would never wait for her and for your feelings, I had made you clear that we are just in the relationships with benefits. You get the money that you need and I get the fake relationship due to which I am not forced to get married by my family." He lies.

He walks away from her leaving her desires aroused yet, not satisfied. She kicks the door as hard as she could.

" Bitch! even after these all years she is still able to roam and control his minds even without her presence and me being with him, I still couldn't catch his attentions," she growls in anger.

Grabbing his stuffs and walks towards his friends to bid farewell.

" Hey! Jess was just searching for you," Marco informs him. He ignores his statement and tightens his Nike's lace.

"Oh...," their reactions change when they view Jessy coming out of the male changing room and wet.

"You are really something. You started since the early morning. You practically had double workout, Ash," his friends teases him.

He knits his brows in a single line as he stares Marco's eyes in an intimidating way. Marco places his palms over his mouth and gestures he won't add other words in them.

Giving him a death glare, he walks out of there and picks up the towel and walking up to Jessy throws the towel to her," Dry yourself."

He walks towards his car to the parking lot.

As he was ready to start the engine, he gets a call from his assistant They are going to recruit some of the new staffs today. His mood was already pissed off and in an irritated tone, he picks up the call.

" Can't you call the HRM department? What are they for? Do I need to attend those lousy interviews too?" he yells as he throws his phone on the seat beside him. Turning up the music on, loud and noisy he starts his engine.

He gets into his room and as soon as he gets inside he sprawls on his bed closing his eyes. Turning his head slowly towards the left part of his bed, he opens his eyes and scrutinizes the picture frame with his college picture, proudly standing beside his bed on his table.

"Where are you Sarah?" a painful moan escapes out of his mouth. He gets lost into the thoughts when he sees the mini Sarah lost among the numbers of students in the picture.

After a while he gets dressed up in a perfect suit, tightens his wrist watch, applies the gel in his hair directing then perfectly sideways, wears some sunblocks and then, walks down to the dining hall.

His mom gets up from her chair and comes closer to him and holds his arms and makes him sit down on the chair.

" Oh! My son. Have a seat and eat a proper meal. You always run without having breakfast. You will get skinnier soon," she starts with her naggings.

" Mom, I am not a kid now. You don't need to do this ?" he says as he stops the spoonful of food that she was scooping on his mouth.

" So, you know you aren't a kid anymore. Better. Now, as you know that you aren't a kid anymore, how about the thinking about the marriage? You see I have the pics of some girls here. They belong to a good family and also, they have really good character," she says and starts to fantasize about his wedding.

" Mom, stop it I don't want to get married. I introduced my girlfriend to you last time but you hated her. You don't like the girls that I like mom," he says piercing his fork in an omelet.

" How dare you bring such a girl home? Her love for your interior designing of your house was more than the love for you, son. Just see these women for now," she insists.

" Fine, you won't leave me until I see them. Let me see," he grabs the pictures from her hands and then starts complaining," Oh! This girl has so small nose, our babies will be messed up in looks with her nose. And, this one, her hair is too yellow. I don't like yellow-haired girls. And, this one oh! God! How thin she is? She won't be able to do house chores mom. What will I do marrying her?" he says giving back the photos along with a smirk.

" Asher, son we have lots of servants. Why would she needed to work here?" she says.

" Mom, I don't need wife now. You needed a daughter in law and as per TV dramas, mother in law is always cruel to daughter in-laws. She should be prepared for that,"he smirks.

" Who told I am gonna treat my daughter in law like that? I am gonna treat her same as Ashlyn," she grunts.

" Then. I don't want to have them, more. Don't you see how much messed, spoiled and naughty Ashlyn is with your love? I don't wanna spoil my wife too," he pretends.

" You search nitpicks in everything. Just want to pass the topics. I am telling you Asher, you need to get married within this month," she demands.

" I am done," he says and stands up from the chair and trots outside in the parking to get his car.

When he was opening his car's door, his 22 -year old sister sits in front of the door, closing it agan, folding her arms in front of her chests.

" What do you need, Ashly?" he asks.

"Nothing, just drop me to the college today. My car is damaged," she says.

" What? How? Dad bought it just last month for you and you already ruined it, "he yells.

" Stop bro, someone will hear you. You know how sensitive dad is with the car. You will be helping me with the repair. Do you understand that ?" she orders.

" What if I don't want to ?" he smirks.

She thought for a while and said," Then, I am gonna tell mom that you hire the girls to pretend them as your girlfriends just to make mom annoyed of marriage talks," she says stressing and increasing the intensity in the word PRETEND.

He quickly covers her mouth from speaking before someone could hear her out.


This is the con of having a sibling. They always blackmail you to get something from you.

" Fine, I will repair it. Just get into the car. I will drop you there," he agrees at last.

He drops her in front of her college. She runs so crazily to the bunch of her friends who were eagerly waiting for her.

The campus air and its chattery breeze made him go back to the days when he started the campus. It was worthy of having such beautiful memories.

He drives out of there and then, drives to his company, The Novella Publications.

There is a great story behind having this name of the company.

Sometimes, he wonders where could she be? Is she OK? Or, maybe something happened to her? But it rarely comes to his mind. But, today her thoughts were flooding a lot of times in his mind after encountering her in his dreams. More than it had usually done before.

He quickly bolts towards his office but stops with the laughing sounds of a girl. His step denies to step ahead and his mind shouts to him to walk in opposite direction, to return back to the laughs of that girl.

This laughs sounds so familiar. It seems like a melody to his ear. Unwillingly, his footsteps change their direction from the elevator to the direction of a laugh.

Just then, a girl comes out of the room, and then, she walks out of the company.

Her body isn't so much fat and not so much slim, just an average. Brown long curled hair with beautiful rolls has covered her back and she is talking with someone on phone.

She looks exactly like her except for that she was quite slimmer than he had last seen her.

But this is impossible. This is the picture of her in his mind of so many years ago. She can't exactly be same after so many years.This can't really be happening? But, when he sees the key ring, of Shizuka of Doraemon, hanging in her bag, he becomes sure it's her.

He quickly follows her behind but in some minutes, she was already out of his reach hauling a taxi and out of his sights.

Transfixed in the same place, he keeps on gazing to that direction, motionlessly biting his bottom lips with the frustration that he lets her go again. He couldn't stop her once again and one more time.

Thank you so much for clicking on the story. Hope you like it and please shower your love with comments and share if you like it.

Deborah96creators' thoughts