
The B mafia (BL)

The story begins with an officer who strongly believes in justice, is sent on a secret mission to gather information about a mafia group and bring them in. He takes on the quest with no doubt in mind and he is drawn deeper into the world of violence, betrayal, and revenge with little knowledge about the after effect. Under the excuse of 'aiding the citizens', he ends up at a crossroad where he is forced to choose between his role as an officer and the feelings in his heart.

chi_kag3 · LGBT+
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108 Chs

The wolf

Tsun nodded his head and Lian shook his head in denial.


Tsun sat up and stretched out his hand to him," Lian... I know you don't believe me but can you at least try to be cautious around him?"

Lian nodded his head and walked out of the room.

Ding," Was it necessary to say all that?"

Tsun," If I didn't were you going to tell him?"

Ding scoffed," He's an adult. He should at least know how to take care of himself."

Lian walked through the hospital doors and met with Li, who had just turned the car around.

"Let's go. I'll drive."

Lian nodded and got into the car. Throughout the ride, Lian's thoughts were on the words Tsun had said to him earlier. He stealthily glanced at Li who was concentrated on driving, his face serious. Sensing some pair of eyes on him, he tilted his head a faint smile on his lips," What's wrong?"
