
The Awakening of Divine Martial Arts

A mysterious ancient book suddenly appeared in the consciousness of a struggling young martial artist, which contained "The God of War Performs Martial Arts" and "The Vast Years". "Martial God Performs Martial Arts" allows you to re-enact all the magical skills of the Martial God. Martial Arts, Rune, Alchemy, Weapon Refining, Beast Control, Adventure, Sacrifice... The astounding magical skills of the God of War were re-enacted in him. "The Vast Years" allows you to read the vast history of the Ancient God's adventures for countless years, and the countless secrets he has experienced... His overwhelming experience makes him one step ahead. Since then, all the wealthy families have been vying to win over him, the guild masters have been obsessed with him, and the most beautiful women have been jealous of him. With a proud appearance, the young warrior stepped onto the magnificent stage of the Shenwu Continent, and step by step became the number one Shenwu under the bright starry sky.

Levi37 · Fantasie
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690 Chs

Ting Wei’s Prison

"Although you, the third and fifth children, are not involved in this case, you should reflect on it after you return home! The second child is a lesson for you. If you dare to conspire against the king and kill the king in the Jinluan Palace, this will be the fate."

The monarch looked sternly at the other two princes below the main hall and said.

"Yes! Father!"

The Third Prince and the Fifth Prince knelt on the ground, both with chills running down their spines and shuddering.

In fact, the two of them had secretly planned for a long time. After the second prince was found guilty of causing rebellion in the Jinluan Palace, they immediately rushed out of the palace and returned to the fiefdom. They joined forces and launched an army to encircle and suppress the second prince under the pretext of conquering the rebels.

After they join forces to overthrow the second prince, they will then fight for the throne.

However, he did not expect that the monarch was not sick at all. Instead, he asked King Wu Bian Herong to take action, and at the birthday banquet, all the people of the second prince, both inside and outside the court, were served in one pot. Before they could take action, the palace coup came to an end.

They couldn't help but feel lucky. Fortunately, they didn't do anything from beginning to end. Otherwise, now they will become prisoners like the second child.

They couldn't help but secretly swear that as long as the monarch was alive, they would never make any move.

All the ministers in the palace were shocked.

It was just a birthday banquet for the monarch, and with one move of "inviting the monarch into the urn", he actually wiped out all the supporters of the second prince, from the supporting ministers in the court to the ministers of the feudal lords and the hundreds of supporters of the royal family.

This method is so sophisticated to the extreme!

Ye Fan, a new supervisor of the Imperial Academy, Marquis Wu, was officially confirmed by the monarch as Tingwei Shaoqing before he passed the Canglan Palace Examination. He was the presiding officer of these two heinous cases, which shocked them even more.

On that day, there was turmoil in King Canglan City.

Tens of thousands of Imperial Guards were mobilized to block the city gates and try their best to arrest the second prince's accomplices.

Because most of the Wuhou attended the monarch's birthday banquet in the Jinluan Palace, there were very few Wuhou outside the palace. The suppression of the rebellion also went relatively smoothly, with almost no strong resistance encountered.

The three hundred Fengwan heavy cavalrymen in the Second Prince's Mansion who were in the martial arts realm and were waiting outside the palace were also captured by the Imperial Guards led by Wu Hou.

A large number of courtiers, party members, and palace officials who participated in the second prince's rebellion were arrested and imprisoned for examination.

Half of the royal family members were imprisoned.

The court was almost half empty.

Even the feudal ministers of the ten major counties of Canglan Kingdom have been imprisoned.

Hundreds of felons were all taken into the Tingwei Prison in a royal city for custody.

The gloomy prison of Tingwei.

Originally there were few repeat offenders in the prison.

Nowadays, in every cell, there are almost all members of the royal family, court ministers and border ministers, wearing heavy mysterious shackles. This mysterious weapon shackles can block the movement of vitality, and even Wuhou cannot open it.

"It's unfair, Your Majesty. It was all instigated by the Second Prince. I got on the pirate ship because I was confused!"

"Ling Feihui, you bastard, a rebellious traitor, how could I be deceived by you and listen to your rumors that the king is about to die? The king has a long life, how could he die! It was all your instigation that made me go with you. To a dead end."

In each cell, there were countless cries of injustice and curses.

Ling Feihui sat numbly in the cell, ignoring the shouts and curses in other cells.

He was already sitting in the cell waiting to die, paying no attention to their cries.

"Second Master, we have to find a way to escape. Our gang members outside have not been completely defeated, so we can still escape! Even the prison of the Imperial Palace has personnel arranged by me, just in case the palace mutiny fails. Okay. There is a way out. The situation is now chaotic. Before they find out the manpower I arranged in Tingwei Prison, seize this last opportunity to escape. You can escape tonight. As long as you escape from the dungeon, there will still be my faction in the royal city. The secret tunnel dug by people can lead to the outside of the royal city! After leaving the royal city, there are flying beasts I have prepared outside the city. We can escape to other vassal states! The Shenwu Continent is so vast, and there are 800 lords outside the Canglan Kingdom. country."

Su Yang said anxiously.

He was careful and had already thought out how to escape in case of failure.


Ling Feihui smiled sadly, "It doesn't matter if I escape. The backbone of the power inside and outside the court has been uprooted, and only a little residual strength is left to survive. There is no place for me to stand in this Canglan Kingdom. Even if I escape, I will not be able to survive." The prince is just an ant living in the Shenwu Continent. I am also a prince after all, how can I live like an ant?"

"Second Master, that's better than dying here! There's still a chance of survival if you escape. You might become King of Martial and make a comeback one day."

Su Yang said anxiously.

"I have given up my heart and have no intention of living. If you want to escape, run away. You are extremely qualified and you should not die with me."

The second prince closed his eyes and ignored Su Yang's persuasion.

"Second Master!!"

Su Yang couldn't help but cry bitterly, and kowtowed on the ground, "You have been so kind to me, Su Yang will definitely avenge you!"

The hatred in its heart was burning fiercely.

Ye Fan, it's all Ye Fan!

Previously in Luyang Mansion, it was Ye Fan who forced Zhao Sanming to be captured and he fled in all directions. This time in Canglan Palace, it was Ye Fan who forced the second prince to wait for death, forcing him to a dead end.

Li Zhouying and Li Hao's father and son were imprisoned in a prison.

Li Hao openly shouted in support of the Second Prince in the Jinluan Palace, so he was naturally imprisoned.

His father Li Zhouying was also suspected and was imprisoned together in the same cell.

The only feudal minister arrested in Donglai County was Princess Li Zhouying, while Pan Dahai and Cao Hao were not affected.

Li Zhouying stared at Li Hao and asked in a low voice: "Tell me, what is going on? What did you and the second prince collude with? If the guilt is not light, maybe we still have a chance to get out of prison."

"Dad! Years ago, one day, Su Yang came to find me! It is the best fox beast, a fox priest, and a first-class fox counselor. It said that it can help my Li family to rise to prominence. All I need to do is send it to the palace. But. But how could I enter the palace, so I secretly sent it to the second prince's house in Fengwan County. As long as the second prince ascends the throne in the future, the effect will be the same. Moreover, after the second prince ascends the throne, he will still have hundreds of years to live. I, Li The family can prosper for a long time. Later, the second prince took the opportunity of the monarch's birthday to send it to the palace for a few days. Then it retired after its success, and the monarch fell ill and nearly died after running out of life. The second prince's accession to the throne is just around the corner... …I didn't expect that this change would happen and Mark would ruin a good thing."

Li Hao looked extremely pale and finally told the truth.


Li Zhouying was shocked when he heard this. He was so angry that he couldn't say a word, and he felt a little older instantly.

He never expected that Li Hao would be so deeply involved.

Su Yang was actually sent to the second prince's house by Li Hao to harm the monarch. This crime is so serious that it is almost considered an accomplice to commit a repeat crime, and there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

"I have repeatedly advised you not to get involved in court disputes, but you didn't listen. This time, Ye Fan is still in charge of the case. If he knew that you recommended Su Yang to the second prince, could he spare you? Li Shi of Donglai County Yimai, I am dragged into the pit of fire by you."

Li Zhouying was heartbroken and extremely sad.

Li Hao lowered his head and was speechless.

late at night.

The city of King Canglan finally became a little quieter, and almost all those who deserved to be arrested were captured by the imperial guards and put into the prison of Tingwei. As for those who haven't been caught, they either haven't been discovered yet or they were hidden too deep.

A young warden of Tingwei Mansion quietly sneaked into Tingwei's prison.

"Second Master, Master Su, I'm here to save you!"

The little warden came to the second prince's cell and whispered, taking a bunch of keys to secretly open the prison doors and mysterious shackles of the prisoners in order to help them escape.

"You run away!"

Ling Feihui closed his eyes and remained still.

He is the second prince of the Canglan Kingdom. He is completely unable to stand in the Canglan Kingdom and has no desire to survive. He had no intention of escaping to other vassal states to live out his life and become a civilian military lord.

"Second Prince, take care!"

Su Yang couldn't persuade him, so he could only say goodbye with tears.

All the prisoners were extremely surprised and eagerly waited for the prison warden to unlock the door.

The little warden hurriedly released Su Yang and several Wuhou from the prison, and heard a huge commotion in the cell.

I don't know which cell it was in, but suddenly a loud roar broke out: "Come here, the second prince is going to escape! I will report their escape!"

In the quiet prison, all the prisoners looked at the voice in shock.

It was Li Hao who was shouting.

"I also want to make meritorious deeds! Catch them quickly!"

The prisoners were shocked and screamed.

Many of them committed minor crimes and did not actually participate in the conspiracy to regicide. There was no need to escape from prison. At most, they would be dismissed from office.

The little warden never expected that so many people in the prison would actually shout loudly, and he was immediately frightened.

"Quick, someone has escaped from prison!"

The large group of Tingwei soldiers who were guarding outside were immediately alerted and rushed into the prison one after another, fighting with several Wuhou who were preparing to escape.

The prison warden had no time to rescue more people from the prison, so he could only rush out with Su Yang and several Wuhou to kill them.

After a while, the jailbreak was completely suppressed.

Soon several officials from Tingwei's Mansion arrived and saw that several felons had escaped from Tingwei's prison. They were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

Ye Fan also rushed to Tingwei's prison immediately.

"See you, Young Master!"

When all the officials saw their immediate boss coming, they hurriedly paid tribute.

"How many people escaped?"

Ye Fan asked in a deep voice.

"Reporting to Ye Shaoqing, three main criminals escaped, including Su Yang and two Wuhou. The Tingwei soldiers were weak and could not stop Wuhou. In addition, they killed a prison chief who helped them escape. Fortunately, the rest are still imprisoned. In the prison! The second prince has not been rescued and is still in the prison."

The official of Tingwei said quickly.

"I didn't expect that the small prison head of Tingwei's prison would have their manpower. The Second Prince has many accomplices inside and outside the court. They have been arresting key criminals during the day and have not yet had time to fully investigate the inside of our Tingwei."

The other officials said one after another.

Ye Fan glanced at the cells and couldn't help but frown.

In the small and inconspicuous area of Tingwei Mansion Prison Headquarters, the Second Prince actually deployed people and secretly released three important prisoners. Su Yang was the most serious criminal after the second prince, and he actually escaped from it.

"Deploy extra manpower and keep strict supervision! No one is allowed to enter the prison privately tonight. Starting tomorrow, the prisoners will be interrogated!"

Ye Fan said.

"Yes! We have been living at the door of this prison for the past few days, and we will never let anyone have another chance to escape."

The officials said quickly.

"Master Ye, I was the first to report their escape! Give me a lighter sentence!"

In the cell, Li Hao hurriedly shouted and begged.

"The case will be heard tomorrow and the sentence will be reduced to one level!"

Ye Fan glanced at Li Hao, turned around and left Tingwei's prison.