
The Awakening of Divine Martial Arts

A mysterious ancient book suddenly appeared in the consciousness of a struggling young martial artist, which contained "The God of War Performs Martial Arts" and "The Vast Years". "Martial God Performs Martial Arts" allows you to re-enact all the magical skills of the Martial God. Martial Arts, Rune, Alchemy, Weapon Refining, Beast Control, Adventure, Sacrifice... The astounding magical skills of the God of War were re-enacted in him. "The Vast Years" allows you to read the vast history of the Ancient God's adventures for countless years, and the countless secrets he has experienced... His overwhelming experience makes him one step ahead. Since then, all the wealthy families have been vying to win over him, the guild masters have been obsessed with him, and the most beautiful women have been jealous of him. With a proud appearance, the young warrior stepped onto the magnificent stage of the Shenwu Continent, and step by step became the number one Shenwu under the bright starry sky.

Levi37 · Fantasie
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690 Chs

The Mammoth Beast King

Ye Fan lay on Da Hui's long and thick back, still unconscious.

Although the powerful shock wave power of the Green Spider Queen's self-destruction was greatly reduced by up to 90% by his "invincible" combat skill, the remaining 10% of the power could almost shatter the bones and flesh of his body.

Fortunately, he is Yinhuang Martial King. He focuses on bloodline cultivation, and his physical strength is far greater than that of ordinary Martial King. Otherwise, in this self-destruction, I am afraid that it will directly turn into minced meat.

His body instinctively entered a deep sleep, using up all the remaining vitality in his body to nourish and restore his physical body.

He holds a top-quality Ice Mirage Yuan Dan Pearl in his mouth, from which he can draw milky white vitality to heal his injuries. Unfortunately, at this time, the Ice Mirage Yuan Danzhu also exhausted the last drop of healing energy, becoming dim and dull, with fine cracks appearing like gravel.

Now Ye Fan is almost like a dead branch, with extremely weak life breath. He has entered the turtle's breath and has no response to the call from the outside world.

Dahui carried Ye Fan, who was still unconscious with only a trace of breath left, walking on the edge of the dark forest.

Fighting all the way, I was a little tired and stopped walking.

Its huge eyes accidentally glanced at the thousands of increasingly larger forest beasts following it, and its eyes were full of doubts.

Although these trailing beasts are huge, it is not afraid of them at all. If it dares to rush over, it will definitely turn them into a pile of mud on the ground. But what it can't understand is why the beast kings in the forest are so hostile to it and insist on killing you as soon as they meet.

It doesn't intend to attack them, so can't they just get along well with each other?

Dahui used to follow Ye Fan to live and practice in the human territory of Shenwu Dongzhou. He often encountered many human warrior kings and beast kings. He had never encountered such a group of beasts full of strong hostility. Even if there is, it is only encountered occasionally.

Maybe this dark forest is not suitable for you!

Big Hui doesn't know that this place is really not suitable for him, nor is it suitable for any human race to stay, even if he is just passing by. Even the adventure king of the human race would not easily set foot in this dangerous place.

In the chaotic land of Zhongzhou, there are no rules at all. Especially in a place like the Dark Forest, where only the laws of darkness have been followed for hundreds of millions of years, hunting and fighting exist almost all the time. Any existence that threatens the entire forest beast tribe will be eliminated by the forest beast tribe at all costs.

At first, the beast kings of the dark forest simply wanted to kill this giant hairy beast that passed through their territory.

But later, more and more of the beast kings among them died, and they finally realized the horror of the mammoth Big Gray.

They were even more aware of Big Hui's growth potential. Once Big Hui wanted to dominate the Dark Forest, they would all lose their territory. The beast kings and their tribes went after Big Hui and wanted to kill him.

Dahui just wants to leave as soon as possible.

But it didn't understand why this disgusting dark forest seemed endless and never ended.

Thousands of forest beasts followed it, neither attacking with all their strength nor leaving easily.

Four or five days passed in a flash.

Under the attacks of waves of various dark forest beast kings, although Dahui was not injured, he consumed a lot of energy. He could not get a long rest with the beasts following him, and he became increasingly tired. .

Big Hui stopped to rest more and more frequently, but he was always interrupted by harassment from various beasts.

All the beasts noticed that Big Hui was getting tired and his vitality was weakening. Their eyes couldn't help but shine, and they were eager to try. They tried all kinds of methods of lurking, harassing, and sneak attacks to attack it.

Once Big Gray tried to fight back against them in anger, thousands of forest beasts immediately dispersed and hid in the nearby dark forest.

After the big gray was tired and angry and calmed down, they came back shamelessly and followed him like a shadow to repeat their old tricks.

They knew very well that they were numerous and powerful, and as long as they continued to consume them, they would sooner or later overwhelm this powerful and terrifying long-haired beast.

The fighting at the edge of the dark forest continues.

Day and night.

Dahui had no choice but to hold on and activate his vitality armor to deal with the endless waves of attacks.

Taking advantage of the pre-dawn hours, another wave of giant python herds led by the giant python king launched a sneak attack.

The python king's fangs pierced through the heavy armor of ice and earth, and bit hard at the thick gray hair. The fangs dug into the fur, trying to bite off a large piece of meat.


Finally, Da Hui's double armor of ice and earth was penetrated by its fangs.

Unfortunately, Dahui's fur was too thick. When he bit it down, there was still a mouth full of long hair.

"Ice and Earth Super Trample!"

Da Hui's ferocity was fully aroused, he fought hand to hand with the giant python king, and suddenly stepped on it.

The giant python king was biting Da Hui's fur and couldn't escape.

The round snake body, which was a full foot thick, was flattened by Da Hui's kick and was broken into two pieces. Only a huge snake head was left biting Da Hui's body.

Within a few hundred feet of the surrounding area, there was a strong shock wave, and all the giant pythons were instantly trampled and stunned by this move.

Big Hui became more and more courageous as he fought, slaughtering dozens of giant pythons around him, tearing open their abdominal cavities, digging out a large number of third-level and fourth-level snake gallbladders, and eating them.

These snake gallbladders are the essence of the giant python beast's cultivation and contain powerful vitality.

Da Hui ate dozens of third-level and fourth-level snake gallbladders, and felt a surge of animal blood boiling all over his body.

It has already reached the peak of the late Beast King stage, and not long ago it ate two hundred golden spider eggs, but unfortunately it failed to break through.

In the past few days, it had eaten dozens of pieces of fourth-level bear bile, snake gall and other extremely vitality-rich foods, and the vitality in its body had finally reached its limit.

In Da Hui's body, a huge mammoth beast elixir spits out fierce vitality like a blazing sun. On the surface of the beast elixir, powerful azure blue and yellow mist of vitality continued to rise, and the vitality had reached its limit.

Suddenly, these rising mist of vitality began to shrink continuously, squeezing and collapsing inward.

The collapse of these vitalities brought rapid high temperatures. The world seemed to be rebuilt in the high temperature of the collapse, and all the mist of vitality was sharply condensed towards the core.

In the deepest part of the beast elixir, there seems to be a mysterious crystal as tiny as dust being born.


It was as if a small stardust was born in the boundless dark night, which was instantly brilliant and dazzling, lighting up the boundless dark night.

For a moment, Dahui felt as if he had broken through a powerful life force and was no longer an insignificant orc on the earth.

It is like this stardust that illuminates the boundless dark night, floating in the deep starry sky for hundreds of millions of miles, overlooking the divine land.

This is the realm of the Beast King!

The biggest difference between the realm of the Beast Emperor and the Beast King is that the Stardust Crystal was born in the Emperor's body, the true source of mysteries that is enough to shock and control the entire world of divine martial arts.


Standing on the edge of the dark forest, on a bloody battlefield, Da Hui raised his head excitedly and let out a shocking roar.

It finally became a mammoth beast king and became the most powerful being in the Shenwu Continent!

The emperor rules the earth!

In the vast expanse of Shenwu Continent, which is hundreds of millions of miles away, there is no power that can despise its existence.

For a moment, the sky and the earth changed color.

The entire thousand-mile land seemed to darken, with lightning and thunder, dark clouds rolling, and a huge whirlpool hundreds of miles in scope formed in the low altitude.

The dark clouds were like lead and ink, and their power was frightening, making people feel the terror of doomsday.

In the center of this dark cloud is the mammoth king Big Hui.