
The Awakening of Divine Martial Arts

A mysterious ancient book suddenly appeared in the consciousness of a struggling young martial artist, which contained "The God of War Performs Martial Arts" and "The Vast Years". "Martial God Performs Martial Arts" allows you to re-enact all the magical skills of the Martial God. Martial Arts, Rune, Alchemy, Weapon Refining, Beast Control, Adventure, Sacrifice... The astounding magical skills of the God of War were re-enacted in him. "The Vast Years" allows you to read the vast history of the Ancient God's adventures for countless years, and the countless secrets he has experienced... His overwhelming experience makes him one step ahead. Since then, all the wealthy families have been vying to win over him, the guild masters have been obsessed with him, and the most beautiful women have been jealous of him. With a proud appearance, the young warrior stepped onto the magnificent stage of the Shenwu Continent, and step by step became the number one Shenwu under the bright starry sky.

Levi37 · Fantasie
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690 Chs

Natural Catastrophe

In the lobby of the Imperial College, all the students were drinking and chatting.

Suddenly, they all felt something was wrong, as if a heart-stopping and intense crisis was coming. The sense of crisis was so strong that they all felt it.

"what happened?"

"You also feel something?"

"Not good! It seems to be a threat from outside, coming from the stars!"

All the Wuhou supervisors in the hall were shocked, looking at each other and seeing the inexplicable shock in the eyes of others.



The martial princes flew out of the lobby of the Imperial College like lightning, and looked towards the deep dark starry sky.


In the night sky of Shenwu Continent, a burst of dazzling light burst out very quickly.

It seemed that something hit the night of Shenwu Continent, and a huge explosion occurred. Following this huge explosion, a large amount of meteor shower-like light fell to all parts of the Shenwu Land.

The light was so bright that they could see it with their naked eyes.

They soon discovered that Ye Fan, Princess Ling Jiaojiao, and several eunuchs and maids had also been alerted long ago and were looking at the stars.

"Brother Ye, I heard earlier that you are still a priest. Do you know what this is?"

Ling Qingshan said in shock.

"It's hard to say... It's possible that something like a giant meteorite broke through the stardust barrier and fell. It will take a few days for the news to come out and the details will be determined."

Ye Fan shook his head.

"We can't control this matter. Let's go back and rest first. We have to take the palace examination tomorrow."

Canglan King City.

Inside the Canglan Kingdom branch of the Stardust Sect, everything was peaceful.

The Stardust Sect is the state religion of the Zixuan Dynasty, and its supreme leader is the High Priest. There are branches in the eight hundred princes, and the eight hundred priests and archbishops are responsible for the sacrifices in each prince's country.

Usually, nothing happens here. There is no movement for a whole month. It is so quiet that no one cares about it.

Only the Stardust Priest Archbishop of Canglan Kingdom, a few priests, elders, and high priests were watching the stars at the altar. Record the changes in the stardust barrier and some subtle fluctuations, perform sacrificial prayers when necessary, and predict possible disasters - of course, the predictions are mainly natural disasters, not man-made disasters.

The Priest Archbishop is directly subordinate to the Priest Archbishop of the Zixuan Dynasty. He has a very transcendent status in the country of the eight hundred princes. He is equal to the king and does not interfere in the government affairs of the court or participate in various internal disputes.

King Wu may intervene in the change of king, but the archbishop is very indifferent to this. Changes of dynasties and wars between vassal states are nothing special to them.

There was only one thing they cared about, and that was the unusual movement on the Stardust Barrier.

There are very few changes in the Stardust Barrier, but once there are changes, it will affect at least one or two vassal states, and at worst, dozens or even the entire Dongzhou Zixuan Dynasty, and even the Nanzhou Beast League, Xizhou Ming Dynasty, Beizhou Eldar.

The Shenwu Continent is under the protection of the Stardust Barrier. Once something goes wrong, no one can avoid it.

The Priest Archbishop was shocked by the sudden explosion in the starry sky, and his expression changed drastically.

"Archbishop! This is a rare natural disaster. Such a big movement is rare in thousands of years! And looking at the scope, it has affected at least half of the Zixuan Dynasty and other regions."

"Our Canglan Kingdom is also among them! I'm afraid we are going to suffer!"

The sacrificial elders all looked pale in shock.

"This matter is of great importance. Although natural disasters cannot be avoided, at least we should prepare in advance. I will discuss with the monarch to see how to deal with it."

The priestly archbishop shook his head.

He was worried and went to the palace to meet Lord Canglan.

The eunuchs in the palace hurriedly reported to the king.

The monarch had long been awakened by the big explosion in the starry sky, and was covered in cold sweat. When the eunuch heard that the archbishop was coming, he hurriedly got up and met the archbishop at the Yangxin Hall.


The king hurriedly paid tribute.

The Priest Archbishop also bowed and said with a heavy face: "Ling Jun, this is a huge natural disaster that only happens once in a thousand years! Our Canglan Kingdom will also be affected, so we need to make preparations in advance!"

"What kind of disaster is it? How severe is it?"

The king asked hurriedly.

"It was a giant thunder star meteorite that hit the stardust barrier and exploded, scattering all over the Shenwu Continent. This meteorite disaster had a wide impact. It is estimated that tonight, these broken star meteorites will fall everywhere. However, there were too many debris after the explosion. Thousands of large and small debris fell. We cannot monitor their number and landing point, nor can we judge the severity of the disaster. Even fist-sized meteorite fragments will fall into densely populated areas. Prefectures and county towns would also have disastrous consequences. Thousands of people would be devastated. And such small fragments cannot be monitored by any means. If they are larger, If there are fragments, then you must prepare for the entire city to be destroyed."

The Priest Archbishop shook his head.

"Where is Canglan King City? Will it be attacked?"

The king said anxiously.

"The only good thing is that no large fragments hit Canglan King City! This can be regarded as the greatest blessing among misfortunes!"

The Archbishop said.

The king breathed a sigh of relief. A large part of Canglan Kingdom's national power, manpower, and financial resources are concentrated in the royal city. If the royal city is also severely attacked, then the entire Canglan Kingdom will be doomed.

"Thunder meteorite? Wouldn't that cause a lot of thunderstorm disasters!"

The monarch couldn't help but worry, "Since we can't monitor their whereabouts, we can only know how serious the disaster is after the ten counties and prefectures and prefectures across the country count the disasters and report them one by one. I estimate that it will be as fast as a month, and as slowly as possible." It will take two or three months to know all the circumstances."

"This is not the only thing I'm worried about. If other surrounding vassal states are also severely affected by the disaster, I'm afraid there will be a large influx of victims, and it may even trigger a war among the vassal states! Moreover, after the starfall disaster, there will definitely be a large number of fires, wind disasters, and rain disasters. If food is in short supply, famine will definitely occur. Food must be mobilized immediately to deal with the victims in various counties and prefectures."

said the Priest Archbishop.

"This... I will try my best to arrange this."

The monarch's face was dark and he smiled bitterly.

It's like one wave after another.

It's a pity that he doesn't have much time left. He only has half a year to live, and it's too late to quell this catastrophe.

It would take at least two to three months for all localities to compile disaster statistics and reports, and it would probably take more than ten years for this catastrophe to subside.

How could he survive until the disaster was over!

We can only let Xinjun deal with this turbulent situation.

"Forget it, life and death are determined by wealth and honor. I will preside over the palace examination tomorrow! Let's wait until the palace examination is completed. There are still many official vacancies in various counties and governments, and they are urgently needed to fill them. Send them over quickly, otherwise There is no one to deal with this catastrophe. After the palace examination, carefully consider who will be appointed as the crown prince as soon as possible. Let the crown prince worry about the disasters in various places."

In the ancient times, or even the ancient barbaric era, the starry sky of the Shenwu Continent did not have a canopy made of stardust walls.

At that time, natural disasters came directly to this land from the alien sky, causing destruction to all living beings, and extremely powerful races would be directly exterminated. Even super ferocious beasts like mammoths cannot withstand the terrifying natural disasters. Gods and external demons can also invade this land without any hindrance and challenge the local gods and ancestor gods.

However, since ancient times, the powerful men of all races in the Shenwu Continent have condensed their own cultivation into stardust after death. The vast stardust barrier formed has shielded the entire night starry sky and blocked most of the alien disasters. Outside the sky of Shenwu Continent.

Even a very large disaster was greatly weakened by the stardust barrier. It will not cause a terrible disaster that will wipe out the entire race.

A huge thunder star meteorite hit the stardust barrier and shattered into countless fragments after a big explosion.

These meteorite fragments are as big as a boat and as small as a watermelon.

Countless fragments flashed with extremely strong thunder, streaking across the dark night sky, burning up large swaths of skyfire light, and falling rapidly to various parts of the Shenwu Continent like meteors.

As these fragments fell, they burned rapidly. The small ones were directly burned to ashes, and the large fragments were also rapidly shrinking.

All over the Shenwu Continent, countless creatures looked up at the sky in fear. Regardless of whether they are humans, beasts, or other races, they are all trembling under this extremely terrifying power.


A stream of lightning-like light struck a city with a population of one million in the Canglan Kingdom.

In an instant, the entire city was directly vaporized.

The earth was shaking and shaking violently, and everything was reduced to ashes amid the huge smoke rising thousands of feet into the sky.

On the earth, everything fell into deathly silence.

The dust in the sky will last for dozens of days before gradually falling.

A large area of thunder fog formed a thunderstorm, gradually covering the land for hundreds of miles, and no one could get close. Even if one is at the level of Wuhou, if he breaks into this thunderous and violent field, he will be shattered to pieces by the thunderstorm.

From now on, it will be a thunderstorm area.

This is only the first thunder star meteorite to fall in the territory of Canglan Kingdom.


Whoosh, whoosh!

Immediately afterwards, more meteorites were falling everywhere.


It was considered lucky to be in the middle of an uninhabited desert.

When it falls in the mountains, forests and grasslands, it triggers large mountain fires, and countless mountain beasts flee in panic.

Falling near the city, a huge thunderstorm blew up, and the crazy thunderstorm shock wave destroyed the city wall, and countless houses collapsed in the air waves.

Millions of people in the entire city were scared and pale. Out of fear of the meteorite, millions of residents in the city fled with their families in panic overnight, forming a wave of refugees on the official roads.

Scorching Sun Mountains.

The entire Green Wolf tribe fell into fear. Tens of thousands of Green wolves were trembling on the ground, praying that natural disasters would not befall them.


The Green Wolf King Wolf Bandit stood proudly on the highest peak of the mountain range, his blood-colored eyes looking at the night sky, howling angrily.

It forced itself to be calm, but its heart was still filled with fear.

Even the Beast King's power pales in comparison to such terrifying power.

Suddenly, its pupils saw a thunder star meteorite approaching rapidly, which was rapidly growing in size, and its whole body could not help but panic and tremble violently.

Suddenly, it leapt into the air.

From the highest main peak, he flew to another peak dozens of miles away.



It looked back.

In the Burning Sun Mountain Range, the giant main mountain peak thousands of feet high was instantly hit by a stream of light. After a while, the towering mountain peak began to collapse!

Suddenly, the large group of green wolves around the mountain peak were burned to ashes in a cloud of smoke and thunderstorms. The collapsed giant peak crushed countless green wolf beasts to death.