
The Awakening of Divine Martial Arts

A mysterious ancient book suddenly appeared in the consciousness of a struggling young martial artist, which contained "The God of War Performs Martial Arts" and "The Vast Years". "Martial God Performs Martial Arts" allows you to re-enact all the magical skills of the Martial God. Martial Arts, Rune, Alchemy, Weapon Refining, Beast Control, Adventure, Sacrifice... The astounding magical skills of the God of War were re-enacted in him. "The Vast Years" allows you to read the vast history of the Ancient God's adventures for countless years, and the countless secrets he has experienced... His overwhelming experience makes him one step ahead. Since then, all the wealthy families have been vying to win over him, the guild masters have been obsessed with him, and the most beautiful women have been jealous of him. With a proud appearance, the young warrior stepped onto the magnificent stage of the Shenwu Continent, and step by step became the number one Shenwu under the bright starry sky.

Levi37 · Fantasie
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690 Chs

Fatal Ambush

The warrior princes found nothing wrong with the tracks of the Arctic musk ox.

On the contrary, from some details of these messy tracks, such as a small amount of ice grass and a little Arctic musk ox dung, it is more certain that a small group of Arctic musk ox walked through here not long ago.

Lou Yu and Lou Qing both looked extremely excited.

This means that after months of long searching, they are finally about to gain something and successfully complete their mission to search for Arctic musk in the ancient ice wasteland. When the brother and sister bring the Arctic Musk back to the family, their mother will definitely be extremely happy with this birthday gift.

The rest of the team members were also excited and eager to try.

The Arctic musk ox can generally reach the level of beast lord in its adult stage, and rarely breaks through to the level of beast king. It is a kind of beast clan with very strong combat power, fearless of death, and very united beast race.

But there are two Wu Wang and more than ten Wu Hou in their team, which is enough to win.

"But Captain Lou, it's getting late now, and it will get dark in half an hour. Once it gets dark, this wild ice wasteland will be completely dark, and you can't see anyone for miles, which is very inconvenient for movement. Besides, it's very inconvenient to see. It's a heavy snowstorm, and there's a risk of losing your way!"

A mature and steady Marquis Wu felt a little uneasy and tried to persuade Lou Yu.

The footprints of the Arctic musk ox were discovered by coincidence. I didn't find it for more than ten days before. But now, it happened to be less than half an hour before dark, and a heavy snowstorm was about to come.

At this point in time, the Ice Wasteland is about to enter a dangerous period.

But he couldn't tell what was wrong with the tracks of the Arctic Musk Ox. Only this time made him feel a little uneasy.

Lou Yu looked at the direction where the tracks of these Arctic musk oxen extended and hesitated for a moment.

This time point is indeed somewhat disadvantageous for Lou's team.

However, if you miss this opportunity, there will never be another one. It is great luck to be able to find traces of Arctic musk oxen even once after months of searching. If it were another team, they might not have such good luck after searching for several years.

On the one hand, there are possible risks, and on the other hand, there is only this opportunity. You must make up your mind.

Lou Yu's eyes quickly regained their determination and said: "It's because it's getting dark soon and there's going to be a snowstorm, so we have to hurry up and catch up! Otherwise, when the storm covers it, there will be no traces on the ground, and we can't catch up." We can't catch up! We must not postpone the pursuit until tomorrow, otherwise we will definitely gain nothing."

"But, I have so many years of experience walking in the ancient ice wilderness. It is best to set up camp at this time, avoid the wind and snow as early as possible, and don't take risks to track prey. Many adventurers get into trouble late at night and during snowstorms."

The old Marquis Wu still persuaded him earnestly.

"Shut up, who doesn't know this! But is it so easy to encounter an Arctic musk ox? If you kill an Arctic musk ox, you can earn as many yuan stones as a beast king. What's the point of taking some risks!"

"That's right! If I can hunt an Arctic musk ox, it will be enough for me to live happily in the ice desert town for several years! The benefits are so great that this risk is not worth mentioning."

Immediately, several Wuhou in the crowd scolded the old Wuhou.

"Let's go! After we kill this small group of Arctic musk oxen, it's not too late to set up camp and rest!"

Lou Yu ignored the dissuasion and took the lead, shooting in the direction where the Arctic musk ox's tracks disappeared.

The martial princes looked at each other with various complicated expressions, some were worried, some were happy, and some were exchanging glances with each other. But no matter what, they all followed.

Lou Yu is the captain of this team, he has the final say on how to move.

Ye Fan and Gu Xinyue did not have any objections, but they were not far behind the Lou brothers and sisters and did not take the danger of this trip to heart. Even just Gu Xinyue is enough to deal with possible dangers.

Ye Fan was rather interested, wanting to see what kind of ambush trap the tracking team wanted to set.

Lou's team flew at extremely fast speeds across the ice sheet, following the tracks of the Arctic musk oxen. As the captain and the King of Martial Arts, Lou Yu was naturally at the front.

In less than half an hour, the sky had turned dark and a blizzard was coming. Lou Yu could only barely see the situation within a mile around him.

The chaotic tracks of the Arctic musk ox disappeared behind a snow hill hundreds of feet high in front of them.

I saw an Arctic musk ox with a huge body and long snow fur, slowly walking behind the big snow hill, and was about to pass by.

"It is indeed an Arctic musk ox!"

Lou Yu's eyes were extremely sharp. When he saw the scene on the snowy hills several miles away, he couldn't help but get excited. The vitality in his body suddenly burst out. He tried to fly over the snowy hills and shot the arctic musk ox through the air. The black sword in his hand hurriedly Shoot towards the Arctic musk ox.

Arctic musk oxen are gregarious beasts, and even a small group can have more than ten animals. Once the entire Arctic musk ox herd is alarmed, they will face a crazy siege by the entire herd.

There is still an adult Arctic musk ox that has not yet crossed the snow hills. Of course, he must take the opportunity to kill one of them first and weaken the strength of the entire Arctic musk ox herd as much as possible.

At this moment when he flew over the snow hill.


There was a sudden loud noise in the snow hill, and a huge fourth-order Martial King-level ice spike trap rose from the ground.

The entire snow hill facing him turned into hundreds of sharp and sharp ice spikes, stabbing at Lou Yu who was flying at low altitude like a forest.

"Damn it, ice spike trap!"

Lou Yu's face changed in shock, and he realized at this moment that the tracks of the Arctic musk ox were completely a trap set for him. Someone was clearly trying to deal with him, using the Arctic musk ox to lure him into his trap.

It just made him puzzled. There was clearly an Arctic musk ox in front of him. How could there be a huge ice spike trap aimed at him on the snowy hills it walked through?

He didn't have time to think about this now.

If these sharp ice spikes like a forest of spears pierce the body, even the body of the King of Martial Arts will be pierced and severely injured.

Of course, the premise is that it hits the mark. If it doesn't hit the mark, no matter how sharp it is, it's useless.

With his Martial King Realm strength, such an ice spike trap would certainly not be fatal.

The Wind Singing Sword in Lou Yu's hand flew out with a single move, and a large piece of brilliant green sword light covered a hundred feet in radius. It struck at the sharp ice thorns coming towards the ground, trying to cut off the ice thorns.

But at this moment.

The "Arctic Musk Ox" that had already crossed the snow hill suddenly turned around, and suddenly revealed the sturdy figure of a big man with thick eyebrows and a broad face, with a look of ridicule on his face.

He simply wore an Arctic musk ox hide and walked in the snow disguised as an Arctic musk ox.

"Suffer my ice blast fist!"

The thick-browed man shouted fiercely and punched Lou Yu.

In an instant, he fisted a surge of icy ice energy, which condensed into a tiny blue light and exploded towards Lou Yu's chest.

Once it hits the target, the ice fist, which has condensed the huge power of the King of Martial Arts, will explode with all its strength at one point in an instant, releasing extremely strong ice-cold energy at the same time.

When Lou Yu saw the "Arctic Musk Ox" turn around and reveal his true face, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood. It was a shame that he was fooled by such a simple deception.

He was now swinging his sword with all his strength and slashing at hundreds of ice spikes on the ground. There were obvious flaws in his chest and abdomen. How could he withstand the ice-blasting fist of the thick-browed man?


This blast of ice punch hit Lou Yu's chest without any deviation, shattering his King of Martial Armor, shattering his shield, and hitting him in the chest.

The huge force hit him, and he was instantly blasted hundreds of feet away. It felt like his limbs and bones were almost shattered, and a bloody hole with a fist mark was blasted out.

What frightened him even more was that a strong icy breath quickly invaded his body along the wound on his chest, freezing his body along the blood veins.

Lou Yu fell heavily on the thick snow, and strong ice spread on his body.

"Quack~ Stupid guy, go to hell!"

A dim and insubstantial figure of a thin man had already used the ice invisibility technique in the snow hill. After hiding for a long time, he suddenly appeared from the snow hill and pierced Lou Yu's heart with a sword.

Lou Yu could not help but despair and closed his eyes.

He already felt stiff all over, his hands and feet were almost frozen under the strong ice energy, and he was completely unable to resist or counterattack this sword.

Two Martial Kings teamed up with a fourth-level ice spike trap carefully designed to threaten Martial King. In less than two breaths, Martial King Lou Yu fell into a fatal situation.

If not, it would be very difficult to kill a Martial King in one fell swoop.

The military princes hundreds of feet away behind Lou Yu were almost stunned by the sudden assassination and had not yet reacted.


The martial princes of the Ice Desolate Twin Tigers team had long been ambushing the opposite side. They rushed out of the snow hill highlands, roaring loudly and excitedly, and rushed towards Lou's team, which was hundreds of feet away from the opposite side.

"Brother, be careful!"

Lou Qing's face changed drastically, and she flew towards Lou Yu anxiously and panicked, trying to rescue her elder brother.

However, she was hundreds of feet away from her eldest brother. Lou Yu was about to be stabbed in the heart by the thin man with a sword. She would die in this split second. She had no time to rescue him.

Even if she could cross hundreds of feet in one step, with her martial arts cultivation, facing two Martial Kings and other Martial Lords, it would only be one more person who would die.

"It's over, we've been ambushed, everyone run away!"

"Two Tigers of Ice Desolation! Damn it, it's them!"

The other Wuhou in Lou's team are even further away from the Lou brothers and sisters, as far as a thousand feet away.

Seven or eight Wuhou were panicking. They had heard of the Ice Desolate Twin Tigers for a long time, so how could they dare to fight against them. I want to rush into the dark ice field and escape in the chaos. They didn't want to risk their lives for the sake of the Lou brothers and sisters.


The other two or three spies in the team were beaming with joy, feeling that they had a chance to win. They eagerly pulled out their mysterious swords and slashed at the other members of Lou's team nearby.

The Lou team was finished. Lou Yu, the captain and King of Martial Arts, was about to die, and the remaining team members were completely vulnerable. Now it's time to kill each one to earn another, and try not to let anyone in Lou's team escape.

"Boy, I have long disliked you. Go to hell!"

One of the spies, Wu Hou, even excitedly raised his mysterious sword and aimed it at Ye Fan with great audacity - the "little pretty boy" who was recognized by all the Wu Hous in Lou's team as a freeloader.

Ye Fan couldn't help but look sideways in surprise, feeling immense admiration for the extraordinary courage of Wu Hou, the spy who raised the Xuan Dao.


A devastating purple beam of light instantly tore apart the dark night on the ice sheet.

The bright purple death light illuminated the ice field with a radius of more than ten miles in a flash, and then the dazzling purple light gradually faded away.

The thin man with white eyes was smiling ferociously, and was about to stab Lou Yu, who was frozen on the ground, with a fatal sword, when his own head made a soft sound of "poof——!", like a broken one. Like a watermelon, it was instantly pierced by the purple light and exploded into a mass of starry red that filled the sky.

Almost everyone, including the members of Lou's team who were fleeing in panic, the members of the Ice Desolate Tigers team who were roaring and running hard, and the spy Wu Hou who drew his sword to attack Ye Fan, all stopped and fell into deathly silence. , was shocked and stiffened by this shocking scene.