
The Avianwolf

In a world partially dominated by Ravens, Phoenixes (Avian) and werewolf, A Child was born. He had the blood of a Raven, Phoenix and Werewolf; he was an Avianwolf. He was hated amongst all the species, because they never saw eye to eye. The three species were pure Rivals. With the help of his witch friend, he laid a curse on them to never be able to mate with other species so they couldn't get an Avianwolf. A phoenix was surprisingly mated to a Raven, And then Emily was born. When she found out what she was, life became hard for her. She was being attacked by both Ravens and Phoenixes, as she was partly their enemy. She falls in love with a werewolf and then they had a son (An avianwolf) , she knew her son would face more challenges than she had, so with the help of a witch, she locked his powers in a cave far away and gave him up for adoption. Read the book to know what happened after then. Book cover by Jabo graphics.

Emzest_Inale · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Chapter 13

"What happened? " Dickson asked when he stumbled into the room and found Jacob sitting on the ground trembling slightly, his eyes were red and tear filled.

Jacob rose to his feet immediately, "Please don't freak out, It's... It's me, Jacob, I don't know how this happen, I just... "

"What are you talking about? " Dickson cut him.

Jacob's frightened expression turned to a puzzled one. Was he the only one seeing this? "Seeing you dejected and terrified doesn't freak me out, it gets me worried. " Dickson continued. He advanced towards Jacob. "What made you so scared? " He asked, gazing into Jacob's eyes.

Jacob stared at Dickson, the puzzled expression still plastered on his face. He looked over his shoulders and he frowned, "It's gone. " Jacob said in a whisper.

"What's gone? " Dickson asked.

"Uh... Nothing, just a bad dream, and I have to return to what I was doing. " His eyes darted before he turned around and walked towards his wardrobe searching for nothing in particular.

"As you wish, just know that you can talk to me and your mother about anything that's going on with you. " Dickson said, and he walked out. Jacob sighed and went to the shut door. He walked up to his bed and collapsed on it.


Emily sat on the couch after cleaning the shattered mug from the floor.

What was parsley? The question kept playing in her head. It all went down to the night at the pool party, when she was harrased by two werewolves, asking what she was.

She stood up quickly, like her seat had been set on fire and dashed upstairs, she flung the door of her mother's room open and found her mother and father arguing. They stopped abruptly as their gaze moved quickly to Emily.

"What is parsley? " Emily asked.

Richard sighed, "It's a herb, harmful to avians. "

"I was only trying to protect you Em. " Rebecca stood up.

"By using parsley to make tea for her? " Richard asked in an angry tone.

"Wait, we're avians? " Emily frowned.

"Yeah, your mother is a phoenix and I'm a raven. " Richard stated.

Her eyes darted from her mother to her father, she couldn't believe they kept this from her for a long time, what was her mother trying to do by giving her something that's harmful to her. she turned around and stormed out the door.

"Emily! " Rebecca called but Emily didn't stop and she didn't turn around either.

She raced down the stairs and fiercely wiped the tears that were dropping from her eyes. She opened the door and banged it once she stepped out.

She had no idea where she was going, she just wanted to get away; away from home, her parents, everything. She needed some time alone to think, she needed a walk to at least free her mind from all the emotions she was feeling.

"Emily. " Someone called her from behind.

She stopped walking and gazed over her shoulders.

"Jacob, " Emily called, turning to face him, he was wearing a jogger and a hood, his hands were tucked in the pockets of the hood and he walked up to her, "What are you doing here? " She asked, she was surprised to see him because he barely visits.

"I want to talk to you about something. " Jacob said, coming to a halt in front of her.

"What's that? " Emily asked, walking further away.

"Do werewolves bite... Maybe cause one to have wings? " Jacob asked, walking side-to-side with her.

Emily paused, a frown settling on her forehead.

"Have you ever seen a werewolf with wings? " Emily asked.

"Since that night, I've not been myself. " He looked left and right making sure no one was there to hear what he was about to say, "I even popped out wings yesterday. " He continued in a whisper.

She raised a brow at him and continued walking.

"I thought I was just seeing things but I touched it, it was real. " Jacob said.

"Okay, we need to see Michael about the werewolf bite part, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't give you wings, it didn't even turn you and you're still alive. " Emily's eyes widened. "Perhaps, who knows, you might be a raven. Does Giselle knows? "

"I'm so stuck on the fact that you called me a raven, I don't even believe that yet. " Jake frowned slightly.

"Perhaps you will when I tell you that I am an avian. " Emily said, lowly.

"Wait, what? " Jacob quickly looked at her.

"Yeah, just found out today and I'm still trying to wrap my head around it though. " Emily sighed.

"My mother is a phoenix and my father is a raven, so I'm guessing I'm both. Why don't we go to a coffee shop, I'd use some refreshments to cool down. " She said and Jacob nodded.

Jacob was thankful that Emily could relate to his problem and he felt relieved, he needed some refreshments too and someone to talk to, to avert his mind from everything that was going on.


Michael slowly opened his eyes, he couldn't recognise the room he was kept in, the last thing he remembered was fighting with Chris, he didn't even remember he passed out.

His hurting arm was bandaged, a thick cloth placed around his hand, covering from his elbow to his wrist, linking a long piece of cloth over his other shoulder, hanging his fractured arm to his stomach. His face were sore from the punches.

He tried sitting up to get a better view of where he was but his head throbbed painfully. He held his head with his left hand and groan lowly, he sighed after sitting up on the bed, he looked round; the room was not so big, there was only one small window but it was closed and a thick cloth was hung over it and there was no way for air to penetrate.

There were flames in the fireplace and a few candles were lit, the room was a little bit bright and beads of sweat rolled down his face. A wooden chair stood in front of a small square wooden table at the top corner of the room.

But he noticed there was no wardrobe, and it seemed no one has lived there for a while. He had to open the window before he suffocates, slowly, he stood up and walked over to the window, he pushed the thick curtain aside and opened the window. He squinted his eyes as he was dazzled by the bright light that came from outside, the room made it look like it was sunset.

He loosed the bandages from his hand and searched for his shirt. He found them on the floor and took it, they were stained with blood and he wore it cautiously as his arm had not healed totally. Themselves door wasn't locked so he opened it and again and squinted his eyes, walking into a wide field, his eyes slowly adapted to the brightness of the sun.

"I see you're awake. " Someone spoke behind Michael and he hurriedly turned to see who it was.

"Who are you? " Michael asked. A woman stood in front of him, she'd be in her late thirties, tall, slender and has a dark brown eye, almost black. He didn't know this woman and how did he end up here?

"I'm Kayla. Did you enjoy your rest? " Karla asked with a smile.

"My rest, You call that a rest? " Michael asked as if he didn't believe the lady would ask him that, "I almost died of suffocation in there. "

"My apologies, the heat was meant to speed up the healing process. " Kayla spoke politely.

"Thanks for the healing spells. " Michael said. He had assumed kayla was a witch, "But I have to go right now. " He turned around and was walking away.

"I know what you are. " Kayla yelled.

"Yeah, I'm human. " Michael replied, not turning back.

"You heal too quickly for a human. " Michael paused as Kayla's words flew into his ears. "I did no healing spells, I just treated you, you healed on your own and I'm not a witch. "

"What are you, then? " Michael turned to face the lady.

"Come with me, I'll show you. " Kayla smiled and started walking away.

"Where will we be going? " Michael took slow steady steps forward.

"My house. " Karla kept walking further.

Michael paused, "There's no way I'm going into that unventilated house. " He said.

"Just come with me. " Kayla halted and looked back at Michael, he hesitated for a moment before walking up to her.

They walked into the woods away from the unventilated house.

"You don't live there? " Michael asked pointing his thumbs over his shoulders at the house he woke up in.

"No. " Was Kayla's reply.

The rest of the walk was silent and after a few yards, they came out of the woods and Michael, from the hill top, viewed a small village, with a little amount of people. The village was a beautiful and peaceful one surrounded by nature's free gift.

Michael smiled at Kayla and they both descended from the hill.

They walked into the village and Michael fed his eyes with lots of beautiful views, aside the sounds of people having conversations, Michael could hear the sound of birds chirping, the breeze whistling and a little roar of the river.

They got to Kayla's house, it was a storey building, the living room was beautiful; there were three couches, beautiful flower arrangements stood at the four edges of the room and a big colourful chandelier hung on the high ceiling.

"Make yourself comfortable. " Kayla said, motioning for Michael to sit.

"You have a really nice house. " Michael complimented as he settled on the couch.

"Thank you. " Kayla smiled.

"So, you said you aren't a witch? " Michael wanted to get this over with and leave as quickly.

"Yes, I'm clairvoyant. " Kayla replied.

"And what has that got to do with me? " Michael frowned deeply and raised a brow at the same time.

"When I saw you on the ground, wounded and unconscious, I had a vision about you. " Kayla's face expression turned to a serious one.

"Okay, tell me. " Michael gazed intently at Kayla.

"Why don't I show you instead? " Kayla asked, stretching forth her both hands to Michael.

Michael drew forward from the couch, he placed his hands over Kayla's and she held them firmly and closed her eyes, Michael stared at her for a moment before closing his.

After a while Michael muttered words with a troubled expression.

He gasped, opening his eyes, white light shone brightly from his eyes.

"Noo!! " Michael yelled, his back collapsed into the couch.

"What was that? " Michael asked after a while, trying to sit up.

"The future. " Kayla answered.

"No! It can't be. " Michael cried, standing abruptly from the couch. What he saw felt real but he couldn't believe it.