
The Author of Life

Thomas is a boy plagued with feelings of loneliness and isolation when one day, he discovers a mysterious box with the power to create life within it. Eager to escape his isolation, he becomes the Author of Life, shaping worlds and civilizations. As he grapples with his newfound power, Thomas learns that playing god has consequences beyond imagination.

rcolin02 · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Chapter 11

It was a bright and sunny day. I, Cyrus, the king of the elves, was walking through the village which now resembled a city by this point.

I could see the fruits of my labor. The elves had created a thriving civilization, and the kingdom was a testament to their ingenuity and hard work.

As I looked around, I saw the elves going about their daily lives. They were busy at work, and the city was bustling with activity.

I noticed that there was increasing unrest within the kingdom, and many of the elves were unhappy. There was a growing sense of discontent, and the elves were questioning their purpose and their place in the world.

One day, while I was walking through the village, I heard a group of elves talking.

"The Creator is a myth, and we should not be wasting our time worshiping him. We need to focus on ourselves and our own advancement."

I was shocked. These elves were clearly heretics, and they were questioning the Creator's role in the world.

I was disturbed by their words, and I knew that I needed to act quickly.

That night, I gathered the elves in the town square and spoke to them.

"My children, I have heard the growing unrest and I understand your concerns. But the Creator is real, and he is guiding us towards a brighter future."

"How can you be so sure?" an elf asked.

"Because I have spoken to him. He has shown me the way, and he has guided me towards the path of enlightenment. From the very beginning I heard the Creator's voice."

There were murmurs in the crowd, and the elves were clearly listening.

"I believe in the Creator, and I believe that he is guiding us towards a better world. He has given us the power to create our civilizations, and he has given us the ability to make our own destiny. We must trust in the Creator and follow his guidance."

"But we have not seen the Creator. How can we be sure that he exists?"

"Have faith, my children. The Creator is watching over us, and he is guiding us towards the path of righteousness. I have a feeling he will return soon! I am growing old and soon my life will be snuffed out like a candle. But he will continue to guide the elves!"

The elves were moved by my words, and they were inspired by my faith in the Creator.

"Thank you, lord Cyrus. We will listen to your words and have faith in the Creator." Shouted a man. In that moment, I heard the cheers and yells of the elves.

After the speech, the elves returned to their daily activities, and the kingdom was once again filled with the sounds of life and productivity.

However, the unrest was not completely quelled, and the elves continued to question the existence of the Creator. Some worshipped the Great Tree and believed it was the true Creator. Others began to believe that the Creator was simply an ancient being who had long since left the world.

But the vast majority of elves had faith in the Creator, even if their faith was waning, and they continued to live their lives in accordance with his teachings which was to procreate and create a thriving civilization. 

"I can only pray that the Creator returns and reveals himself soon, before the elves lose all faith," I think to myself.

As the years passed, the elves continued to thrive, and the kingdom grew even more prosperous. But the elves were growing restless, and there was a sense of unease among them.

They continued to question the existence of the Creator, and some elves began to worship the Great Tree.

The kingdom was on the brink of a crisis that would threaten the unity of it, and the elves were losing their faith in the Creator.

Then, one day, everything changed.

"Creator! Are you there? Please give us a sign!" I shout into the void of the Great Tree.

Then, suddenly, I hear a voice. It is a deep, powerful voice, and it fills me with a sense of awe and wonder.

"Cyrus, I have heard your cries. Your time has come, and I shall reveal myself to all the elves."

I feel a surge of joy and hope. The Creator has answered my prayers.

"I will build a grand temple in the heart of the city, and I will gather the elves there. I will show myself to your kind, and I will reveal my will to all the elves."

"Thank you, Creator! I will do as you say, and I will prepare the elves for your arrival."

I leave the Great Tree, and I begin preparations for the arrival of the Creator.

I gathered the entire city and announced the news. "My fellow elves, the Creator has heard our cries, and he has decided to reveal himself to all the elves."

There were gasps and cheers among the crowd.

As I prepared to give my speech, I heard a shout, "there is no Creator, the only creator here is the Great Tree! You've become senile you old fool," yelled a voice.

There were murmurs of agreement, and a few elves began to walk away.

"Silence," I say, my voice booming over the crowd.

"The Creator is real, and he has answered our prayers. He has heard our cries, and he has decided to reveal himself to all the elves."

"The Creator is a myth. We don't need to listen to this nonsense," said another voice.

I looked to Amber my wife with a saddened expression. "This is unfortunate, Cyrus. They aren't listening."

I nod in response.

I turn back to the crowd. "You may not believe me now, but you will see. The Creator will show himself, and you will see that he is real. You will see that he has answered our prayers, and you will see that he has a plan for our people."

The crowd was silent, and I could see that some of the elves were considering my words.

"Trust in the Creator, and he will guide us towards a better future," I say.

The crowd slowly dispersed, and I could see that many of the elves were still uncertain, but I had planted a seed of hope in some of their hearts, and I had faith that the Creator would reveal himself soon.

Amber and I walked home, and I felt a sense of dread. The Creator had spoken to me, and he had given me a task. But the elves were still not ready.

"Do you think the elves are ready for the Creator?"

"I don't know, Cyrus. They are a stubborn and prideful people, and they are quick to doubt. But I have faith in the Creator. If he believes the time is right, then I am sure he will reveal himself when the time is right."

"I hope you are right, Amber. I have a feeling that the future of the elves depends on the Creator's actions. The disunity is getting intense. The religious factions have begun to creep up within the court and as a result have begun meddling in politics. I fear my advisors will turn to one of the heretical factions."

"We will face whatever comes together, Cyrus. We are a strong people, and we will endure. We have endured many hardships, and we will endure this. We must have faith in the Creator, and we must trust in his plan for us."