
Some feel the rain, others just get wet

''Freedom'' is something every human being possesses and craves.

Do you want to be invincible? so don't fight the things you have no control over. True happiness only depends on just 3 things, which everyone has...

your ideas, your will and the way you use your ideas.since I was a little girl, I always wanted to be an artist, I wanted one day to reach the level of people like Michelangelo, so I dedicated myself to spending hours and hours of my life studying, every compliment I received, whether from my parents or friends, I felt more and more motivated to continue, the compliments made me feel that I was on the right path... but... time passes, you grow, the people around you change... and it's in those moments, when feelings overflow, that the most beautiful paintings are born.

It's a beautiful Monday morning, today is the day I go to the new school, as my dad got a new job, we ended up moving, and with that, I had to change schools.

coming downstairs, I thought I would find my dad at the table, but he wasn't there.

-Dad left already? Mom?

-Yes dear, your father now has to leave early for work.

-Wow, I thought we could have a family breakfast before my first day.

- Oh, honey, don't be like that..

-It's okay, don't worry

As soon as I finished eating, I took my things and left towards the school ''maybe it will rain today...'' I took my umbrella just in case, but to be honest, if it rains, I would like to be able to just watch the rain, the sound of rain calms me down, helps me find myself and understand myself...

''Without the rain, nothing grows''.

Upon arriving at school, I quickly went to the teachers' lounge, my teacher seems like a nice guy, he was super helpful and seems to be the calm and focused type at work. After introducing myself to my classmates, I headed towards my desk, and the class started, and as I expected, it started to rain.

-Hey, Sophi, where did you come from?

-There is? ..well I...

The girl who was with me, is called Ellen, she looks much younger, if I didn't know that we are classmates I would easily believe that she was in elementary school.

Ellen was the first one to approach me, the other girls were just looking at me from the corner of their eye, maybe they asked Ellen to come, as a kind of test for me.

During the break, Ellen is showing me around the school, I was extremely surprised by the size of this place, it's completely different from where I used to go to school.

-And here is the ladder to the roof, with that our sightseeing tour ends.

-Thank you for helping me to know more about the school

-Sophie, come on! we still have a little time left, let's snack!

-Yes let's go.

With a slight smile on my face, I followed Ellen towards the cafeteria, the place was almost empty, well, taking into account the schedule, it makes sense that the students are already back to their classes. Ellen and I were chatting while having lunch, she's really a good person...

-when I realized... THE CAT DROPED MY CUP!

-this is really sad lol

-Mom didn't want to buy me another one...so I had to look for a job and-

Ellen stopped suddenly, she was looking at the exit of the cafeteria, where there was a boy, a tall boy with dark hair, he had just eaten and was already leaving.

-Ellen? what was it?

-a... err.. n-nothing, nothing at all!

Ellen it was red, maybe that boy is someone she likes?

-That boy, do you like him?


''how cute''

-n-it's not that I don't like him, in fact I think all the girls at school g-like Thomas...


Thomas Jaynel, from what Ellen explained to me, he's an extremely popular kid here, well he's definitely good looking so I guess I can understand why Ellen likes him.

At the end of classes, I said goodbye to Ellen and packed my things, and then I went towards the roof, I want to enjoy some rain and also... I want to see what the view is like from here.

-there is?

When I reach the roof, I see the same boy as before, Thomas, standing by the bars.

-Because you...

I couldn't believe what I saw, in front of me I see Thomas, throwing himself from the roof.

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