
Chapter 1: The Betrayal

Tyler felt a pit forming in his stomach as he watched his girlfriend walk towards him with a stranger. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Tyler had just finished his final delivery order for the day, looking forward to a well-deserved rest when he saw Jade, his girlfriend, walking out of a bar with a man.

"She's cheating on me," Tyler thought to himself as he approached them.

"Jade, what the hell? I thought you said you were going to bed early," Tyler said, his voice trembling with anger.

Jade turned to face Tyler, looking taken aback. "Tyler, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here? And who the hell is this guy?" Tyler said as he gestured towards the stranger.

The man looked at Tyler with an expression of confusion. "Who are you?" he asked.

"I'm her boyfriend," Tyler said through gritted teeth.

Jade let out a small sneer. "Oh, him. I was just telling my friend here how much of a loser you are," she said.

Tyler's blood boiled at Jade's words. How could she be so callous after everything they had been through? He knew they had been having issues lately, but he never expected this.

"Jade, you can't just go around making up stories like that," Tyler said, trying to remain calm.

"I didn't make anything up. You're just too blind to see that we're not meant to be together," Jade said, her voice dripping with disdain.

Tyler was seething with rage now. He couldn't believe that he was being talked down to like this, especially after all the times he had stood by Jade's side.

"I can't believe you," Tyler said, his voice pitching higher with each passing second. "After everything we've been through, after all the times I've put up with your crap, this is how you repay me? By cheating on me with some guy you just met at a bar?"

Jade rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. Like you've never looked at other girls before?" she said.

"That's not the point!" Tyler said. "You promised me that you wouldn't do this, that you would be faithful to me."

"I had promised you a lot of things, Tyler. But it hadn't seemed like you were happy with me, so what was the point in trying?" Jade had said. 

Tyler had felt like he had been punched in the gut. 

Tyler had gritted his teeth, feeling humiliated. "Who the hell did you think you were?" he had spat out, his fists clenching by his sides. 

The man had raised an eyebrow. 

"I am the guy who's taking your girlfriend home that night." 

Tyler's ex-girlfriend had just smirked, her arms wrapped around the other man's waist. 

"You had your chance, Tyler. But you were just too pathetic and broke for me." 

Tyler felt like he had been punched in the gut, yet again! He couldn't believe it - he had been saving up for weeks to buy his girlfriend a gift for his birthday, he had been working hard to make ends meet, and now she was with another man, how fair was life?

"Get out of here," he growled, his voice low, but dangerous. 

The man just laughed, jumping into his car and revving the engine. "I'll leave you to lick your wounds, loser. Try not to cry over your ramen noodles tonight!" 

They drove off, leaving Tyler standing there alone and enraged. He knew he needed to calm down, to clear his head, so he started walking towards the park - it was the only place he ever felt truly at peace. 

As he walked, his mind raced with thoughts of his ex-girlfriend. He had never thought she could be so cruel, so heartless. 

They had been dating for two years, and he had always thought things were going well. 

But now, as he replayed their last conversation in his head, he realized that there had been signs all along that she wasn't happy. She had been distant, cold, and often complained about how he didn't make as much money as some of her other friends' boyfriends did. 

Thinking about it now, Tyler realized that he had been holding onto a false hope that they could make it work. But he knew deep down that they were just too different - she was always chasing after the latest trend, the newest hot spot, while he was content with simple pleasures and a quiet life. 

As Tyler entered the park.

Just then he felt his old phone vibrates and brought it out of his pocket to see.

Gosh! Tyler could not believe his eyes as he stared at the message on his phone. 

"This must be a mistake," he thought. Maybe someone hacked into his account and sent money by mistake, or maybe his eyes were deceiving him, instead of of 100usd he was seeing 100 million dollars, after taking out his handkerchief and wiping of the sweat on his face, he checked his account balance, just then he realized that it was indeed true. He had received a hundred million dollars in his account out of nowhere.

Tyler looked around, wondering if this was some sort of a prank. 

Or had he gained everything? He wasn't sure, but one thing was for sure,

"You'll regret this, Jade," Tyler muttered under his breath. "You'll regret it."

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