
The Angel of Death beginning

Random_Thing_2646 · Fantasie
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9 Chs

chapter four

The next day Ash woke up and moved Rain's head slowly and made some eggs.Rain woke up because of the eggs noise they made when they were on the pan and he got up and walked over to the outside door and sat down on the steps and watched the sun come up. When the sun came up Rain opened his wings wrapped one around Ash and Ash leaned on Rain's shoulder. As they both watched the sun come up.when the sun came fully up Ash was the first to speak. "So what do you want to do birdie?" said Ash, chuckling at what he said "first don't call me birdie and second we can fly so why not fly around town?" rain said with a straight face looking at Ash. "Sure why not,"Ash said as he untucked his wings and flew up high as Rain followed him and they raced everywhere you can think of like mountains and lakes higher than people can go in the sky with plans!

Once they landed on a hilltop Ash tucked his wings in the same time as Rain. Ash looked at Rain and shoved him on the floor and Rain got up pushing Ash down hard. "Ow why so hard?" "Sorry I really don't know gentle ways to push," Rain said, as he ran his hand through his hair."It's okay I guess but try to push nicely," said Ash as he got up and leaned on a tree by him."So what now?"Rain said as he looked at Ash and Ash turned his head to look at Rain. Ash stops leaning on the tree and starts to head home but Rain grabs his arm and spins him around and looks in Ash's light green eyes as Ash stares in Rain's light blue eyes and Rain quickly kisses his lips. Rain quickly flies off letting Ash go with a red face he lands on a roof and thinks about what he did.Ash spreads his wings and flys up trying to find Rain once he spots him. Ash flies down to Rain on the roof and Rain tries to get away but Ash grabs his arm."You don't have to go"Ash said to rain as Rain moved Ash's hand from his arm. "Why not?" "Well it's complicated," Ash said as he looked in Rain's eyes as Rain looked in his direction. " So you like me or something?" Rain said as Ash's left hand ran through with messy white hair. "Well yeah you can say it that way"Ash said as he chuckled lightly. Rain looked at Ash deeply in the eyes as Ash slowly moved his way up to Rains face and wrapped his arms around his neck and Rain held Ash's waist as Ash leaned in and kiss's Rains lips and Rain was shocked but he kissed right back. Rain pulled back and Ask looked at him as they flew to Ash's home. They walk in the door kissing and they walk to the room kissing and Ash push's Rain on the bed as Rain is still shocked and is still kissing back but Ash goes a bit further and goes down to Rain's neck and kiss's it as Rain looks at the ceiling.



well now he knows i got feelings for him and all but this feeling he's making me have is amazing it feels like I'm falling in his arms. I just want to be in his arms forever but I know I can't let the other Angels find out they will definitely kill him and that can't happen. I hope this lasts forever and ever.


Rain snaps back to reality and looks at Ash as he's kissing him, drinking all the thoughts away and Rain wraps his wings around them both as Ash stops and lays on his chest and looks at him breathing heavily and wraps his wings around Rain.



It felt great but Rain did freeze up. I have no idea why maybe he never kissed someone? Or something I hope I made the right move with but if he doesn't like it he could have told me I just got lost like I was in a woods and deep in the problem I was in and i didnt think about what I was doing and just did it. Did I make the wrong move?


Ash looks up at Rain as he is asleep and Ash cuddles up and falls asleep as well.