
The Ancient Prince

“I came here to find my true love but I ended up feeling who my true love is.” ... When an ancient prince loses his lover, he is given the chance to be reborn or leave his life in the past and go to the future where his lover is reborn. His choice sends him to the future where he meets his lover but with a huge disappointment; she cannot see him. Which forces him to feel her through her roommate. But as his plan is carried on, a different kind of feeling begins to spring up when he starts to get closer to the body he occupies. Will he continue to love his past lover or accept the feelings he feels for the new woman in his life?

IrenKaykay_ · Urban
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4 Chs


"I broke up with Dae-hyun!"

The loud voice forced Soo-ah out of her sleep. She sat on her bed, eyes wide and confusion fogging her head. Once she saw her roommate and friend standing at the door with a sad look on her face, she rushed out of bed and went up to her.

"What happened, Haneul?" Soo-ah asked while frantically eyeing her body up and down in worry.

Haneul dropped her bag and brushed past Soo-ah who blinked in confusion. She craned her head to the side before turning around.

"What did Dae-Hyun do?" Soo-ah asked as she followed her friend around their room.

"I saw him with another girl at the mall. They started to kiss in the open and when I confronted him, he acted like he didn't know me. I broke up with him."

Soo-ah felt sadness tug at her heart. Haneul had always liked Dae-hyun ever since they met in college. Seeing her downcasted made her sad and slightly angry because he had acted like the perfect gentleman to her.

"What do you want me to do to him?" Soo-ah asked.

Haneul chuckled. "Just forget about it. I'll never be lucky with love. It's almost as if someone has made sure that I do not ever have the love of my life, in my life!"

Soo-ah watched in amusement as Haneul lay on her bed across the room with a heavy sigh. She spread her legs wide and started to whine in a loud voice.

"Why am I not lucky with love?" Haneul said in a singing voice. "When will I meet the one that is meant for me?"

Soo-ah couldn't help but laugh as her voice was off-key. She went over to where she lay and sat on the bed to look at her.

"Come on, Hannie. Maybe this is a sign for you to forget about anything called a relationship. Love is overrated," she said and leaned against the wall.

"Love isn't overrated. I will not give up on love!" Haneul said with her fist raised in the air.

"Sure… tomorrow you're going to come crying to me about how so and so cheated or lied to you."

Haneul sighed. "You know why I do this."

Soo-ah suddenly felt the atmosphere in the room change. She started to feel bad all over again and grabbed Haneul's hand.

"I just want to find someone before my parents do," Haneul said in a low voice. "You know how they want to force me into a marriage I don't want. Coming to this school was war and finding a partner to prove to my parents that I can do things myself is harder."

"Haneul, I'm so sorry you're going through this. Remember that I'll always be here for you," Soo-ah said and Haneul smiled.

"I wish you were a guy, I could have married you since the day we met."

"Tsk, not this again," Soo-ah said, rolling her eyes.

The sound of her phone ringing made her freeze. Soo-ah sighed and left the bed to hers where her phone was. Her heart sank when she saw the caller ID displayed on the screen. She swallowed and hesitantly picked the phone up. She stared at the phone for a few seconds before answering the call.

"Mom," she said.

"Soo-ah… where are you? Are you forgetting about your family again?"

The anger in her mother's voice made her shoulders straight up. She gritted her teeth against speaking against her mother and shut her eyes.

"Send us money! We are hungry and need food."

"Mom, I don't—"

"I don't care! If you can go against our order to go to that school, you must have millions. Send us money or we'll storm your school and force it out of you."

Before she could reply, the call ended and Soo-ah moved the phone away from her ear. She opened her eyes and glared at the wall in front of her. She glared at every paper and sticker on the wall and flinched when she felt a warm weight on her shoulder.

"What is it?" Haneul asked and stepped into her line of vision.

Soo-ah nodded. "It's nothing. My mom was just calling to check up on me."

The expression on Haneul's face was one of slight disbelief but a smile broke out on her face a second later.

"Are you free now? I want to eat at that new restaurant. Come with me, please."

Food was the last thing on her mind. Even though she had been hungry before sleeping, her appetite was gone after the call she just had. To mask her emotions, she simply nodded at Haneul who beamed before going back to her side of the room.

Feeling too anxious about what to do, Soo-ah began to bite her nail as she wondered what she would do to send money to her family before the day ran out. She knew her mother wasn't bluffing when she said she was going to march to her school. It happened once and she hasn't lived past the embarrassing moment.

"Are you ready?" Haneul's voice cut through her deep thoughts.

"Y-yes," Soo-ah replied and went straight to the bathroom. She locked the door and stood before the small mirror. "What am I going to do?"


"Wow, their food is delicious," Haneul said as she picked up a piece of meat from her plate.

Soo-ah forced a smile on her face and swirled her cup of drink before pretending to drink out of it. She could not focus on the food or whatever her friend was saying as she was occupied with the thoughts of what to do and where to get money to send to her family. She had received a text from her father who told her they were waiting and hungry. Soo-ah even felt bad that she was out eating and enjoying herself while her family was starving.

"Are you okay?"

Soo-ah blinked and realized she had zoned out and was staring at a random spot in the bustling restaurant. She nodded in response and dropped her cup, then shoved a piece of lettuce into her mouth.

"I'm fine," she said with her stuffed mouth.

Haneul frowned. "If something is bothering you, let me know. I don't like seeing you like this and you can't lie to me. I know something is going through your mind."

Soo-ah shook her head with a wave of her hand and almost choked on the lettuce when someone she knew strolled into the restaurant. She quickly swallowed and wiped her mouth before hiding her face.

"What is it?" Haneul asked.

"It's Chang Min," she whispered and Haneul grinned.

"Your crush?" Haneul asked in a teasing voice and wiggling eyebrows.

"Stop, he's going to hear you and—"

"Haneul?" The familiar voice sent shivers down her spine. "And Soo-ah. I see you eat here too."

"Hi," Soo-ah said with a curt bow of her head.

"Yes. We found out about this place a while ago. Are you here to have dinner too?"


Soo-ah's heart skipped a beat when Chang Min sat on the chair beside her. Her body began to feel warm from how close she was to him. She tucked some of her hair behind her ear and started to play with her food.

"How are you, Soo-ah?"

Soo-ah froze for some seconds before turning her head to look at him. His light brown eyes were on her and she forcibly looked down at his plump lips. When she realized that what she was doing was weird, she looked at her food and heard Haneul giggle. Soo-ah glared at her to stop but she only covered her mouth to giggle more.

"Is there an inside joke that I don't know about?" Chang Min asked and leaned over the table, causing his arm to brush hers.

Soo-ah bit her lip at the contact and felt her cheeks heat up in the process. She looked down at how close their arms were and the difference between them. She also couldn't help but get a whiff of his scent that she loved.

She was so lost in her feelings, that she didn't know her phone was ringing until she felt a tap on her shoulder. She blinked and looked down at the device and the happiness she had been feeling washed away and was replaced with sadness and dread.

"Uh, I'll take this. Please, excuse me," Soo-ah said and rose from her chair with her phone. She left the table and rushed out of the restaurant. She counted to three before accepting the call.

"Have you now grown wings?" Her mother's sharp voice rang through her ear. "Send us money! I am giving you until tomorrow morning at six to send us money or you're going to face the biggest embarrassment."

"Mom, I—"

The call ended and Soo-ah palmed her face. She racked her head for some seconds before sending a text to Haneul that she had to leave for something important.


Once Soo-ah entered her dorm room, she ran to her bed and sat on the floor. She stretched her arm under the bed and pulled out a small box.

"This is my savings. I'll have to send this to them tomorrow morning," Soo-ah said and rose to her feet.

She raised the box above her head and flung it to the floor. The moment the ceramic box shattered, a strong wind blasted through the window, forcing her to the floor. Soo-ah groaned when she felt shards from the broken box pierce her skin but the feeling didn't last long when she felt a heavy feeling in her.

At that moment, she felt as if she wasn't herself yet she was herself. It was like looking through someone's eyes yet it was her body. She gasped when she felt her body begin to rise from the floor. Soo-ah was certain that she wasn't moving her body which scared her. She tried to move but she felt paralyzed.

Suddenly, her hands rose on their own to her face, as if she was spectating her hands.

"Why am I in a lady's body?"

Soo-ah froze from shock. She had not spoken but heard her voice speak without her command.