
The Amazing Lives of Tai

A young boy inherits a great divine power known as the Spirit of Will, abusing the boys naivety and fear, the power is stolen which not only leads to the boy dying but may also lead to the destruction of the continent. As he lays dying he is given another chance From the spirit of Life. Using it's power he is given the ability to Reincarnate but at the cost of his memories. Guided by the spirit of life and the legacies left from their past lives, Each reincarnation lives different lives but all with the same destiny, Recover the power and correct Their mistakes.

Yonbui · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Rellon Forest [2]

The group of five made their way into the forest. Tai observed the other three who came in with him who were from different groups. One girl was a Female beastkin with cat ears who had a frame similar to Lucky but was a bit bigger, another was an Elf girl with dark black hair and blue eyes, and the last was a human boy.

"You need something?" the girl beastkin said.

"Ah no, I was just thinking about something,"

"Just spit it out then."

"Well there was another beastkin in my group who was smaller than you and they passed so I was wondering how you failed."

The girl had a bored look on her face and sighed.

"Well, that's probably because I didn't cheat."

"Cheat? What do you mean by that."

"Blessing of Blood." The Elf girl cut in.

"What's that?" Tai asked.

"It's special magic among us beastkin, It allows us to tap into the bloodline of our ancestors, it magnifies our strength and gives us other abilities. I took the test without using it, so if there was someone smaller than me who passed it was probably because they used it."

Tai's opinion of lucky dropped a bit after hearing that, he thought he should give him a little punishment whenever they got back.

"Name's Laura." The beast girl said.


"Riley." the Elf girl said.

Marvin and the other boy were walking at the head of the group not joining in the conversation. Tai recognized the other boy as he was a part of Marvin's posse.

"It's getting dark, we might have to set up a camp and get started tomorrow," Laura said.

"Well let's keep going until we find a good area," Riley responded.

The group walked for about 10 minutes before they arrived at an open area within the forest.

"This seems like a good spot." Laura set her weapons and shield down and rested aside a tree.

"Don't get too comfortable yet, we need to find wood and find something to eat."

Riley seemed like the leader and took command of the group.

"Laura and I will get everything set up, Tai you should go find some firewood."


"And you two over there." She pointed to Marvin and the other boy.

"You should go find some food."

"And why should we have to listen to you?" Marvin retorted.

"Everyone has to put in some work. Those who laze around won't be eating."

Marvin ground his teeth.

"Tsk. I can take care of myself, you guys can buddy around here, I'm just trying to finish this up and go home."

"You're really an annoying guy, aren't you. Fine do whatever you want, just don't ask me for anything when you find trouble."

"The only ones who will find trouble are those with no skills like yourself," Marvin turned to walk away.

"I don't know why you're always confrontational, If you want to be that way then you can just go out on your own."

"Then I will." Marvin turned away and began walking back into the forest.

"And what about you?" Riley asked the other boy

He stood silent and turned to follow Marvin.

"Well, I guess Laura and I will take care of the food."

"And where are we going to find food?"

Riley walked up to a tree and put her hand against it. Her hand began to give a green glow. Tai watched what she was doing very carefully because the feeling was similar to when he was meditating.

"What is that?"

"It's Unique Elf magic."

"Hmm I thought Elves lost their Nature magic, So how is it you can do that?" Laura asked.

"That's true but there is still residual traces of it left, so I can do something simple like this."

She took her hand off the tree and began to head towards the forest.

"There's a river down this way, we can catch some fish."

"I'll head there with you, Are you going to be fine by yourself Tai?"

"Yeah, It's just collecting Firewood so I'll be fine."

"Alright, remember there's monster's in this forest so be careful."

"I will."

Tai made his way into the forest to find firewood along the way he was still thinking about the magic Riley showed earlier. There was something a bit different about it but it gave off a similar feeling.

"Maybe I should ask her about it later." he thought and then he began to gather more wood.

When he had enough he made his way back to camp. surprisingly there had been no trouble as he was collecting.

This forest was usually overridden with monsters so it was strange hadn't run into any. He decided to let it go and went back to the camp.

"Ah Tai your back finally. We managed to get a good catch, let's eat!"

After eating the group decided to get some rest while alternating who was going to be looking out. Riley was up first as she had her nature magic to help her with the lookout.

Tai quickly fell asleep, to be exact it was more like a deep meditation. He was again attempting to concentrate on the feeling he had before.


He was shaken out of his sleep to see Laura in front of him.


"Shhh." She motioned her head to follow her.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Well, It looks like we're surrounded."

Tai, immediately began to focus, being surrounded by monsters even if they were weak could mean death if you're too careless. He grabbed his shield then looked down at the weapons he had with him. This entire time they had all been trained in using the spear but for some reason, Tai grabbed one of the swords that the chief told them to bring. Tai looked at the sword in his hand as it felt more natural to him having this sword in his hand.

But if there were any complaints he had.

"Too light." He felt that a heavier sword would be even better.

The three gathered together in a circle with their backs to each other looking towards the forest for any movement.

"Any idea Laura?" Riley asked.

Laura put her nose to the air and began sniffing.


If you've made it this far, Thanks for reading the story! also I changed beastmen to beastkin so they will be refered to as that for now on.

Yonbuicreators' thoughts