
Bizarre Noise

"Please, sir. Spare me! I didn't do anything!"

A man towering over the crawling man stepped into the light from a flickering lamppost. His golden eyes peeked through the hood of his jacket and tauntingly smirked. "You spearheaded the mass extinction of my kind and made a profit out of it, Johne Lewis. You did a lot of things."

A loud bang resonated in the whole street, breaking the silence of the town and surprising those who had heard it from afar. A loud howl startled most of those who were already sleeping.

"Monster... Hah... He's a monster..."

Heavy clipped pants from an obviously panicked injured man echoed in the narrow, messy, dark, and damp alley. He was dragging his bloodied feet, an obvious scratch of three long nails forever engraved on his legs as he escaped from the wailing wolf.

But unfortunately for him, he could not get away that fast from a 'monster that he called.

A growl from behind caused him to scream in fear. The alley he went through was a dead end, and now soon, he was dead as well. He kneeled and cried out loud, putting his hands together as he bowed his head and did not dare meet those glaring gold eyes, "Please, sir! Spare me! Spare me! I'll do anything! Please!"

The monster in front of him growled lowly. It revealed a few sharp fangs that could wound a human if they dare touch it slightly. It breathed through his nose and stepped further forward. The poor man scrabbled back until his back was on the wall, and he had no other choice but to raise his head and whimper in fear.

"Please, no... Don't kill me. I won't hunt your kind anymore, please," he begged once more.

But the only answer he received was a dead stare and a slow, dramatic shake of the wolf's head.

And the next thing he knew, his hands were already detached from his arms, and the whole alley was filled with his screeching wail.


"Maciel, can you do this? I really have to go. I have emerged-"

Lies. You're just going to meet your paramour. "Yes. Just put it down there."

"Good. Thank you!"

"Macy, can you make this report as soon as possible?"

Not again. "Yeah. When is it due?"

"Tomorrow. I'll report it to the boss."

What the hell? "Tomorrow? Already?"

"Why do you have any problems?"

She shook her head. "None. Just leave it there."

"There, there. You should know how to follow your seniors."

The number of papers, documents, and things that should be done that were piled up on the side of her desk was almost conquering her whole desk. And she could see a lot more coming. Or she was certain that there would be more. It may not be now, since it was already time to go home, but tomorrow and the following days, as usual.

She glanced at her workmates already logging out and talking about team dinner. She immediately looked away in envy. "Whatever. I hope they eat spoiled food."

No one bid goodbye to her. She was nothing but a mere newcomer and underling who, as they said, needed to learn from her seniors. But it had been five years since she was hired, and they still treated her as new.

If she knew, they were just looking for a way to reduce their work, and unfortunately for her, that was through her.

"What a good life," she uttered, full of sarcasm.

She started working again, not even minding the rumbling of her stomach and the frequent yawns coming out of her mouth. Most of her work, or her colleagues' work, was due tomorrow, and almost all of it was direct reports to the boss.

She thought of making a mistake in it, but she knew she would be dragged along if there was a fault, so she just did her usual quality work. But after that, it all depends on them on how they will report it.

"Overworking yourself again, Miss Macy?"

She tore her eyes from the computer and looked at the person who was now peering at her desk.

A fake smile made its way to her lips. "As usual. What are you still doing here, Trevor? The boss still hasn't come out of his cave?"

"As usual," Trevor copied her answer. "I just came from his office earlier. He was pale and he seemed weak, so he said he'd just stay the night there. I'm going home. Do you want me to send you home first?"

Trevor was the boss' faithful and kind driver and butler. He was always there late at night, since the boss always went home when no one was around. Mr. Clark seemed to be aloof from people, so no one had seen him fully yet.

If there were direct reports to him, there was an opaque window in between them so only his silhouette could be seen from the other side.

She didn't know the real reason why, though. But some say that, even with only the silhouette, he looked very handsome. His presence was just enough for everyone to swoon and intimidate.

Trevor was also assigned to check if there were employees around or not. Hence, they met each other one time when she stayed too late and was forced to go home because, apparently, she was holding the boss back from going home.

Yes, he was that sensitive. It wasn't like she wanted to see him.

"Can I stay a little more? I have a lot of work due tomorrow."

"And yet you're not paid enough for all of that," he said, frowning as he touched the mountain of folders on her desk. "Seriously, I can tell this to Mister Clark. Just give me the signal."

"And then what, get us all fired? Thanks but no thanks, Trevor. Don't worry about me, I can do this."

She gave him a small smile as she adjusted her falling glasses. He had already offered that before but she didn't think it was a good idea, so she declined. Knowing her seniors, the blame would only be on her and never on them.

He sighed in disappointment and stood straight. "We don't really win against those who have already decided. Always remember that I got your back when you change your mind."

"Thank you, Trevor."

"So, I'll go. You should also go now. Mr. Smith doesn't want to see you here certainly."

She nodded her head, but she knew to herself that she would not be getting out of this place without finishing all of what she had to finish. She sighed when Trevor. She just hoped that Mr. Smith would not come down to their floor because he would certainly be doomed.

She continued working with those damn reports and the only thing that could be heard was the taking of her keyboard. But at around eight o'clock, she heard a distinctive faint howl and growl that caused chills down her spine. She didn't pay attention to it at first and continued to work, but it was getting louder and harder to ignore.

She stopped typing, and even though she was scared and the noise gave her goosebumps, she listened to it carefully because she was already distracted.

"What on Earth was that? Did someone leave their dog here?" She checked under every desk, even the bathroom, the pantry, and all the nooks and crevices of a possible place where they could hide the dog, but it was nowhere to be found.

The noise did not stop. And having no more idea where it could be, she frowned and looked up to think about where the noise could be. But she later froze when she realized it. She walked toward the huge window that was slightly opened. She pushed it forward more, and the noise became louder.

She looked up, and there she saw the window of that floor slightly open. The floor above was where the boss was staying. Since their job was reporting directly to the boss, they were just below him so they could go there quickly when he called for them in an emergency.

She didn't know what she was thinking. It seemed like her feet just had their own minds. She only realized she was already marching toward the elevator and had already pressed the floor above hers. She got there in no time, and as soon as the elevator door opened, the noise became louder and clearer, and it really came from there.

The brain that her feet possessed earlier was gone now as it wouldn't move forward. She suddenly chickened out when she realized the possibilities of what kind of noise it could be.

"Is it intercourse-related noise?" she asked herself, biting the nail of her finger, as she didn't know what to do with the information if that happened to be true.

She considered just ignoring what happened, and she was about to close the elevator again and just go back to her work because she had already wasted too much time. But, she heard another grunt of help coming from a strong voice.

Macy sighed and frowned. There was nothing wrong about checking up on him, was there? If anything, she was just concerned and there was not a single ill purpose in what she was doing.

She stepped out of the elevator and went straight to the slightly opened door in the middle, where she bet Trevor had forgotten to close it properly. She had only been on this floor once when she was asked to put the financial report on the boss' desk, and it was just quick, she didn't even bother roaming her eyes around.

But now, there was nothing much to look at in this hallway except for the medieval paintings that were hanging on the wall. They were weird and mostly dark paintings. There was even a man in a wolf suit, hanging by the neck in the trees with people holding torches surrounding him like he was being abhorred.


She was pulled out of her trance when she heard that growl again. Weird. Were there any canines around? Why was there growling like a wild dog?

With a pounding heart and a bit of hesitancy, she pushed the door slightly open, enough for her to look clearly at what was inside. She gets a slight glimpse of what was inside.

Or were they hands?

There was still an opaque glass pane in the middle of the office. It served as a disguise for the boss whenever he met someone, but there was a gap at the side, and that was where she could see those hands that seemed to not be of humans.

The sound of the growling and the grunts were getting louder and louder. But she was scared, and some part of her was telling her to run and don't meddle with this thing now. It was creepy. At the same time, she could sense that something was wrong with the boss. It sounded severe that he was even calling Trevor's name to help him when he sent him away.

"Who is there!?"

She jumped and was startled. The hands or feet that were shown there earlier slowly pulled away as the groggy and husky voice of Mr. Smith got a little louder. He sounded angry and alert, so she immediately straightened her back and got ready to run away.

She was taking it back. She was scared, so she had to run.

However, before she could even tell herself to turn her back now quickly and pretend she heard nothing. A figure showed up in front of her, the hands that she thought were feet earlier were actually both. It was a hairy, huge figure that she thought she would never see in her life.

Its face was huge, its snout was long, and its teeth were long, sharp, and gritted. And its eyes... its eyes that were now glaring at her. It was growling, like a predator that saw its prey as it moved toward her slowly.


The wolf growled loudly, causing her to scream in shock, and immediately ran away. But it followed him. Oh, my god! Why is there a beast here!? And where is Mr. Smith?

Did it... Did it eat him?

"HELP- Ahhh!"

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