
The Other King Arthur

This may be confusing, but stay with me.

It is said that there once existed two King Arthurs.

One was Arthur himself, and the other was; Andragnathus.

This story is about the other King Arthur, and his knights.

Real quick; I shall be referring to Andragnathus as; King Andy.

Let us now meet the knights of King Andy.


Sir Cassivellaunus.

Sir Denys.

Sir Eadred.

Sir Hank Morgan, who wields two Dragoon Revolvers, and his other title is; the boss.

Sir Julius Civilis.

Sir Galgano Guidotti.

Sir-Lady Celeste.

Sir Feirefiz.

Sir Adrian.

Sir Zedoech.

Sir Ladinel.

Sir Karaz de Ginnes.

King Andy's wizard, for one; can not be a version of King Arthur without a wizard, is; The Mighty Om.

(The Mighty Om first appears in The Legend of Prince Valiant animated series)

The kingdom which King Andy rules is not named Camelot, but instead; Satan's Rock.

With a name like that, one knows that the story is going to be good… I will do my best.

The Warrior from Mars

" A monster? " said Sir Galgano Guidotti.

" Aye, sir. It was very queer; it was like something I had never seen before "

" Could you describe it? "

The man froze.

" No, sir… "

" Why not? "

" Because, not only was it dark; but I had my eyes closed too… I was very scared… "

Sir Galgano Guidotti showed that he understood by placing his hand on the man's shoulder.

" It is alright, I shall take care of the rest "

Sir Galgano now walked to the spot where the man saw the monster.

The knight indeed noticed some very queer footprints on the soil.

" Interesting "

Sir Galgano now heard the snapping of a twig.

" Who goes there? "

All was quiet.

The knight looked around, as he focused on every little sound; from his heartbeat to the wind.

Sir Galgano heard something from behind him. He quickly drew his sword, but he was not fast enough. The tall monster hit Sir Galgano with so much force, that the knight fell unconscious upon hitting a tree.

Sir Galgano was slowly opening his eyes, and the first thing he saw was the bright flame of a campfire.

" Are you okay, sir? "

Sir Galgano arose, and he was now looking upon the man from before. The knight also noticed that it was night.

" Was I out for that long…? " uttered the knight, as his mind was heavy, and his back hurt.

" Aye, sir. I got worried, so I came looking for you, that was when I found you; unconscious… may I ask; what happened? "

Sir Galgano paused for a moment, he then said;

" It was the monster…"

A look of dread and horror fell on the poor man.

" Oh, sir. I warned you… "

Sir Galgano giggled.

" You may have warned me, but, remember; I am a knight, and my duty is to the people, and their safety " said Sir Galgano with a knightly smile.

" Oh… God bless you… " said the man with a loving smile.

A second passed by.

" What will you do now? " asked the man.

Sir Galgano looked into the fire, as he said;

" I am going to kill that monster "

It was now the next day, and the knight was back where he began. And once more; he heard the snapping of a twig.

Sir Galgano waited, he waited, he then ducked; dodging the monster's attack.

Sir Galgano now saw it; the monster had four arms, and it looked very queer indeed.

" You learn quick, warrior " said the monster with what looked like a smile.

Sir Galgano smiled, as he could understand the monster.

The monster attacked again, but the knight blocked it with his sword.

Sir Galgano was now blocking each attack from the monster's four arms.

The knight was losing ground, while the monster was gaining ground.

Sir Galgano knew that he had to finish this quickly, but, before the knight could think of a plan; a horse came charging straight into the monster; knocking it unconscious.

" I came to help, sir, " said the man.

" I am grateful " said the knight, as his whole body was covered in sweat.

After having interrogated the monster.

Sir Galgano found out that the monster's name was; Tars Tarkas, and that he came from Mars. Or as Tars Tarkas called it; Barsoom.

Tars Tarkas was unsure as to how he came to earth.

But, the Jeddak of Thark was sure of one thing, he wished to return home; to Mars. And Sir Galgano was willing to help.

After having told The Mighty Om of what had happened. Om was willing to help.

With the snap of his fingers, the mighty wizard opened a portal to Mars.

Tars Tarkas thanked the wizard and the knight for their help.

And the Jeddak of Thark would remember their names; alongside the name of his dear friend; John Carter.

The Rooster-Dragon

" A rooster? " said Sir Julius Civilis, surprised.

" Yes " said the woman.

" And you say that this rooster looked like a dragon? "

" Yes "

The knight paused for a moment.

Sir Julius Civilis had heard of the horse-rooster; hippalectryon, but a rooster-dragon was certainly a first.

Sir Julius could not dismiss the woman's statement, and her statement was further enchanced when the knight found some very queer footprints.

" Curious " said the knight; " very curious "

Sir Julius continued his search, where he found claw-marks on trees, and these claw-marks clearly belonged to a hybrid animal.

A shadow flew over the knight.

Sir Julius looked above, but he saw only the blue sky.

The knight continued walking, and that was when the shadow passed him again.

Sir Julius knew that it would strike the third time, so he quickly got to cover. And sure enough; the Cockatrice attacked.

The Rooster-Dragon could not get to the knight, for Sir Julius was underneath a large tree.

The Cockatrice tried furiously to reach the knight, but the mighty tree stood in his way.

The Cockatrice's head was now stuck underneath the tree, and that was when Sir Julius saw his opening.

The knight crawled out to the other side of the tree.

Sir Julius now crawled up the tree, he drew forth his sword, he then jumped; cutting the Rooster-Dragon's head off.

But, what the knight had not taken into account; was the fact that this was a 'Rooster'- Dragon, which meant that the creature could still function for a few minutes without its head.

" Dear God… " uttered the knight, as the headless Cockatrice tried to attack the knight with its claws and tail.

Sir Julius could not help but feel impressed by the creatures' ability to fight on; despite being headless.

But, after having lost a lot of blood, the Cockatrice's body fell.

And if anybody asked; the meat of a Dragon-Rooster is very sweet.

The Archaeoraptor

The Boss; Sir Hank Morgan, had made his way to one of the ally towns.

There have been rumors; about a monstrous bird; which is kidnapping people. And those people are never seen again.

The Boss finds these rumors to be farfetched; at best.

Sir Hank is a more; down-to-the-ground kind of knight.

The Boss has no time for the things of fantasy, since he is a man of science.

But, not even The Boss could dismiss the fearsome evidence left behind by this bird, which The Boss refers to as; the Archaeoraptor.

(Note from Sir Hank; I would just like to take this moment to say; that this Archaeoraptor is not a real creature. At best, I would say that it is a fanciful creature. Not that there's anything wrong with fantasy. I just felt the need to clarify. And now, MP will write the rest of this story)

(Thanks Boss! - MP)

Sir Hank walked into a tavern. To The Boss' sadness, this was the middle ages, which meant that there was no saloon.

A man walked up to Sir Hank, as the latter had just finished his drink.

" Say sir, what is that shiny thing in ye coat pocket? " asked the man.

Sir Hank smiled, as he looked both ways. When the coast was clear, The Boss showed the man one of his Dragoon Revolvers.

As stated before, this was the middle ages, so the poor man had no idea as to what The Boss was showing him,

" Is it something useful? " asked the man.

" Only in times of war and death " replied The Boss, solemnly.

The man paused for a moment, he then said;

" Can it help me get revenge? "

Sir Hank just looked at the man.

" What kind of revenge? "

A sad and angry look befell the poor man.

" That damn bird - the man paused for a moment - stole the woman; whom I had promised my life to "

The Boss was just looking down at his drink.

" And you want one of my 'boomsticks' to help you get revenge? "

The man nodded.

Sir Hank smiled, as he finished another drink.

" Worry not, for I shall grant you peace; by killing this beast "

As if on cue, a large boom could be heard and felt.

" It is here…" uttered the man.

The Boss smiled, as he walked out of the tavern, and sure enough, there stood the Archaeoraptor; waiting.

There was some distance between The Boss and the beast, as they stood opposite one another.

The beast glared, as Sir Hank was calm.

The beast flapped its mighty wings, showing its fangs and claws. All the people were frightened, all, except for The Boss.

The Archaeoraptor now charged, as Sir Hank calmly reached for one of his revolvers.

A single shoot could be heard going off, and then, the beast fell to the ground; with a hole in its forehead.

" Parry that; you filthy casual " said the Yankee from Connecticut.

An Eventful Day

Sir Zedoech was calmly walking around the kingdom.

The knight could not help but notice the smiling faces of the people, as they went about their day.

Sir Zedoech felt a presence, he looked down to see a dirty dog was wagging its tail before him.

The knight could be heard letting out a faint giggle.

Sir Zedoech could now be seen washing the dog.

As a thank you, the dog kissed - and by that; I mean; licked - the knight's face; many times.

The dog's focus was now directed towards the forest.

" What is it, boy? " said Sir Zedoech, as the dog looked very serious.

The dog barked at the knight, it then ran towards the forest.

" I will take that, as your way of telling me to follow, " said the knight, as he ran after the dog.

The knight found himself deep within the forest.

Sir Zedoech was standing in a clearing.

The dog was not near.

The knight's eyes tried to make sense of the quiet and queer surroundings.

Sir Zedoech stood his ground, as his senses were being overwhelmed.

The knight now heard the snapping of twigs, the trembling of bushes and trees. Most importantly; Sir Zedoech knew that he was still alive… since his heartbeat was sky-high.

As the creature jumped out from the bushes, the knight drew forth his sword.

Sir Zedoech realized what he was pointing at; it was a small and cute puppy.

The knight was confused, he then saw the dog from earlier walk out from the bushes, with what seemed like its family.

Sir Zedoech felt that he could breathe easier again.

The knight would later adopt the family of dogs.

Which meant that there now lives dogs in Satan's Rock.

This story might have a happy start and middle, but I asure you all; it has a queer ending.

One day, out of the blue, the dog came back to the kingdom, after having been to the forest, with a sword in its mouth.

The dog walked straight up to King Andy.

King Andy took hold of the strange and beautiful sword.

The King decided to keep the sword for himself.

King Andy later asked if Om knew anything about the sword and its creator.

Om could not say much, for wizards do be like that. He did however say the sword's name.

The weapon was called; The Devil's Tooth.

King Andy was the King of Satan's Rock, and he wielded The Devil's Tooth.

It is because of these two things that many refer to King Andy as; Knight-King of Hell.

The Presence

Sir Eadred has heard talk of something queer.

The knight walked into a tavern to gather more information.

Sir Eadred asked for a cold drink, and the barkeep gave him one.

" So " said the knight, as he had finished his drink; " there are rumors about a 'Phantom Knight' "

The whole tavern fell quiet by the knight's words.

" We do not like to talk about it, " said the barkeep, calmly and coldly.

Sir Eadred realized that he needed to loosen everybody up a bit. So, the knight bought a round for everyone.

One man, who had seen the 'Phantom Knight', had enough alcohol in him; for his tongue to be fearless.

" Aye, I saw it. I barely escaped with me life too " said the man.

" What did it look like, a ghost? A phantom? " said the knight.

The man let out a hearty laugh.

" A ghost? You jest " said the man with a smile.

The man finished another drink; " it was no ghost, for no phantom makes a sound while walking through a forest. And this 'Phantom Knight' was snapping a lot of twigs "

" But, you said that you ran for dear life? "

" Aye! That I did, and so would you, if a towering fellow was coming charging at you with a bloody axe; screaming bloody murder "

Sir Eadred got all the information he needed.

The knight bought another round for everyone, he then set out for the nearby forest.

The sun was gone, the moon was out, and all was dark and quiet, as Sir Eadred was walking about; quietly as a mouse.

But, this mouse was not afraid of the eagle or owl. This mouse was the hunter looking for its prey.

The snapping of a twig could be heard.

Sir Eadred fell quiet, quiet as a mouse.

He listened, like a deer on alert.

The moon's light now made it clear, as its light reflected off the Phantom Knight's armor.

Weapons clashing could be heard echoing.

Sir Eadred refused to give ground, and the Phantom Knight refused to yield. It was now a battle of both will and skill.

Blow after blow after blow, neither knight tiring, both wanting to win.

A mouse could now be seen jumping off a tree and straight into the Phantom Knight's armor.

The Phantom Knight danced like his pants were on fire.

Sir Eadred could not help but let out a laugh and a giggle.

The mouse jumped out, while Sir Eadred jumped in; for the killing blow, which was delivered.

The Phantom Knight now truly lived up to its name, for the knight was now dead, perhaps, possibly, becoming a Ghost Knight.


" All of it was made of silk? " said Sir Cassivellaunus.

" Aye… sir " said a poor and frightened man; " I walked into the forest in search of fruit to eat. There was nothing for a long time, so, and I bitterly regret saying this; I walked deeper into the forest - the man drank the drink which the knight gave him - the sun was down, as I reached 'Silkhenge'. A place like Stonehenge; but of silk. I was mesmerized by the sight, and I made the mistake of walking further within; disturbing the web - the man's face now grew pale - that was when… that was when the cocoon in the middle of Silkhenge; cracked, and a spider-leg sprang out… I knew that I had to run away, but my shoes were caught by the silk - the man paused for a moment - I looked back at the cocoon… and that was when I saw the many eyes looking back at me… all the eyes had hunger within them… I left my shoes and ran for dear life. As I ran, I looked back, and Thank God almighty; the spider did not choose to chase me "

Sir Cassivellaunus saw how tired the poor man was.

So, the knight decided to give the man some money, and off Sir Cassivellaunus went.

The knight reached Silkhenge, and the place was just as the man had described; everything was covered in silk. And in the middle of this white structure; was the massive cocoon.

Sir Cassivellaunus knew that he had to be smart about this.

Instead of attacking the spider directly, the knight set the forest around Silkhenge; on fire.

And when the fire reached the silk-web, the spider came bursting out from its cocoon.

Instead of hunger; the spider glared at the knight.

Sir Cassivellaunus merely had a smug smile.

The spider charged at the knight, and that was when Sir Cassivellaunus ran into the burning forest.

Blinded by its anger, the spider followed.

Deeper and deeper they both went.

The knight had covered his face with a cloth; as not to breathe in all the smoke and ash. The spider had no such luxury. And Sir Cassivellaunus noticed the spider becoming slower and slower.

The heat was getting to both the knight and the spider, the two of them now decided to finish it.

Sir Cassivellaunus pulled out his sword, as the spider charged with the last of its strength.

The knight now ducked underneath the spider. As the spider ran over the knight; Sir Cassivellaunus held up his sword; cutting the spider's belly open.

The spider fell to the ground; dead.

Sir Cassivellaunus arose, now covered in the spider's blood-slim.

It took the knight two weeks to get clean of all the blood-slim.

Sir Cassivellaunus then made a comfortable shirt out of the remaining silk of Silkhenge.

The Battle Ready Statue.

Sir-Lady Celeste was following some rather large footprints.

The lady-knight had heard rumors about something attacking a local village.

When Sir-Lady Celeste arrived at the village, the village was indeed damaged.

The footprints which Sir-Lady Celeste found; where all larger than any normal human's.

The lady-knight asked around, and all the villagers said the same thing.

The thing that had attacked them was large and white. They could not get a better look at the creature, for it always attacked during the night.

And no one could get close. The creature would use its slingshot to kill any in its sight and range.

Many of the villagers compared their mysterious foe to the Disinterment of Venus by Clark Ashton Smith.

Sir-Lady Celeste now noticed another queer thing, there were pieces of white marble around the village.

We now find ourselves in the forest, as Sir-Lady Celeste was following the massive footprints.

The lady-knight had now arrived at a clearing in the forest.

To Sir-Lady Celeste's surprise and amazement, she noticed a statue of King David by Michelangelo.

The beautiful statue was being illuminated by the light of the moon. The marble of the statue looked exquisite.

Sir-Lady Celeste followed the remaining footprints, she now stopped in front of the statue.

The lady-knight looked up, as the statue was looking down at her.

King David now brought down his fist, but Sir-Lady Celeste was able to dodge his blow.

Sir-Lady Celeste quickly created some distance, but even distance was not enough, as King David was using his slingshot.

The lady-knight ran from tree-to-tree, as she passed each tree; King David shot down each tree.

Sir-Lady Celeste had to come up with a plan; and quickly, for she was running out of trees.

The lady-knight now had an idea; she would fight fire with fire.

King David now fell back a step, as he was shot straight in the face.

King David looked, and saw to his surprise and delight, that Sir-Lady Celeste was also using a slingshot.

David the Statue smiled.

Back and forth they both went, each firing as many shots as possible.

Sir-Lady Celeste surprised King David once more.

For instead of firing another rock, the lady-knight fired her sword.

The sword ran through King David's chest, but it was not enough to stop him.

So, Sir-Lady Celeste jumped onto King David, she then wrapped her slingshot around the statues' neck, and with all her might and main; Sir-Lady Celeste ripped the statues' head off.

It was a gallant woman who took down King David.

The Crossbow-Like-Gun

As Sir Denys fired, he remembered the last time he fired such a deadly bow… which resulted in a dear friend of his being mortally wounded.

Back then, Sir Denys was just using a normal crossbow, but now; he was using a Zhuge Nu.

Sir Denys fired another shot, and he got another bullseye.

Sir Denys now breathed out, as his heart was beating fast, and every fiber was tense.

The Zhuge Nu felt heavy in his hands, but the knight would not yield.

Sir Denys raised the weapon, he aimed, he breathed in, he calmed his heart, and he now fired.

Another bullseye.

The Worm with the Spikes

The creature was said to be long and large, it had obsidian-sharp spikes on its back, and Sir Adrian

was on the job.

At the sea, near one of the lighthouses, Sir Adrian

found tracks on the beach. The tracks were those of a massive serpent.

Sir Adrian now noticed large bubbles coming from the sea.

The knight pulled out his sword, and out from the sea came a tail.

Sir Adrian was confused only for a second, as he noticed the sand under him move.

The creature had used its tail as a distaction, and was going to attack the knight from under his very feet.

Sir Adrian jumped out of the way, as the head of the Spiked Lambton Worm came charging forth.

The worm cast a shadow over the knight.

Sir Adrian noticed how the worm was slowly surrounding him with its body.

The worm struck once more, and once more; the knight was able to dodge its attack.

Sir Adrian climbed over the worm's body, and he was now running towards the lighthouse, with the Spiked Lambton Worm following right behind him.

Sir Adrian ran inside the lighthouse, as the worm was slowly wrapping its whole body around said lighthouse.

The knight now reached the top, but so too did the worm's upper-half.

Sir Adrian thought quickly, and as the worm struck, the knight took the oil from the lamp; and threw it on the head of the worm. A spark was lighted, and the Spiked Lambton Worm was now ablaze.

As the worm was burning alive, it tightened its grip around the lighthouse.

Sir Adrian had to escape before the lighthouse fell, but that was when the knight decided to fall with the lighthouse.

Sir Adrian held on, as the top half of the lighthouse was falling towards the sea, and when the opportunity presented itself; the knight jumped straight into the waters.

Sir Adrian looked on, as The Spiked Lambton Worm slowly burned to ash.


It was while Sir Ladinel was enjoying a ride, that he noticed a boat with what looked like a massive bite mark.

The knight rode up to the owner.

" Pray sir, what manner of beast did you cross? " said the knight.

The man whipped some cold-sweat off his brow.

" You would only believe me; if you saw it for yourself… " said the poor man with a shaking voice.

Sir Ladinel dismounted his steed, he took hold of his water bottle, he then gave some water to the shaking old man.

After a few sips, and gathering his courage, the man spoke;

" I have been at sea my whole life, I have seen creatures of all kinds… but this creature… there was never another like it - the man paused for a moment - its mouth was big enough to swallow me whole; boat and all. I had never been more scared for my life… "

With a calming smile, the knight said;

" It will be alright. I shall take it from here "

Since the creature lived at sea, Sir Ladinel left his steed behind. And the knight was also wise enough to take off all his armor.

All Sir Ladinel had by his side; was his sword and dagger.

The water came to the knight's waist.

Sir Ladinel was walking through the thick water, with sword in hand.

The knight now felt something. He looked down, but all he saw was a harmless fish.

Sir Ladinel smiled.

The knight's smile quickly vanished, as a massive tail sent him flying.

In pain, Sir Ladinel opened his eyes, what he saw; made him utter;

" Crikey… "

The knight's foe was a Quinkana.

The massive beast charged at the knight.

Sir Ladinel jumped straight into the waters; dodging the Quinkana's massive jaws; which just snapped a full-grown tree in two.

Sir Ladinel tried to pierce the Quinkana with his sword, but the beast's scales were too much like diamonds.

The knight now started to run, while the Quinkana followed from behind.

Sir Ladinel had to do something, that was when he had an idea.

Sir Ladinel took hold of his dagger, he then jumped onto the Quinkana; where he then ran his dagger straight through the Quinkana's only soft spot; its eye.

The Quinkana cried out in pain, as it tried to shake Sir Ladinel off, but the knight held on.

With his other arm, Sir Ladinel ran his sword through the other eyeball.

Blood came out; like two red waterfalls.

And after a bit, the Quinkana fell; now dead.

In the beast's honor, Sir Ladinel made some armor out of its skin, with the help of Om.

The Sting at the Sea

Normal scorpions are scary…

What if I told you that there are also scorpions at sea.

Would you still be willing to swim?

Well, to be fair; these scorpions no longer exist.


For us, not for Sir Karaz de Ginnes, who encountered one of these scorpions.

The knight was taking a relaxing swim.

The water was calm, the wind sang, and the sun was gentle.

That was when Sir Karaz noticed a sting above his head, and below him was a Eurypterid.

The knight quickly ducked out of the way, as not to be stung.

Sir Karaz tried his damndest to reach shore, as the Eurypterid was just below him.

The knight was lucky enough to reach land, where he now grabbed hold of his sword.

Sir Karaz could now be seen blocking the Eurypterid's sting attacks.

The knight realized that his sword was too short.

Sir Karaz gazed to his right, where he noticed his spear.

Why did the knight bring his sword and spear to the beach? Well, he is a knight; what did you expect?

Sir Karaz threw his sword at the beast.

The attack stunned the Eurypterid for a second, but a second was all the knight needed.

Sir Karaz had his spear in hand, and when the Eurypterid went in for the kill, the knight ran his spear through its mouth.

Sir Karaz was covered in slime, as the Eurypterid fell dead onto the ground.

Lucky for the knight; he was at the beach.

The Cave Dwellers

" It was horrible! They had grey skin, blood-red eyes, and all of them wanted to eat me!!! " exclaimed a man at the tavern, where Sir Feirefiz was enjoying a drink.

The man's words caught the knight's curiosity.

Sir Feirefiz bought another drink, he walked over to the man's table, where he then gave the man the drink.

" Continue, " said Sir Feirefiz.

The man drank of the drink, with new energy, he continued.

" I don't mind saying this… but, near our little town, up in the mountains, is a cave which is filled with gold - all the people listening were about to rush out of the tavern - hold your horses. Trust me when I say; that you all want to hear the rest. One day, after hearing about the cave filled with gold. I packed my stuff, and let my greed guide me. I had finally reached the cave, and true enough, gold nuggets were everywhere. I dug like a madman, not realizing that I was being watched. I felt a chill, which brought me back to reality. I finally felt all the eyes upon me. With a shaking body, and a fast-beating heart, I turned around, I wish to God that I had not. But I did. And what I saw was truly inhuman. I ran for the dear life, the creatures right behind me. I ran and I ran, and here I sit before you all… half-alive "

Sir Feirefiz bought the man another drink, the knight now left the tavern.

Sir Feirefiz could be seen heading towards the mountains.

The knight finally reached the cave, which the man spoke of. And true enough; gold could be seen everywhere.

As Sir Feirefiz walked into the cave, he poured alcohol on his sword.

The knight now saw them; all the eyes glaring at him.

Sir Feirefiz smiled, he then hit his sword against the cave. A spark was created, and Sir Feirefiz's sword was now ablaze.

All the creatures cried out in pain, and it was also at this moment that Sir Feirefiz got a good look at all the creatures.

" Troglodyte, " said the knight with a smile.

The Troglodyte now all charged straight at the knight, hoping to put out his flaming sword.

Sir Feirefiz set each and every cave dweller ablaze with the swing of his sword.

Sir Feirefiz stood his ground, and the only thing which changed; was the number of corpses in front of him.

The knight had now killed all the Troglodyte, and the nearby town could now enjoy the prosperity which all the gold brought.

In Disguise Part 1

King Andy had decided to spend some time among his people.

But, in order for the people to treat him fairly, King Andy asked Om to cast a spell of disguise, which the wizard did.

The King was now walking among his people, looking like another.

King Andy was happy and overjoyed to watch all his people go about their day; all with smiles on their faces.

The King heard both praises and complaints from among his people, and the King took both things with a stoic smile on his face.

The King now overheard something interesting.

" They say that it was a fire demon "

" Poor villagers… and to think that it happened not far from here "

" What has happened? " asked the King.

" A nearby village has been attacked and burned down by a fearsome creature "

The one talking now gestured towards the refugees.

The King looked on, as some of the people were even burned… even the children were not spared.

" Where is the King and his knights when you need them? "

The King looked at the man, he then decided to kill this demon himself.

In Disguise Part 2

With Devil's Tooth by his side, King Andy was making his way towards the village of the recent tragedy.

As King Andy was leaving footprints on the blackened ash, he heard someone else make footprints.

The King stood in silence for a moment, as he focused on the sound.

King Andy was now sure, the sound was coming from behind one of the burned houses.

King Andy tackled the demon, as he came bursting out of the house.

The demon threw the King off.

King Andy landed back-first on a tree.

Both the King and the demon arose, slowly, both in a lot of pain.

The demon roared out the King, and that was when King Andy pulled out Devil's Tooth, which oddly enough, seemed to anger the demon more.

The demon and the King now clashed with their weapons.

King Andy was surprised to see that the demon could actually hold its own in a fight of wits and strategy.

The demon sendt the king flying, once more, with a mighty kick.

King Andy could be heard coughing up blood, for several of his ribs were now broken.

The demon gave no time for the King to think, as it kept on attacking.

King Andy had to think fast, for his strength was failing.

That was when the King noticed the symbols on his sword; glow.

King Andy remembered; that he was never fighting alone.

A brilliant light now forced the demon back, as the light came from King Andy's sword.

King Andy took up a stance, where he was holding the hilt of his sword with both hands.

The hilt could now be seen close to King Andy's face.

The demon roared, as it charged.

King Andy planted his feet, and with a mighty thrust towards the demon, a beautiful beam flew straight towards the demon.

The light could be seen by many, from far away.

The light was a symbol, which meant; that there is always hope.

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