

"what are you saying sir It can't be ?" said Sam

"As I said before you will get all your answer inside the gate" answered the great arc

"Friends we should follow sir and let see what is inside " said Ram

They all got inside the big gate and entered a white layer and when they pass the layer , there came a huge giant statue of gold holding a sword in his hand . The trio was amazed to see it . Then come huge beautiful houses . And it look like a ancient world . Ram was thinking something and going to ask something to the great arc .

The great arc said " I know Ram what are you thinking, who am i ? Am I right "

"Yes " Ram was shocked

" I am The Great Arc Kevin The head of all arcs are in simple words The most wise people of The dream world and the master of magical power " said the great arc

"And where you found me was the place between your world and our world "

A loud noise comes from right side and all turn to the direction of noise and see dust flying around and a large piece of rock felt on ground and look different as it was equal part of a rock near by .

"Wow ! it looks like it is cut as smooth as butter " exclaimed Sam

The dust settle down and a warrior is standing there . He starts coming toward them and bow in front of The great arc.

"Greeting my sir , this warrior bow against you the great arc kevin" complete the sentence while putting his sword down.

"God bless you my child god bless you" said the great arc

Looking toward the trio "aren't you the legendary trio It is pleasure to meet you"

"Wait what ... legendary trio , what do you mean " said Krish angrily

" Oh I forget to tell you all you would not know anybody here by every one know you all and respect you " Said the great arc

"By the way I am warrior Imran " Imran said forwarding his hand

"I am Ram and these are my friend Sam and Krish " said Ram while shaking hand with Imran .

"I can't tell you how lucky I am " said Imran

" Sir you said You will answer our question here, how every one know us ?please tell us " Asked Ram

"Few time back at the time of last Dream king I made prediction that when the devil will come and win our world a new dream king will come and who will be from another world and he would be helped by three more warriors .""And you and Imran make my prediction coming true " said great arc

"Wait you said devil what it is meant to be" questioned krish

" Devil has came he is a warrior who is under the dark power and helped by the dark army "said Imran

"So what you want us to do " Asked Ram

"You four go and gather the parts old sword to kill the devil then One of you three will become our future king ""The king of Dream world the dream king " "The king of 4 continents and 27 countries "Said the great arc

"And don't forget it is dangerous " he added

After thinking for some time Ram Said "OK we will help you "

"But first you have some rest and get some training about weapons" Imran said

After a week of training they learned the basic weapons and how to use them like the magical bow and etc . "You are ready for the adventure Get a rest you will leave for it tomorrow " The great arc said
