


"Oh my~" With a small chuckle while deeply inhaling the smell of sex in the atmosphere, Yuuki trembled slightly as her beautiful eyes seemed to gain a sparkle as she looked at the man in the distance.

"W-what are you doing!?" Holding up her trembling finger, Saya looked at Yuriko and Fenrir in disbelief, while her witty mind seemed to shut down completely.

"Isn't it obvious dear? They're fucking" With a smirk, Kiriko looked at the blushing and nervous Yuriko and gave her a thumbs up in a sign of approval.

"Th-this..." Looking between Fenrir and Saya, Yuriko anxiously looked everywhere, then looked at Saya with teary eyes and from one second to the next, disappeared from the scene.


Yuriko did not know how to face reality and decided to run away for 9 months.

Looking sideways in confusion, Fenrir stared at the girls and their new appearances for a few seconds, then repeatedly sniffed the air and frowned deeply.

Suddenly appearing in front of the girls, Fenrir showed his teeth and looked at them with a little hostility, and then observed their faces one by one.

Being watched by Fenrir, each girl remained silent, knowing perfectly well from Saeko's words that this could happen, but, although they saw it coming, they would never think how intimidating this situation could be.

Their hands sweated, their backs grew cold, while their hearts pounded violently at a primal fear that even they did not understand.

As they changed their races to superior ones, their instincts expanded enormously, even if they do not yet know how to use them fully.

But, even if they don't know how to listen to their instinct, the fear-controlled survival instinct is something that even a child could feel, and right now, their instincts scream that, if they move even an inch, they might die.

Even Kiriko and Riko who are within the superior races, could not help but feel the fear of being in front of a natural predator, something they unfortunately failed to comprehend and no doubt would not have known if it were not for the strong tremors in their body.

Standing in front of the stunned Saya, Fenrir took her hand and watched her for a few seconds, then placed his hand over hers and intertwined their fingers.

"Saya..." Looking up, Fenrir looked at the pale face of the pink haired woman and whispered softly, then looked at the rest of the girls and smiled slightly "Welcome... my pack."

The instant Fenrir spoke, all trembling that was in their bodies stopped, while a warm feeling enveloped their bodies, causing more than one sigh of relief to be heard around the room.

"My god if you're so cute~!" Not caring about the fear she felt a few seconds ago, Shizuka formed a sweet smile on her face, and quickly stepped forward towards Fenrir, then hugged him and pulled him to her chest, while her 3 furry tails wagged rapidly out of apparent happiness.

"Fuck..." Taking a deep breath to calm her fluttering heart, Rika swallowed saliva and looked at her trembling hands in a daze "So this is what those pirates felt... it's normal that they didn't stand a chance."

"Y-you... what were you doing with my mom?" swallowing saliva as she remembered what happened again, Saya stammered, looking at Fenrir who was deeply buried between Shizuka's breasts looking at her with an innocent look.


"Y-yes, my mom!"

"Yuriko..." Thinking for a few seconds, Fenrir replied "Having fun."

"Pffff!" Covering her mouth to keep from laughing, Kiriko quickly hid her face from the furious Saya.

"Having fun!?" With a red face, Saya continued "With my mom!?"

"Yuriko..." Cocking her head in confusion, Fenrir continued "She said that mating is not only for having puppies, but also for having fun..."

Opening her eyes a little wider, Saya blinked dazedly and muttered "S-she taught you that?"



Patting Saya's shoulder, Rika shook her head and smiled at her "You know Fenrir is not at fault here, besides..."

"Your mother is an adult now, don't take away her right to be happy" Interrupting the conversation, Kiriko yawned and smiled mischievously, then walked over to the silent Rei and walked to her back.

Taking Rei's breasts in her hands, Kiriko smiled playfully and winked at Fenrir "Learn from us, mother and daughter share everything~"

Blushing slightly in embarrassment, Rei murmured "Mom.... stop it!"

Pursing her lips, Kiriko murmured "What's wrong with my little girl? It makes me feel weird to see you like this..."

"*Sigh* I'm fine mom" Shaking her head knowing full well her mother's concern, Rei sighed and looked sideways "Shouldn't we get dressed?"

"I'm fine like this~" Licking her lips sensually, Yuuki slowly walked towards Fenrir as her eyes sparkled and her plump hips swayed seductively.

"Can I borrow it for a few hours~?" looking at Shizuka, Yuuki asked.

"No, it's mine!" pursing her lips, Shizuka wrapped her tails around Fenrir's crotch and hugged him possessively.

Raising her eyebrows, Rika watched the scene with interest and commented "Shizuka being jealous? Now that's new."

"My mom..." Ignoring everything around her, Saya looks in a daze at the place where she found Yuriko and looked at the large amount of fluids on the ground "My god... I knew I didn't have to leave her."


The afternoon passed quickly and not peacefully.

Being back in reality, the girls felt a greater eagerness to discover their new powers and after many bitter sighs, they all had to return to the house without any success.

Saya did not speak for the rest of the day, sometimes she looked at Fenrir out of the corner of her eye and the daze enveloped her, but all the girls understood her situation and chose to give her space.

After the change of race many new facets were discovered, for example that of Shizuka.

If a woman can be the definition of jealousy, one would never have thought that Shizuka would be in that definition.

Shizuka never showed any signs of jealousy and always encouraged group bonding.

But since changing her breed and returning to the house, she literally has not let go of Fenrir at any time, clinging tightly to him and wrapping her tails around him to prevent him from breaking free.

Though this didn't sit well with Saeko, after seeing the fox woman's cute pout, she simply sighed and waited patiently until she calmed down.

But all that aside, it was safe to say that life was back on the island and while Fenrir certainly missed Yuriko for a day without her, he doesn't feel lonely at all to have most of his pack back.

Laying down the center of the futon, Fenrir was once again enveloped by different bodies clinging to him.

Having a giant Shizuka asleep on his chest, Fenrir found himself almost on the verge of suffocation by two giant breasts surrounding his neck, while his erect member is warmly enveloped by two soft large buttocks and being hidden by 3 soft fox tails.

Since Fenrir had such an active sex life, it is practically inevitable for him not to react to so many female pheromones surrounding him, not counting even the two other big-titted women wrapping their arms around him like a koala.

Looking to her two sides, Fenrir silently appreciated the beautiful faces of Saeko and Yuuki, feeling completely curious to see their new looks.

But undoubtedly what caught his attention the most right now, was Saeko.

Staring at the furry ears, Fenrir sniffed her gently and growled softly, feeling incredibly amazed to smell his own scent on her.

Although all day long he wanted to get close to Saeko, Fenrir simply could not.

All day long he was pampered by Shizuka and a horny Yuuki, who kept rubbing up against him at the slightest carelessness of the busty cutie.

"Fenrir~" Suddenly feeling a tongue biting his human ear and a strange caress on his furry ear, Fenrir shivered slightly and quickly turned his gaze towards Yuuki, who was smiling playfully as her exotic eyes sparkled under the darkness.

While the girls are not yet fully adapted to their new bodies, Yuuki had no difficulty adapting to her new tail, being able to control it at will and needless to say she spent the whole day fiddling with it.

Bringing her face closer to Fenrir, Yuuki stared into he eyes and stuck out her tongue, then sensually licked Fenrir's cheek and whispered heatedly "How about we run away to play~?"

Blushing as his eyes clouded over, Fenrir was quickly enveloped in Yuuki's mysterious seduction, as a strong scent of pheromones assaulted his nostrils.

Fenrir being a wolf with such a strong sense of smell, he is undoubtedly extremely weak to a woman like Yuuki, who gives off aphrodisiac pheromones all day long, something that would be able to make even an impotent old man erect.

"Let's go~" Wrapping her tail around Fenrir's arm, Yuuki began to pull him gently, causing Fenrir to move Shizuka carefully and set her down on the bed.

Freeing himself from Saeko's grip, Fenrir let himself be carried by the beautiful succubus under the darkness of the night, unable to take his gaze off the beautiful quiver in Yuuki's buttocks with every step he takes as he felt the strong source of pheromone fountain in the place.

Smiling with a twinkle in her eyes, Yuuki exhaled a strange purple breath, going straight for Fenrir's nose as she leads him deeper into the forest.

While being able to use her new powers have to do with instinct, not all instincts have to be equal.

Causing a woman like Yuuki with a strong sexual instinct, she managed to control a part of her new powers with some ease.

What Yuuki discovered was simple, if she focuses primarily on her lungs and then exhales, a small purple mist begins to emerge from her mouth, a mist that she herself experienced and left her with a strong leak in her crotch.

The only reason Yuuki hasn't locked herself in the bathroom to discover the new pleasures this body can bring her, is because she has the perfect specimen to help her satiate all her lust.

And with that in mind, the reasoning is easy.

Who would want to masturbate boringly in a bathroom when you have a partner of the opposite sex to take care of it?

There's no room for doubt.

Being deep in the forest, Yuuki turned to Fenrir and hugged him suddenly, while her sharp nails started to gently caress his pecs.

"My cute Fenrir~" Opening her mouth, Yuuki let out an abnormally long tongue and started to lick Fenrir's neck slowly, while her hand was already moving down to the painfully erect member that bumps against her belly "Did you miss me~?"

"Grr~" Growling softly as he felt slender warm fingers wrapping around his eye, Fenrir closed his eyes and focused on the pleasure, causing Yuuki to giggle sensually and slowly start to move down.

Licking everything on her way, Yuuki finally reached Fenrir's crotch and licked her lips, then opening her mouth wide and without any hesitation, taking the member completely into her mouth, having no problem with the gag reflex and gaining a new lump in her throat.

Opening his mouth and eyes wide, Fenrir sucked in a breath of air and lowered his gaze in surprise, as he perfectly felt a long tongue curl around his entire shaft and still lick his testicles.

Another ability discovered by Yuuki, is the ability to extend her tongue as much as she wants, or at least that's what she discovered so far, without feeling the need to find the limit of this ability.

But the main point, is that Fenrir was involved in the most amazing and pleasurable suction of his life, while his whole crotch was strongly stimulated by an abnormal pleasure.

Looking up at Fenrir with amused eyes, Yuuki affirmed her grip on the young wolf's waist and started bobbing her head, making noisy sucking noises in between.


Edited By:

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Pa treon: https://www. pa treon.com /Eroos

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