
The 3 magic stones

Alucard and Harith went off to collect 3 magic

stone to create the mystic ball of magic

Harith:Hey i am so tired of walking

Alucard:Okay let's go to the big tree

Harith:Ahhhh yes finally some shade... what the!!!

Alucard:Who are you show your self

The stranger attacked harith

Alucard:No!!! Harith


The stanger get away ang kidnapp Harith

Harith:Let go off me


Stanger let go off harith

Harith:Wait no please i don't wanna die

???:Okay let's go

Stanger and Harith went to a strange temple

Harith:Where are we

???:We are on a magic temple

Harith:Wait what is your name

???:My name is lunox

Harith:Wait your lunox

Lunox:Yes why

Harith:Your the one of the guardians of 1 of the 3 magic stone

Harith harith said by alucard loudly

Harith:Alucard I'm h.... hey

Lunox:Silence i dont wanna Alucard get here

Harith:Okay fine

Lunox:Come i will show you something

Ang lunox and harith go to a room

Harith:wow this is wonderful

Lunox:If you wanna get the 1st stone you need to do 3 task for i will give you the 1st stone

Harith:Okay this is gonna be fun

And harith is teleported on a room full of puzzle and locked door

Voice of Lunox:This is your first task you need to solve the puzzle

Harith:Easy peasy lemon squzee

Then harith solve the puzzle within 1.5 hour

Lunox:Impressive next one you need to defeat the most powerful wizard

And harith teleported again. in a room

Harith:oh no this is harder than i though

Harith almost lost but Harith use his magic

of the ancient one

Lunox:Good your almost finish the last quest is defeat me lets 1v1

Harith:Fi... wait whatttt!!!!

Lunox:If you defeat me i will give you the stone

Lunox had the first attack and harith dogge all of the attacks

Harith:(Ahhh this is so hard)

Harith is tired

Lunox:why aren't you fighting i know how much you need the macig stone

Harith:Wait how do you now that i need the stones

Lunox:Couse your grandfather told me to protect you and give the magic stone but dont give the magic stone for free he will need 3 task

Harith:Okay lets do this

And harith wins couse lunox loses her power

Lunox:congratulation harith the magic stone is yours

Alucard:Hey what up harith sorry i took so long i went to the wrong temple but i found the 2nd one who is that

Harith:Ohh its lunox

Lunox:Nice meeting you alucard

Alucard:Harith lets go now lets fine the last one

Harith:Goodbye lunox

And alucard and harith went off and left lunox

Harith:That is a thought one

Alucard:shhhhh be scilent the assasins can your here your voice

???:got them