
The 5 Bloodlines

Emerging from a two-year coma induced by a meteor crash on an island, Kai Hellbound awakens to find himself in an airborne medical facility. The aftermath of the meteor impact has given rise to a transformed world, marked by a new energy source, catalyzing diverse magical manifestations among the exposed populace. Reports suggest that proximity to the meteor's impact correlates with the potency of the newfound magic. As Kai and his companions were situated on the island, the extent of their magical prowess is anticipated to be formidable.

Noisy_Achiever32 · Aktion
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75 Chs


Kai was currently in a car upon asking the driver how long it would take, the driver smiled at him before saying.

"It should only be twenty minutes from our current location"

Kai then sat back and closed his eyes, he decided to get some sleep before arriving at the docks and for Kai twenty was more than enough time.

To Kai the drive was a short one, time flew by and he was already at the airport.

It was currently 12am as he looked at his watch before the driver extended his hand. Kai gave the man his watch and then saw him drive off to Stone Edge academy.

Kai then looked behind him and saw two men with military outfits waiting for him. Kai approached them.

"Kai Hellbound this is your ticket, good luck on the Wall" one of them said as they stood straight.

Kai walked past them and entered the airport. He went through all the security measures and was now sitting in front of the gate. He then sighed all of this was taking a toll out of him.

"This had to happen right when I was feeling confident. I guess I'll have to use this confidence to kill beasts" talking about beast Kai had forgotten that when he killed the doctor the system gave him a beast armor piece.

When he looked at the system he saw a pair of boots black in color that looked like normal combat boots. But the description stated they were not.

<Zen Boots>

Warrior Tier Armor that is made from a cheetah like creature. +5 Dexterity and +3 Stamina

Kai the equipped the boots and felt the raise in power.

[Kai Hellbound] [Fire Mythic][Plasma]

[Race: Hound]

[Level 25] (419,230/1,280,000)

[Hp: 200/200]

[Strength: 76]

[Stamina: 75] (+3)

[Dexterity: 85] (+5)

[Control: 60%]

[Fatigue: 0%]

[Free Stat Points: 0]

"With the boots my dex is already at 90, I need to get more beast armor" he said with a hint of crazy in his eyes. He seems to be power thirsty these days but who could blame him in this world the strong always ruled.

He then realized his flight was boarding so he grabbed his things and boarded the plane. After a little while the plane took off as Kai saw himself get further and further. He closed his eyes and dozed off, once again thinking he needed to get as much sleep as possible.

Meanwhile at Stone Edge a hummer arrived at the entrances of the wall that protects the school. A special ops signals the driver to lower the window. The driver did but then grabbed the soldier's face, muffels can be heard suddenly.


The soldier dropped dead, the other noticed this and was about to shoot but suddenly.



"Sky Breaker"


A massive thunder struck the entrance, cracks started to appear as the wall crumbled even some soldiers were killed in the process.

"This power, contact Vulcan and the Ltcs Now" one of the soldiers said.


The hummer drove off through the rubble, making its way to the academy. Inside the academy alarms went off. The instructors were telling the students to not leave their rooms.

Meanwhile, Ltc Black and Dormant were in front of the academy Vulcan joined them later on. The car stopped right in front of them.

Six men got out of the hummer. They were all wearing masks so they're faces couldn't be seen. One of the men took off his mask.

"It's been a long time, father," Cain said with a smirk.

"You're too late Cain he is no longer here" Ltc Black said.

"I thought so," Cain sighed.

"But that just means I have to find him in another place. Where you cannot protect him" Cain said as he turned around.

"By the time you find him he'll be stronger than you" the Ltc said

"No matter, there's still someone here that can be of help to me. Bring me Darya" he said.


Dormant green aura exploded with rage. Vines started to emerge from the ground and stand like snakes.

"Who do you think you are to make demands!" He shouted seeing this one of the men with a mask which was blue stepped forward.


A blue strong aura also emerged from his body and it was on par with the Ltcs. The aura appeared to have the texture of liquid.

"Water elementalist" Dormant whispered.

Ltc Black frowned upon hearing that it was the perfect opponent against him. He could also feel the aura of the others and even if they were only high A rank it would still be difficult to deal with all of them at once.

"It appears two of them have fire affinity and the others one wind and thunder," Ltc Black said.

He then added. "It seems your the only one without a disadvantage Vulcan"

They all frowned. As all of their aura exploded with terrifying power. Cain smiled like a psychopath as he saw this before his aura too exploded.

They were about to attack when another presence was felt.




Footsteps could be heard, in a slip second two of the A ranks that wore masks got killed by a pike of Ice. The ice was being tainted by blood and the ice cracked, sucking all the blood inside of it.

A pair of glowing blue eyes could be seen before the silhouette of a woman appeared. Darya was walking towards the Ltcs and Vulcan.

"I heard you were looking for me, Cain" her Aura exploded and caught Cain out of guard since he didn't expect this kind of aura from a student.

"Her aura is from a low A rank but why do I feel so threatened by her" Cain said clenching his fists.

The blood from the ice was making its way to Darya's hand. The blood swirled around Darya's hand as if it was dancing under her control. This made Cain frowned.

"Blood Magic but, I thought her higher form was ice" Cain said when looking at the Ltcs none of them were surprised. Cain then remembered when she arrived her eyes were glowing.

"One of the five," Cain realized.

"Exactly, now Cain you want to fight, possibly kill Kai but let me tell you something, you should have come sooner" Darya smirked.

Cain was shocked by this.

"You won't be able to touch him once he arrives at the island. He gets stronger with each fight" Darya walked back to the academy.

"Let's go" Cain said, it was a clear miscalculation and he needed to find Kai before he became stronger even if Darya was bluffing he didn't want the risk.

Last chapter of the week.

Remember to visit Never Whither’s Fate later tonight.

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