
I was the Fifth

He was a king loved by all, is what I would like to say, but he was not. This is a story a tale forgotten not to time, but through the hands of greed to have you forget, so you will never grieve. "Why would they do this?" You ask? Because if not a king or a god exists then there will be no leading power, so god forbid I ask you; what good is a king, if he has no heir?


Walking is a simple task really, but dancing? This was something I dreaded why attend a ball with no benefits? And why go to such extents to learn an art useless in life as is in death? This is what Alter was thinking before a voice called out to him. "Fifth Prince, it is time for the Second Prince's arrival back to Hiraeth, His Majesty the King calls for your presence." It was the head maid.

"Of course, I will be there shortly." I replied.

I arrived in the throne room, where my brother the second prince stood, Charles was his name. "Did you find a suitable bride, Second Prince?" I asked.

He looked at me with a gaze that would seethe your soul. "No, I have not, and you know what that means don't you little brother?"

I laughed and replied. "Why yes, I do it means you're getting an arranged partner no?" "You would never understand." He replied.

"Enough." The voice shook the room, we fell our knees and could not get up.

"Damn, he used a command!" The one who used the command, the only person capable of using one, was my father, The King.

"I was sure you were to bring a suitable partner this time, after all you've visited every continent in Ieonoth, and I gave you a chance to choose your own partner, but it seems that no one is good enough for you, and so I must make a decision, begone." 

It was when I left the hall that I smelled something, something indescribable. It aroused my interest to the point I forgot my original task, and so I bolted down a hall, skipped over a table, nearly knocked a maid out of her shoes, and arrived in a garden, where strangely the smell disappeared, all there was is a single stone floating upon a pedestal yellow as a daffodil and shone brighter than the crease less moon, it was beautiful I found myself wanting, I stumble in my excitement towards the stone, but just before I touch it, a man stepped in front of me. I looked up to see my father, and he whispered into my ear "forget about the stone, forget about eyes, and forget about ring." Those were the last words I heard before I was run through the gut by my own father. Forever to be lost.

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