
That time I got reincarnated as a slime, that's what I thought atleast

Welcome to bullshit. This is that time I got Reincarnated as a Slime. But in the perspective of an 12 year old guy(Boy?Kid?Child?Nah,he is just a guy) who died bcs of a serial killer mommy. Enjoy. (Harem,Hell yeah baby) (Overpowered? Ofcourse) (WeakToStrong.. That's something that we all love, seeing the character get stronger through his pure potential and determination,just like our favourite anime main characters) Also the plot from That Time I Got Reincarnated as A Slime is a joke and a full on thought on how i would have wanted to see the story show off.

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9 Chs

World Destroyer

"Has sacrificed all of her purity..." The grin of Laplace was getting more maniacally comic.

"All of her purity?What do you mean by that?" Unseen asks beetween his deep breaths,his own eyes stabbing the eyes of Laplace with their intensity.

Laplace grins while laughing to himself then going serious immediately, looking at Unseen with the same intense eyes the boy looks at him with.

"She has given her body to that demon in the most cruel way..."

Unseen's hands starts to tremble as he hears more of the words that came out of this clown's mouth.

"The carnal way,the biggest sin of a demon,the lust of a demon is eternal.."

Unseen's bag that he carried on his back catched on fire,as the fire has been around their figures all the time, burning vigorously.

"..." Unseen looks at the burning weapons he wanted to give to the villagers..He takes an axe before it could have burned like the others.

"Your bringing that to our fight,what kind of crazy kid are you?That thing would do nothing to me"


'System.. Remember when you said about the fact that my unique skill works on weapons too?' Infact,not even the narrator himself knows what this kid spews out of his mouth.

[Yes,but master will face some drawbacks after fusing your destruction powers into the axe]

'Like what..?'

Unseen thinks as he backs up from Laplace ,Laplace not even bothering with him as he laughs at Unseen's stupidness.

"Bahah!This kid has hit the jackpot for the stupid meter,he is more stupid then Tear and Footman,and these guys are supposed to have no brains inside those goofy heads of theirs!" Laplace clears a tear from his eyes,he has laughed so much,he started to tear up.

"I feel insulted and destroyed both from my inside,and from my outside..." Footman says while watching them from the top of the church,the only building who can not seem to burn.

"It's probably just all of that food you ate,you shouldn't have ate that much!" Tear says, teasing her teammate.

"You are all so mean,I don't even know why i teamed up with you...!"

Footman regrets his choices of getting into the Harlequin Alliance,seems like all of these things are not for him,seems like not everyone that looks like a clown likes to do goofy things.

"Because you now see us as family,hehe!" Tear says happily while turning her head to footman and smiles behind her mask,Footman turns his head at her too and just sweatdrops .

Now back to Laplace and Unseen.

Unseen is standing motionlessly with his figure burning vigorously around the ruined road of the village, seemingly doing nothing,just thinking to himself.

'It's so bad to the point i will be cursed for life?And the curse is me roting away when i don't have my axe with me?How unlucky do i need to be to get that kind of curse!?'

Unseen's eyes are covered by a shadow while sweatdroping to himself,how the heck can he fight with a weapon when he can just die in the long run?

[Well there's also a way you can transform the axe into a temporary destruction imbued weapon that can help you, without any drawbacks]

'There is such a thing too,I can create temporary weapons??' Unseen is kinda confused,he can have a temporary weapon to fight the clown guy?

[Yes,it's called a destroyer weapon,it uses most of your magicules,the metals from the axe and most of your energy,but in the 5 minutes you use the weapon,you will look almost like an invincible knight,to the point where you can actually have a chance to fight all the three Majins at the same time]

'Its that's strong?' Unseen is shocked,he has never heard of such an sub skill before,is his Unique Skill really just an Unique One?

[Yes.The sub skill is called "Blade of The Apocalypse" ,this skill should have not been used until your unique skill would have evolved alot more...But i did some things and made a subskill just like it for your unique skill level.]

'You are amazing then System!I don't know what i could have done without you!" Unseen smiles inside his mind,this system helps him everytime and he is super grateful for that.

[It's nothing,this is my purpose for being your system]

'So how do I use the sub skill?'

[I will tell you immediately.]

While Unseen was talking to his system,Laplace was having his own thoughts.

'Suddenly I feel like this kid,has something to back him up,cause I know there's no way he has a chance to even do anything to me in his current level.'

'Maybe he is just trying to buy time for himself?' He looks around the place but sees nothing suspicious.

'Seems like that's not the case?So he would really fight me himself.'

'Then so be it'

He bows and two black daggers full of flames manifested in his hands.

'Now that i have made the environment full of flames i can use these daggers to their max potential,after all ,the more flames and chaos is around me,the stronger they get.'

Footman looks at Laplace using his daggers.

"He already wants to test them out?But Yuuki told us to use them only in danger matters, didn't he?"

Footman is confused,what is his goofy ahh of a teammate doing, isn't this overkill for that kid?

"Oh Footman,Laplace has thought of that kid as a danger,the moment he saw him."

Tear says, looking at the two facing eachother.

Footman widens his eyes ,confused,that kid is danger?No way,there's no way plot armour is that strong.

"So what are you gonna do next?Keep staying there or what?"

Laplace looks at the kid with eager,what is he gonna do next?Like this kid hasn't moved in a while,it's kind getting boring just standing there and looking at eachother.

'Maybe he is already uncouncious while standing?Just because of all the chaos around him?Nah,there's no way this kid is that easy,his eyes look like someone i've seen before,but i don't know why,Yuuki has told me of someone,but i can't seem to remember the name of the person he talked about after meeting this kid,what an interesting and abnormal thing..'

Laplace thinks to himself while looking at the kid who has burning flames all around him

'Hmm?Even his hair,it seems so familiar,i may have not met that person ever,but the description seem very familiar.' Laplace thinks while drawing his daggers ,the fire sticking to them like slime.

While Laplace thinks about this with curiosity he suddenly sees something coming at him from the center of his vision,it's the boy.

Before Laplace could even dodge ,the axe that starts to transform into a chaotic like weapon slashes a part of his mask, making a third of his face be seen, mostly his teeth.

Laplace grins and dodges another swing of the axe.

"Hoho?What are you doing now Kiddo?Going straight to the point without even talking back to your enemy?What a dick move to do!"

Laplace jumps behind the kid,but to his surprise Unseen turns back while rotating and slashes the chaotic axe ,the slash being a bloody red,Laplace gets hit by the slash and stumbles back,then he looks at his belly,a slit to his stomach was made by that slash.

"Not bad kid,not bad.."

Laplace pats where the slit was and it immediately regenerates.

"Well it seems like i should punish you for even just touching me." Laplace says while bowing and to Unseen's instincts he immediately looks back and sees a barrage of slashes coming at him from Laplace's daggers.

Unseen parries,dodges and blocks all the attacks coming from Laplace.

Laplace seems to get the upperhand.

"What's wrong boy?You are too slow for this?"

Laplace starts to do even more attacks, almost looking like he slashes 60 times in a single second,the grin on Laplace face being more defined and crazy.

"I never said,something like that,you clown!" Unseen blocks the attack with his axe and to Laplace suprise the axe turns into a shield, making all of his slashes be in vain,the shield had a red gem with red marks going around it.

"What kind of axe is this, kid?Where did you get that?People would have payed with their life just to have that shit."

Laplace says while looking at the shield,which was just an axe a moment ago.

[Master still has 4 minutes to use the weapon,the weapon's powers evolves gradually with it's user,so aslong as master tries to beat Laplace,the weapon would help you no matter what]

The red gem on the black shield glows.

'Nice system!Well what i should call it?'

Unseen thinks to himself along with system.

[Master should not name his weapon until further notice into the sub skill,naming the weapon might be dangerous for your life force,you already start to lose alot of magicules fast while just transforming your weapon.]


'What a pity,well for now i should just get over with this fight,cause my body needs that energy that it's starting to lose just from using this weapon'

He blocks another dagger of Laplace with the shield,the dagger breaking on impact.

Laplace unsure of what just happened,he stumbles back and grins

"Nice boy,nice.This is truly what i've wanted...!"

"if this is what you've wanted,then im happy i made you feel something new." Unseen says,still keeping a cautious eye on Laplace.

"Wha- Bahaha!Now this is something to laugh at bahaha!"

Footman looks at the fight while widening his eyes.

"That shield just broke a weapon with the durability of a legendary great weapon..How is this possible Tear?"

"Tree Skill Weapon,beyond the god level?"

Tear says quietly,but thrilled at seeing such an weapon face to face.

"What the fuck is that Tear?!You know what that weapon is?!"

Tear silences Footman by sighing.

"Footman,in my past i've been the disciple of a great blacksmither,a great forger of weapons,he created most,if not all the mythical weapons that the humans used in their great era,a weapon like this,is manifested once in a thousand years,the user always having a tragic death at a young age."

Tear says, feeling a bit of empathy for just a kid that she met.

"I feel pity for this kid,such a huge potential,wasted just like that."

Tear says to no one in particular.

"Ok,ok I've got that. But what the heck is a tree skill weapon?!"

Footman says troubled,i mean who wouldn't,what the heck is this thing the kid had his hands on?

"Oh It's just a weapon,that posses millions of skills inside it,the user just casually needs to awaken them on his own"

"W-What?!" Footman was shocked,he has never heard something like this before,millions of skills?But a human cannot even contain more then like 10 or something?Their body can not hold more then that until evolution!

"I was just as shocked as you when i heard this Footman,but this weapon is bassicaly a skill,imagine it like an unique skill,but it's not really a skill,the weapon also grows stronger,the stronger it's weilder gets!"

Tear chirps up while getting up from her sitting position and points at Unseen from the roof of the church.

"H-Hey Tear!What the heck are you doing??"

Footman is sweating buckets as both Laplace and Unseen looks at Tear stopping a bit from their rattle,both of their eyes having an anger as someone stopped their fight,who has just started to begin.

"Hey kiddo!I want to congratulate you for possessing such weapon,so please don't die on me!"

Tear screams to Laplace and Unseen,her cute voice was very embarrassing for Laplace and Unseen,even Footman was sweatdroping even more then before.

"Tear what the heck-" Before Footman could continue his sentence,Tear lifted his huge body by the collar.

"Let's go, bye-bye now Footman" A blue light starts to encompass both Footman and Tear.

Laplace looks at this with not a such an amused grin.


Unseen looks at this intrigued,what are they doing?

[They are gonna teleport away from this place master.]

'So they are using something like teleportation,amazing!This world is full of miracles!'

Unseen then looks everywhere around him and sees the burning village which turns to ashes and thinks about the other villagers who are trapped under the church behind him.

'Sometimes miracles can be related in an opposite and negative way huh ' Unseen turns his gaze to Laplace and sees Laplace face to face with him, grinning with those teeth of his.

"Watch out for your skull boy bahaha!"

Laplace tries to slam his dagger full of flames into Unseen's skull, wanting to end this quickly before realising that Unseen shield has changed to a new weapon.

[Weapon Mode:Lance]

The attack of Laplace was parried by a lance with a silver blade on top,but going through the pole of the lance there were alot of red markings,the red gem can be also spotted on the center of the long handle of the lance.

Laplace looks in disbelief as such a kid,who is also a human could parry and actual serious attack when their strength's are so vastly different,he was sure he could have overpowered this boy a long time ago if it weren't for his shitty shapeshifting weapon.

[Weapon Mode:Lance increases the stats of User by 2000%]

"Amazing!" Unseen screams before he does a heavy attack with his spear on the confused Laplace who just heard the boy scream amazing.

But before Unseen could go further with his attack the hand of Laplace stopped the blade.

"I'm sorry to inform you boy,but i feel like I've prolonged this too much."

Says the overshadowed face of Laplace as he grabs the Lance's balde with a stronger grip and throws Unseen along with the lance in a wall, making Unseen slam onto the decayed wall full force, destroying it and getting to the other side,which is just a place filled with more flames.

Unseen tries to catch his breath while realising the fact that his back bones were on the verge of breaking.

"What is it boy?You don't accept the defeat?I was only playing with your stupid self,i always knew you couldn't defeat me,but it was fun while it lasted, that's all i can say atleast."

Laplace walks to the fallen Unseen and lifts his head up by the hair, grinning maniacally while doing so.

"Until then,get stronger,and let's have a rematch,make more good use of that weapon,your still weak, meaning your weapon is weak too."

Unseen looks at Laplace with gritted teeth.

Laplace does a smile then slams the head of Unseen on the ground,Unseen remains motionlessly with his face planted on the ground.

Laplace smiles at this,well if you could have called it a smile,and then makes his way back to the church.


Use me like a killing machine...


Don't be afraid of killing,after all,the guy you are supposed to kill ,humiliated you ,and wants to bring havoc upon this peaceful village.


I am the true weapon of Apocalypse,not just a salvaged copy made by some smithers,i come straight from your source of power,so accept me and then cherish your winnings as a lord use me for 30 seconds and get this over with.


After all, you are the next [World Destroyer],keep that in mind...

{Subskill:Blade of Apocalypse has evolved into Unique Skill:True Weapon of Apocalypse}

[Use time in combat:30 seconds]

As Laplace slowly looks around the burned place he suddenly stops in his tracks and senses that boy's aura again.

But then his mask cracks a bit when he feels the aura the boy was emitting.

He widens his eyes behind the mask then grins again,now the grin was that of someone who has found himself a good fight.

To be continued

IMNOBODYcreators' thoughts