
Time loop

[3rd POV]

The sky above stretched and expanded forever and on that infinite expanse, colors of different nature danced around as if it was their dancefloor.

The colors were mesmerizing, the human eye would not even be able to take in the majesty and beauty of it all. It was beyond the mortal eyes.

Even for Thanos, it was almost too much. There were colors that he knew but most of them were entirely new colors. Some of them were even so exceptional that he forgot what they looked like the moment he took his eyes off them.

"That's trippy as hell." Thanos muttered to himself but his voice rang out loud and clear in the endless silence of the dimension.

His eyes continued wandering on the infinite length of the sky as colours bleed out in obscene glory. He did not know how much time had passed but truthfully, time was the last thing he could care about.

"Definitely, I tried not to stare at it too much. Else my human eyes explode or I keep my eyes open until it dried up and I become blind." A voice was heard from a few distance away from him.

Thanos hummed in response to his fellow prisoner of the time loop.

Thanos was already done getting his thoughts about the whole situation. He had also done and made many adjustments to his future plans of eliminating half of all life in the Universe.

Not only that, he had finally accepted the situation he was in. And by that, he meant the situation of him being Thanos and needing a sacrifice to return home.

But those were not the only things he had thought about. During the time that he had found himself in this dimension, he had probably thought of everything there is to think of.

He finally came to peace with the fact that he was in marvel and it would be quite a while until he returned home to his family again.

He was patient now and he could see how his earlier impatience lead him to make mmany mistakes. If not for that, he would not find himself in this annoying situation.

He lazily got up from lying on the ground and looked towards the Ancient One who was sitting in a rocking chair. She was sipping a cup of tea while she was reading a book.

Thanos watched her with no specific emotion in his eyes - like a person looking at an intimate object.

"You are awfully comfortable aren't you." He said with a slight smile seeing her.

"Hmm." She hummed and sipped her tea before saying, "Yes, I was. Until you disturbed me."

Thanos ignored her comment and asked, "How long has it been?"

The Ancient One looked at the green magic circles on her hand as if she were looking at a watch. "A few years, give or take."

"That's quite a long time." Thanos said thoughtfully with his deep voice. For a soul that has only lived for around 40 years old, a few years was extremely long.

"How did you get that book?" Thanos asked again and the Ancient One stayed silent, as if contemplating whether to answer or not.

"I conjured it. it's not actually a book but I materialized my memories and knowledge in the form of a book and I am reviewing it." She said.

"Makes sense." He said. It would have been impossible for her to conjure up an entirely new book with contents unknown to her.

And even if she had a book stored away or something, she would've read it during these years by now.

She could not leave the dimension or take things from outside the dimension. They were both totally trapped. It was to make sure Thanos wouldn't be able to leave even with the space stone.

"What's it about?" Thanos asked again, curious. He was never talkative but sharing an eternity with someone tends to bring out the side you never knew you had.

"I am reviewing my knowledge on spells and the mystic arts. I was searching for ways I could kill you, or even if I couldn't find it, I was hoping to create a spell for the job." The Ancient One said, proving that Thanos was not the only one showing new sides.

A Sorcerrer would never share their thoughts much less objectives. That violated every rule about being a Sorcerer.

But she didn't care, not like she could lose anyway.

She had been seriously searching for ways to fight against Thanos during these past years but she couldn't find a way.

Most of her spells and strength come from borrowing power from other dimensions and she can't do that here in this time prison.

She could not connect to other dimensions, if she could, Thanos would also be able to do it with his space stone and escape. They were truly isolated from every other reality.

And because of that, she only had a fraction of her true power. The knowledge she was reviewing was also about different magic systems.

Asgard magic, Vodoo, Mana, etc. Other magic systems which did not rely on other dimensions but rely on individual.

But she couldn't find anything powerful enough to break through Thanos's invulnerability. It was annoying, to say the least.

"And here I thought we were forming a bond as roommates. You were plotting against me." Thanos said in faux disappointment.

Then he stood up and stretched his huge limbs covered with thick muscles. He let out a sigh as he stretched around.

"Well, let's see what you tricks you came up with." Thanos said and got ready,

The Ancient One made the book disappear as she came forward as well. She put her hands together and got ready for battle.

After years had passed, they got ready to fight again.

"Can I get the first attack?" The Ancient One asked nicely and Thanos shrugged, "Sure."

"I call forth-*splash*" Her brain exploded from Thanos's punch even before she got the chance.


The Ancient One stood with a small pout as she glared at Thanos. "You said I could have the first attack."

"I'm sorry." Thanos smiled in amusement and gestured in a gentlemanly manner, "This time go ahead."

The Ancient One gave him a suspicious look while she got ready to attack again. She closed her eyes and concentrated.

"I call forth the power of the spirit and the body." She said and put her hand forward. "Vishtamon!!"

An energy produced by her spirit and body gathered in her hand and shot out like a laser. It traveled with crazy speed before stopping on Thanos's chest, leaving it unscratched.

There was silence.

"Well, that was disappointing - *Boom*"

She's dead.


"That hurts - *Slash*

Dead again


The Ancient One summoned an eldrich shield and blocked Thanos's punch but it soon broke her shield and crushed her.

Dead again.







































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