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[IN THE LAND OF MAGIC AND SUPERNATURAL POWERS KNOWN AS HEAVEN AND EARTH. A LADY WAS CHOSEN AS THE GUARDIAN AND PROTECTOR OF AN EARTH TO A HEAVEN CROWNED PRINCE AND THE NAME OF THE LADY IS 'THANIYA'] Thaniya was sent from Heaven and Earth that her mother came from, and given some powers. Thaniya was chosen as the guardian and protector to her elder brother who was the Heaven crowned Prince. Thaniya must tried all the possible means that her Brother gets his right back which is the THRONE. She must faced all the obstacles that were surrounding it, and she must carried out the task given to her. But is it going to be easy for her in a society where Power and Authority are the only thing they care for? No love but Power. ~~~Anything for Throne~~~

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"Thaniya! Thaniya!! Thaniya!!!" A young beautiful lady heard a voice calling her name loudly, the voice was her mother's voice.

"Thaniya!! Will you stop that stupidity that you are doing and come home right now!" Said loudly and with command tone to her at where she was. Her mother's voice always used to go far and reached her at where she was.

Thaniya was at a small river side in the jungle that she was living, and with a group of tigers (ambush) fighting with them seriously, which was like a training to her and as a way of training herself to attack other animals which may wanted to attack her. It was all the wide animals in that jungle that she known their bases, and always use to go there to do training with them by fighting with them sometimes.

It was different ways that Lion, leopard, tiger, wolf and others always used to attack human beings or fighting within themselves that Thaniya knows. She knows how to climb trees like monkeys and how to run very fast like peregrine falcon.

All those animals too had seen her like themselves because it was that jungle she grown up and it was since then she had been playing with them.

Thaniya was tall, brown in complexion, normal in stature and had a very beautiful attractive cat eye ball. She had a very long and brown hair. Her nails both legs and hands were very long like animal's own, she had never cut her nails since she had been born or know maybe they used to cut it at all.

Except from her body structure and clothes that she used to wear, she was like an animal and that was the only thing that differential her from the Wilde animals. If she was seen when she was doing training with the animals, it would take long to know that she was a human being.

She always used to scream like them and it was all their languages that she heard. It was because her mother used to talk to her that was why she was able to be speaking human language. It was her hands and legs that she used to walk with, and it was her mouth that she always used to eat. It was only when her mother corrected her that she would use her hands but still she didn't use to it at all.

"See you guys later okay!" Said with smiles and used her right hand to rub the head of the tiger that she was fighting with. Started running away from that place as she finished greeting them.

Running very fast in the forest and going home to reply her mother. The cloth that she was wearing had tore from different part and it was because of the fighting. There were bloods all over her body and cuts.

There were a group of armies on the horses and with a guy wearing a royal cloth, and put a small crown on his head. From his dressing and looks it had showed that he was a Prince of a Kingdom.

Those people were in that same jungle doing hunting and just got there not acute long. They were from a kingdom that was a little far from that place and the guy too was the prince of that kingdom. The name of their kingdom was Pagan.

"See that animal! Very big!" One of them shouted as Thaniya came out to an opened place and very far from them. From far distance that they were, she was like an animal because of the way she was running in the jungle.

The Prince brought out an arrow from the back bag at his back, assembling it and walking more closer to Thaniya on the horse that all of them were.

"Bring it let me shoot it! It will hit it once and won't be able to run away" Another guy beside the Prince said and he was a very close friend to him.

"I know you for that" The Prince said and gave the arrow to him. The guy held the arrow well and pointing it at Thaniya, closing his left eye.

Thaniya didn't notice that anybody was in the bush or something was about to happen to her. Just keeps running very fast so that she could get home on time. Suddenly, an arrow hits Thaniya on her right leg and she stopped running.

The arrow entered her leg deeply and blood had started rushing out. Thaniya was a kind of person that didn't use to feel pains and that was why she was able to be fighting with the wide animals. That was how Heaven and Earth had made her to be.

"The arrow hits it! I told you guys" The guy said loudly with smiles and others too started laughing.

Thaniya didn't feel any pain but knew that something entered her leg. She faced back to see where the arrow came from and those that wanted to attack her.

Thaniya was so surprised to see them, looking at them and thinking of what kind of animal they were. She was starring at them with her two hands on the ground like an animal and with her long hair covering her face and almost touching her hands on the ground. This was her first time to meet a human being.

"It's human! I just shot a human!" The guy that shot the arrow said with loud voice. All of them were looking at Thaniya as she was standing on the ground.

"What can a human being will be doing in a jungle like this? Is it he or she?" The Prince said, starring at her as she was starring at them.

Thaniya removed the arrow from her leg with strong power, that all the armies had to close their eyes unawares because they thought it was a very painful hut and know how she could be feeling but Thaniya didn't feel any pain. She put the arrow in her mouth and continued running very fast again.

"Let's go after him or her" The Prince said and all of them started going after her with their horses. Calling her with a voice and wanted to confirme truly maybe she was a human being or not but Thaniya didn't replied. She was very scaring to see human beings for the first time of her life.

Thaniya ran inside an old house standing alone in the jungle and that was where her and mother were living. Her mother was living normally but just that she could never being seen by anyone, even her own child. Thaniya just only used to notice her present.

"Mummy! Mummy!! I saw other creature, saw an animal different from my friend and others" Said loudly as she ran inside.

"Shut up! They are not other creatures, they are human beings like you. You are the same like them not like all those animals" Her mother said.

"But I have never seen them before even it's like they are after me----" saying when she heard the sound of horses at the front of the house. She was looking at them as they were getting down from their horses.

"This is where he or she ran in, that mean this is where he or she is living" Another guy said.

"How can someone will be living here?"

"Don't you see the way he or she is running like an animal" Prince said.

"Let's go inside to meet him or her and see if we can take him or her out of this place to the Kingdom" The guy that shot Thaniya said and removed out his sword from his pocket.

Others too brought out their swords, the guy was the one that lead and the Prince followed him when others were walking behind them. The Prince just followed them for hunting, he didn't know how to fight at all or in army's school. It was just only arrow he knows how to shoot very well and it was because it was compulsory for all the princes and princesses.

The guy was looking at everywhere and the blood on the floor as he was entering into the house including others too. Thaniya was standing at a corner of the room looking at them but none of them seen her. The Prince and the guy were walking beside each other after they had entered into the house and checking everywhere round.

"All these are a lady's clothes and female pants, means it's a female" The guy said and touching the clothes.

"Why is he touching my clothes, why are they looking at everywhere? Is this how human beings behave, they want to steal it or what Mummy!" Thaniya asked and didn't leave the place that she was standing just looking at them.

"Shut up still they will leave" Her mother said. She was the one that made her invisible for them because she didn't want them to see her now.

"What happened that we can't found her inside? We traced her down here and saw her entering this place, so what happened?" The Prince said.

"I am sure that this is where she entered, maybe she hind somewhere I can't say" Another guy said.

"Hind! This is not the entire house, where can she hind again. We are sure now that this is where she is living so we will come back for her, human being doesn't suppose to be living here" The guy said. The guy was tall, normal in stature and very handsome. Had a very smooth face and fine.

"We will surely come back. I have to take her out of this place" The Prince said. All of them were looking at the house and were so surprised. Loking at the foods both cooked one and raw food on the floor.

"Let's go! Let's go back too our hunting" The guy said and his name was Ha-Neul. He stepped back to the front and wanted to be going out.

Thaniya looked at him from head to toe and touched his hand, feeling his skin with her own. Ha-Neul's body shook, felt the touch on his skin and looking at everywhere.

"Someone just touched me right now. It's like there is someone in this house, I can feel the touch right now" Said with low voice and others too looking at everywhere.

"You have started! Nobody touched you or who is here now except from us. I beg let's go!" The Prince said and didn't take him serious, behaved as they used to as a friend.

"I know what I am saying!" Said with low voice and leaving the house. Thaniya was looking at them as they were leaving and following each other.

They were climbing their horses as they were coming out from the house and going back to where they came from.

"I have told you several times to stop going to that place and being fighting with those animals, now look at your legs bleeding seriously and your body too. If you are able to feel pain for once you will know how deep it uses to hut if someone injured" Her mother said after the armies had gone.

"I used to go there to play with them now and learn how to be defending myself too" Said with low voice, took a leaf on the floor and using it to stop the blood coming out from her leg.

"Fighting with them and injured yourself. Don't worry very soon you will go and start living among human beings like you and all these your stupidity will stop!" STUPIDITY was the word that her mother always used to say, she likes the word and it had been like slang to her. Couldn't do without saying it.

"You mean I will go and being living with those that left now but why Mom?" Pressing the water from the leaf on the injuries on her body.

"That is where you supposed to be living but there is a reason behind it. When you get there that is when your work will start as the Heaven and Earth's King sent you. You will search for the ROYAL PRINCE. Someone that have a royal sign at his back is the royal Prince and you will start protecting him and guarding him"

"Who is that ROYAL Prince? How will I know the person? Also why is it that I am the one that will be protecting him?" Asked with low voice. It was before when she was at the age of three years old that she used to look around when her mother was talking but now she had use to it.

"The royal Prince is the person that is title to the throne after the King's death. So to make he achieved it, you have to be looking after him and protecting him as his protector because he is surrounded with evil people and also he is your brother, your blood brother!"

"I am lost Mom! My brother, how? Why is he living there and I is living here?" Wrapping a cloth on her leg and cleaning the surrounding of the injury.

"Don't try to fall in love with anyone there until you find your brother who is the royal Prince. After you have found him, you have to start to be protecting him and the Kingdom too. That is the task given to you from Heaven and Earth, also your powers will start showing to you and how to use them"

"You don't reply to my question mom. You said my brother is there with those that you said that I am like them 'Human beings', so why am i living here all these while and him is there?" Asked with loud voice.

"The story about it is long. So as I am saying, as you are nothing can happen to you or being killed. If you're poisoned you will just vomit it as you have known before, so nobody there can have power on you so don't fear anybody and trust nobody there"

"I want to hear the story so I will know where I fall to there and people that I relate to. You know I don't know their behaviours over there"

"Let me finish talking now! Why are you cutting me shut, will you shut up!" Thaniya frank her face.

"Think of something and say your name loudly!" Thaniya stood up from the floor.

"I am not saying anything! I want to hear the story first. I am living here and never known that I have a brother until now. I am not saying anything" Walking around the room and touching the wall.

"Will you stop that stupidity and answer me now!" Thaniya didn't reply her mother, she was very stubborn and it was what she said that she would do.

"Fine! I will tell you but do what I asked you to do first. Say what you want from your mind and call your name loudly to it!" Thaniya stopped walking and facing a small table.

"Okay mom!" Said with low voice and looking around. "I want to know the story! Tha----" her mother stopped her with loud voice.

"Why are you so stubborn like this! Try another thing and stop all those nonsense" Said with loud voice. Thaniya frank her face and with unsmile look.

"I want a water inside this cup! Than-Ni--Ya!" A green light came out from her eyes as she shouted loudly and gone within a few seconds. Before she could opened her eye, water had full inside the cup.

"It's your name that you will be saying to anything that you want to know or if you want to command something, but not what you will be using anyhow in that place. Mean among all those human"

"Okay Mom!" Took the cup and drinking the water.

"I was a mistress to the King of Pagan Kingdom but before I became his mistress, I was a servant and among those that were closed to the Queen" Thaniya stopped her as she was drinking the water and quickly put the cup down.

"Have you started telling the story Mom?"

"Yes! The Queen just gave birth so there was a big party going on in the palace that time. As the servant, we were the one that were serving people wine and food. I was going to the party room with a wine in my hand when I saw the King drank and struggling to go to his room. I can't left so I have to assist him to his room" Thaniya sat down on the floor, stretched her legs and listened carefully to the story.

"As we entered, the King stood up properly on his foot and started rubbing my breasts with his two hands. I didn't brother to struggle because i have known before and that was my mission from Heaven and Earth. We had something together that night and deeply. It was few weeks later I got pregnant and tried to tell the King. It was in the night that day, it was only the king that was in his room and light candles round his bedroom.

It was that night I must tell him but as a servant i can't just enter the King's bedroom, even the guard there couldn't allow me, so I used my power"

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