
thoroughly spent

Thai woke up with a really bad headache, he could barely remember anything from the night before.

all he remembered was throwing a party for his friends to celebrate their victory over their rivals in a football game, the loud music, red lights, alcohol and all kind of booze.

ugh.. my head is banging, he groaned as he tried to get up from bed but he felt something restricting him. He rubbed his eyes with his hand as he stared at the obstacle in his way.

it was a woman.

ugh what have you done now.. he groaned as he internally berated himself.

he gently tried to peel her off his body so she wouldn't wake up but unfortunately his attempts were unsuccessful.

her eyelids fluttered open and she stared at him.

Hello handsome.. she smiled as she bit her lip seductively and wriggled her body provocatively against his.

Her breath smelt like alcohol.

Thai wrinkled his nose, he needed to stop drinking himself senseless.

He gently pried her off his body and got off the bed.

He picked up his boxers from the floor and hurriedly put them on.

I think it's time for you to leave... he addressed the woman as he picked up his shirt.

Don't be like that sugar... she purred as she pulled the blanket up to her neck.

I still got a few more left... get back in bed and I'll show you.

Didn't you hear what I just said, I said you should leave... he glared.

in case you haven't heard, I don't sleep with the same woman twice.

so just respect yourself and leave or I will have to call security to throw you out and that experience will not be fun for you or me at all.. he warned.

immediately the woman clambered off the bed and begun gathering her clothes from the floor and hurriedly putting them on.

Thai raked his fingers through his amber curly long hair as he picked up his cheque book and wrote a cheque for 100 grand.

He handed the cheque over to her wordlessly and opened the door to usher her out.

the woman's eyes teared up as she shamefully walked out.

she was stupid to think that she would ever be able to satisfy the great Thai Rivera.

For crying out loud, even breathing the same air with him was a privilege not to even talk of spending the night on his bed.

Thai slammed the door after her with a straight face. He didn't even bat an eyelid.

He had done it over and over again that he felt absolutely nothing at all.

women were just a fling to him, a toy for a little while.

They should have learnt but they keep coming back, hoping for what can never be.

He picked up the telephone and called Room service

Hello sir, how can I help you? a polite voice answered.

I would like some hangover med and a glass of orange juice... as soon as possible he said briskly. Room 306.. he added before ending the call.

No please, no thank you.

All this life he never had to struggle, everything he wanted was handed over to him .

The billionaire playboy.

He groaned as he walked towards the bathroom.

He picked up his tooth brush and squirted some toothpaste.

He started brushing his teeth when humming to the tune of "Ghost by Justin Bieber"

There was a knock on the door.

just a minute, he answered before he rinsed his mouth, gargled and washed his face .

He grabbed a bathrobe at the entrance of the door and threw it on.

He opened the door and stood aside to let in the attendant.

The woman blushed as she stared as this fine specimen of a man, it took her a whole full minute before she realized that she was just ogling at him.

her brain just literally turned in on itself as she struggled for words... her cheeks the colour of ripe tomatoes.

Thai almost rolled his eyes in disgust.

Good morn .... ing.. sir ,she stuttered as she fidgeted from one foot to another.

Hello, he forced a smile and gestured, just leave it on the table.

The woman wandered in and gingerly placed the tray on the table.

I'll need someone to come clean up my room in the next 15 minutes.

okay sir .. any other thing? she asked, looking down.

That will be all for now... he dismissed her as he shut the door.

women, he scoffed. they are all the same.

He picked up the tablet and swallowed it and gulped down the glass of orange juice quickly.

Ahhh... he groaned as he relished in the frostiness of the liquid.

He put down the glass after he has gulped down the content

Damn was he thirsty...

He went into the bathroom and took a quick hot shower.

He just got to Miami yesterday.

They played a match against their rivals " Ribeye Fc". and won. They scored 3 goals to 1.

He was named man of the match with 2 goals and 5 assists.

He got out of the shower and dried his body before putting on his clothes.

He was drying his hair with a towel when his phone rang.

It was Fernandez, one of his team mates and friends.

He put it on Loud speaker as he continued drying his hair.

Yo, what's up man?

My guy, I'm alright.... Frenandez answered.

I'm thoroughly spent man, Thai groaned.

what happened last night?

last night was crazy man, you had 9 shots of tequila. I'm surprised you are even up this early.

One girl on the right, another on the left.

I'm sure that we had a winner... he teased.

was it the blonde or the brunette? he asked mischievously.

Get out man... Thai answered with faux anger.

Which room are you? he asked.

I'm down at the bar having breakfast, Fernandez answered.

Give me 10 minutes and I'll be there.. Thai said and ended the call.

He hung the towel on the towel rack and picked up his socks and sneakers and put them on.

Next was his Rolex watch, his chain, and rings.

his amex credit card in his wallet in his pocket.

He looked at him self in the mirror and nodded satisfactorily.

Another day to slay .

He locked up his room and returned the key at the counter.

He didn't even spare the receptionist a second glance.

He got into the nearest elevator and headed down to the bar to meet his friend.

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