

[I am going to narrate a chapter 1 craft in voice typing so that maybe so so much mistakes I am not going to consider that these mistakes will be caused due to the misunderstanding for my I lucky pronunciation well the chapter one]

In XXX college in Delhi maybe it is a robotic college there is a professor name Karan who has been working for about five years on the college who is currently giving a lecture in the lecture hall, He receives a message on his page while giving lecture in the class on seeing the message on the pager he doesn't give any expression yes he has a nickname in the college which is known as professor robot you can figure out why they give him the name because he doesn't express most of the time any emotions please like a mission of course but we know that but staff and workers at the college don't know that so he does his job like a robot he comes early morning and leaves after is lecturer over.

Karan: ok is there any questions?

student: professor have you you hear about the rumours on the internet they are saying that there are robots among humans who are trying to kill humans what is your thoughts about it.

Karan: when Mr...

student: Alex prof.

Karan: It's a professor, not prof.

Alex: laughed who cars prof and don't be agitated prof it's a short form of professor everyone knows that.

Karan: Well Mr. x looks like you are deaf.

Alex: know I can hear you well and my name is Alex, not X.

Karen: well it's a short form of your name Mr.x.

Alex: no it's Not! and who gave it.

Karen: I gave it to you. who cares! well, you better remember it from now on most of the student will call you mr.X.

Alex looked at him and thought was that suppose to make me embarrassed??

Karen: I asked whether you have any questions in my lecture.

Student: well professor we just want your opinion. This news is the hottest topic nowadays and we just wanted your opinion.

Karan: why do you want my opinion.

The student thought well you are the robot in the college.

Karen: well since all the students are interested in this topic. I will say something which I know, but it can satisfy you are not it's up to you.

student: sir please give us your opinion.

Karan: let neglect rumours consider a robotic among human. what do you think its purpose may be and what will you do if you find out there is a robot in all Among Us.

student: if there is a robot among us then that means someone has built a robot before us it may be a terrorist so we have to secure the robot.

Karan: and why do you think the robot is a terrorist.

student: well professor if there is a robot then it should have a purpose.

Karen: well what if a robot is without a purpose.

At the corner of the class, a girl whispers with her friend that robots are a bunch of programmed mechanical things which are built for purpose and it is just a bunch of codings.

Karan looked at the student who is whispering and called her out.

Well looks like our silent killer has some thoughts about it care to enlighten us your thought ms.leena Subramani.

Leena: robots are a bunch of metal or non-metal substance which are build by a human to do works which we cannot do and a robot without purpose is just like a scrap metal.

while the thoughts of different people clashes in the lecher hall professor Einstein came inside.

Well well looks like I came into a debate hall instead of a lecture hall.

Students started to stare at the prof einstien who came just now and asked prof what do think about robot among us article.

So that's what this is all about well if I come across a robot first I will try to befriend with him and ask him to help me in the lecture and ask him if I can study him.

A student: What if he doesn't accept prof.

prof E: well then I will ask him to come to at least attend the lecture one so that my students can improve knowledge.

All the student see Einstein in a different way.

But einstien continued" And I will make a trap and attack him with a high-density electromagnetic wave and make his power supply short-circuit and dismantle it.

Student: what if he is EMF Before he could finish his sentence prof E said then I will make an old fashion way put a pit on his way and fill it with nitrogen.

All the student now looked at prof einsty with black lining on their head think is he a prof?

prof E: What do you think about my idea prof Karan.

Karan looked at the prof for a minute without showing any expression on his face. The student in the lecture hall also expecting some answer from him. Suddenly bell rings and Karan open his mouth and said looks like it is my call so I leave the students at your care prof then left the lecture hall.

Karan: sky makes me a reminder to me to add a ground sensor to my system when I make hyper tissue and muscle.

sky: okay dear.