
Tensura: Celestial Oni

So first try In TTIGRAAS the one race that is honesty least represnted in all fan fic/ original is the ogres b/c almos all of Rimmu's eraly super forces were ogres so yeah this is about an ogre that love the stars.

Joseph_Crawford · Bücher und Literatur
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2 Chs

Well uh Death

3rd POV

A guy is dying. I won't say his name because it will not be important for long. If you look around the dying boy, you will see bodies of men in bulletproof armor lying in heaps with their blood pooling around the bleeding boy.

Now in this setting you might be wondering what the boy is doing well. We'll get to that in a couple chapters so hold your horses. 


''Urgh is this what dying feels like? I just wanted to be free, free to see the stars, the , and the moon. But I almost made it if not for the waves of people I would have been free."

(Request confirmed, acquiring unique skills "stellar magic", "solar magic", and "lunar magic".)

(Combining skills "stellar magic", "solar magic", and "lunar magic" into unique skill "celestial magic")

"Hun what was that, ohh well in my next life I hope I can have a loving family. If i'm going to be a monster I will just be one for my enemies."

(Request confirmed, "loving family", "monster" searching for suitable place to be born … place found.)

(Selected ogre village as place of reincarnation.)

And the world for the boy went black as his soul traveled to another world where demons, angels, and true dragons play chess with the weak and only the lucky and skilled become strong.