
Tensura: Alter/DEEP-RED

Hello! Readers! Explorers of the realms! I share you my story of baginning of reincarnating weirdly, wish granting, to being one of the most powerful beings of my new world!

Nakamura_Shun · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 9: Dwargon here I come!

The first thing Akari had done was bust the door of the house/tent Rimuru was in and jump at him full speed.

The 2 had chatted about what had happened in the recent days, and let's just say that Akari wanted to vent, and she did.

She activated her skill; <-[Vigil]-> and fired high-speed projectiles at Rimuru for sleeping while she was dealing with all the village's problems.

After a few chunks of slime was blown to pieces by Akari, she forgave Rimuru.

It was partially her fault to not ask Artellea if the naming ceremony had drawbacks too.

After the Akari had forgiven Rimuru, they returned back to the focus of housing and clothing.

"Um, Rimuru-ni, I solved the food and village guard problems, but I still haven't touched the housing and clothing groups yet."

Rimuru had to overload Akari with praises because she solved some of the village's problems in a few days.

"Now, now, you can relax now that I'm awake." Rimuru spoke.

Rimuru was shocked the most when he saw the goblins' new appearances.

Especially with Rigurd.

Like how could a fragile old man that looked like a small breeze take him flying would transform into a well-built bodied person?!

After the small shocking event (for Rimuru), Eryth and Rimuru had gathered the Hobgoblins and Goblinas together with the wolves to announce the rules Akari and Rimuru had made just a while ago.

"All right everyone! As you can see, we are all a big one family. So, in order to avoid problems, Me and Rimuru are going to announce some rules." Akari spoke for both of them.

"Rules?" Everyone asked.

"Ugh... I don't want to explain, my brain is tired. Plus, you skipped village work for three days." Akari spoke through ETC. "Fine..." Rimuru answered.

"Rules are made to keep order in the village. And I'd wish for you to uphold them at least." Rimuru answered them.

"Now, moving on with the rules. The rules would be:

1#, No attacking humans. Unless you are attacked first, do not fight with humans, and seek friendly relationship.

2#, No fighting amongst yourselves. Learn to be patient and do not instigate a fight, it will only hinder the unity among us.

3#, No belittling other races. Doesn't mean your stronger than them, you are better.

That is all." Akari spoke.

Everyone nodded in confirmation.

"Does anyone have any question/s?" Rimuru asked.

"Me!" Rigur raised his hand and spoke.

"Hit me with the question." Akari said.

Rigur lowered his hand and asked.

"Why are we not allowed to attack humans?"

"Rigur!" Rigurd shouted in an unconforming voice.

"It's all right, it's all right. I'm glad that someone even asked a question. To answer your question, hmmmm… all of you are not allowed to attack humans because of their numbers." Akari answered.

"Numbers?" Rigur asked.

"Yes, numbers. Humans live in big and large communities. If we attack one or two of them, they will retaliate with hundreds or even thousands of armed, trained soldiers. And if they come and attack us back, I doubt we could handle them. Besides, having friendly relationship with humans result in many and variating results of benefits come our way." Akari answered.

Rigur clasped his hands and spoke.

"I understand!"

The rest of the Hobgoblins and Goblinas nodded their heads in agreement with Rigur's words.

"Does anyone have any other questions?" Akari asked.

Gobta raised his hand.

Rimuru made a handlike appendage of slime and pointed at Gobta.


Gobta brought his hand down and asked.

"What do you mean by "no belittling other races"?"

This time, Rimuru answered.

"Doesn't mean your stronger than them, you're better. Those other races might be even capable of the things you are not. Plus, if you bully them, they might come back stronger and bully you back. You wouldn't want that happening right?" Rimuru answered. (A/n: Well technically, asked.)

"Got it, Sir!" Gobta spoke and others nodded their head in agreement.

Akari bounced and spoke. "And that's it. Do your nest to follow these rules!"

"Yes ma'am!" Everyone answered.

"Ah, and also…"

Rimuru spoke and turned towards Rigurd.

"Elder Rigurd, I appoint you as goblin lord. The lord of goblins!"

Rigurd looked like he was strook by lightning.


"Lead your village well." Rimuru spoke, sealing the declaration.

Akari turned towards Rimuru and spoke through ETC.

"HEY! Cheater! You just dumped all your responsibility to him, Rimuru-ni."

Rigurd cried tears and bent his knees towards the two.

"Yes Sir! I Rigurd will accept this responsibility on the pain of death!"

After the event, Rimuru and Akari had went to the place where the goblins were creating new housing.

Rimuru looked at the house that the goblins were currently making.

"I wouldn't call that a house." He spoke.

Rigurd and Rigur flinched at Rimuru's comment and sweated a bit.

'It doesn't any specialization to realize that that "house" can't really be called a house.' Rimuru spoke.

The house soon fell apart under with the unstable supports collapsing.

Akari sighed at the problem, she really just wants to rest but can't help but work and think hard until the problem is fixed.

Rimuru and Akari moved to the clothing part.

Rimuru looked at Haruna who was in front of them and spoke.

"They're far too revealing and thin. We need to get proper clothing, FAST."

EAkari turned to look at Rigurd and ask.

"Hey, Rigurd, does anyone in the village know how to make clothes?"

"No, there is none. The only clothing, we have been obtained with the few attempts with trading we had. Apart from making clothing, they are also quite skilled, so they might also now how to build houses."

"Hm… I guess we really have to leave the village and find people who know how to make houses or clothes and teach the goblins." Rimuru spoke.

"Who and where are they?" Akari asked.

"They are the dwarves, and they live in Dwargon." Rigurd answered.

"Dwarves! You mean the famous masters of metal working? Now we have no choice but to go. I'll try going to Dwargon. Rigurd, can you look after the village after we're away?" Rimuru spoke.

"Yes sir!" Rigurd confirmed.

Rigurd flexed his arms and continued. "You can leave it to me!"

Akari and Rimuru prepared to leave and brought some of the goblins and tempest wolves.

In case they encounter any danger along the way to Dwargon, Akari had the flare wolves enter her shadow with Yuro directly accompany them.

"It's a bit over kill, but just in case." Akari spoke.

Akari jumped on top of Yuro and turned back to the village.

" 'We're leaving!' " Rimuru and Akari spoke.

The village barraged with different words and waves of hands of goodbye towards the small group.

After the goodbyes, the small group left for Dwargon.

Rimuru thought about all the new things he might discover.

"I'm a little… no, I'm really excited!"

Akari turned around to where the direction Dwargon was and spoke.

"Dwargon, Here I come!"


Nothing special to say...

"Nothing special" my ass! I need motivation!

The need to recycle this old first book is not enough!

As they say, "Greed is the greatest driving force of humanity." and I'mma apply it to this!

And, there is actually something special to say, I caught a cold, a very bad one, the reason why as I wasn't able to update for a few days.

*Sighs exasperatedly*

I wish I could write more, I really wish I could. But my motivation is closing down rapidly, although I tried to rewrite, I had only managed to edit....

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Nakamura_Shuncreators' thoughts