
The bet

"You're leaving?" Saya looks down. She didn't think he would leave so fast

"Yup, he seems strong. I want to learn more from him to be stronger. "

'I know that he is more powerful than I am...he is on grandpa's level...damn it. I have a long way to go'

Ryouta forgot his a little kid now.

He rubs her hair" well it ain't the last time we'll meet right"

"Yeah, he's right because we're friends"Miu's eyes were beaming with excitement. She didn't know she interrupted a touching goodbye.

Saya just laughed and said "Yeah your right Miu. "

"Alright you said your goodbyes then let us go" He starts running fast Miu follows after him

As they ran Miu realized something "grandpa if we leave him behind he won't know the way to the dojo"

"well that is...oh he's keeping up with us," Hayata said with a surprised look

They ran for a few miles to the dojo. Ryouta looked at the dojo and was shocked "This gate is tough to open." He tried with all his might and he couldn't open it.

"haha, it looks like you have a long way to go" The grandmaster used his index finger to open it.

"so what type of martial arts do you want to learn"

"As much as I can in until the Penis festival next month"

"it ended last month" A man who can be described as a fairly short middle-aged man, who is balding with a long pointed out Chinese mustache. He wears typical Chinese clothing used in martial arts with a hat to cover the bald part of his head. He later found out he was Kensei Ma the lecherous master of all Chinese Kenpō

"what last month"

"yeah, I was in it. It was my first time participating in one." Kensei said inspecting the boy

"Damn you old man"

"who is this? " A cute girl with a slender frame yet remarkably curvaceous-figure and well-endowed breasts. She looked like she was in her mid-teens. She will later be known as Shigure Kōsaka the weapons master of Ryōzanpaku, as well as the youngest master of Ryōzanpaku and only female master however right now she is still in training.

"hmm this boy seems interesting he can handle all our pressure," said a man of above-average height and messy black hair. He is in a hakama. He later found out despite his relatively small physique, he has developed his muscles' build and definition to perfection. He most heavily prides himself in his small and well-groomed mustache. A unique trait in his appearance is the dull and nearly colorless pupils of his eyes. Ryouta later found out his name was Akisame Kōetsuji a philosophical Jujutsu master, and one of the senior members of Ryōzanpaku and Doctor of the Ryōzanpaku.

"umm, who are all these people, grandpa?"

"Don't call me Grandpa. I will only allow someone who is stronger than I marry my granddaughter."

"huh, are you saying I can't beat you?" As a person who always been number 2 when someone says they he can't beat them he has an urge to prove them wrong"

"kid you can't even touch me. "

"Then in these 11 months, I will be able to hit you."

Everyone was shocked

"Oh, and what do we get if you lose."

"hmm then I'll pay 1million yen for you" he will make some extra money from his book he gave his father to publish for him. Harry Potter.

"alright you will lose your money"

"Kazu you should know my grandfather is the strongest in the world."

"I refuse to lose"

"I want in too. I bet 20000 on you to lose" Kensei said

"I will refrain from betting but how about if you lose you will have to be a permanent resident here"

"I'll take them "

"should I bet myself, "Shigure asked not having any money. She also didn't want to be left out.

"Sure I'll take you all on" Not paying attention to what she said"how much is it per month

"It is 20,000 yen a month.

"ok here is 300,000 yen I threw extra for the hassle"


then Ryouta saw hell

Miu and the old man left for some more training saying they'll be back in 9 months

His training was this

Run 4 KM (A device that will shock him if he stops running in this Magnabot-kun revolution 2

Treadmill/Hill Sprints- 20 Seconds On/10 Seconds Off x 8 Rounds

Balance Running- 10 Minutes

Brick Balancing- 5 Minutes (each side)

Splits- 3 x 1 Minute

Banded Strikes on Pad/Post/Bag- 100 Strikes

Technique Practice (Choose 3)- 15 Minutes

Continuous Sparring- 10 Minutes

"Stone Dummy" Training- 10 Minutes

Daily Activities w/10# Backpack and 2# Arm Weights

The reason they could push him so far as he seemed to be able to handle it. He never complained but they didn't want to push his body to much because he was still growing but they were shocked at his dedication. He was learning their techniques. They also noticed some stuff about him

Ryouta is doing judo throws on a stone statue

"damn it am I just tired why is it always so hard "

"hmm your not focusing enough," Akisame said

"hmm alright...actually I have a few questions for you sensei"

"oh and I have a few for you how about you ask then I ask"

"...ok why are all you masters here"

"well you met Apachai Hopachai and Shio Sakaki right"

"Yeah, I was surprised Miu came back with those two. I thought they tried to do something to her so I tried to fight them and got my ass handed to me...however, later they both became my senseis"

"Well let me ask you what you think of everyone before answer your question"

"I like everyone I think everyone is great!"

"...honest no need to hold back they aren't around. Start with me"

"you seem kind and gentle but it seems you pay attention the most to my training. At first, I thought I was dedication but it seems like you don't want to make a mistake again. As if you made one in the past. Also, you seem to be the closest to Shigure... is she your illegitimate child?

"...you are wise but I am not related to her but she is something like a daughter to me...how about Shigure since we're talking about her."

"She seems to be lonely like she doesn't want to be to close to anyone because she will lose it or hurt it but she is really close to you...also Appa but that might be his innocence"

"well she has been through a lot" He looks far away thinking of her witnessing the death of her father and his friend" but isn't she close to you...did you"

"huh, she is? We just get along because I use a sword too she said its a unique style that is difficult for her to use. She asked me to teach it to her but I told her I can't due to it being a family style I can only teach my wife then she asked if we should get married then...it was awkward but her skills are top notch. I hope I can reach her level"

"Hmm, I don't know how I feel about this. If you refused I'd be upset if you said yes I'd be upset..."

"...I said let's talk about it in the future"

"That is a wise choice. Some decisions shouldn't be rushed. A mistake can be made if rushed to fast"

"...I said we wait ok"

"cough how about Kensei"

"well, he's a pervert...but he seems to be trying to escape something. Like now he's free to be the person he wants to be...I respect him and he's a great master which I never doubt him"

"good good next is Apachai

"He is kind but he's the most dangerous when it comes to training. Maybe its because he doesn't know how to hold back. 'well, he is known as "God of Death" and is a Muay Thai master'His innocence is something I think has to be with how he was growing up...but something comforting about him. He makes me want to work harder.



"huh that's it"

"well, he is a true man. Someone who screams manliness. Like you see him you know he is the best when it comes to Karate' well he is infamously known as the 100-Dan Street Brawler of Karate'

"and Miu"

"She's adorable *cough*I mean she is a cute girl who seems to possess all the qualities of a great martial artist. She just can be kind of dense at times"

"see so did you really need me to know why we are all here"

"Hmm I guess"

"So I have a question are you sure about the book you had me submit for you. You will give us that Novels? they're masterpieces. "

"Yeah, I mean who would take these books seriously if they saw me who wrote them. So the dojo will get 50% of the earnings"

"Yeah, how did you come up with these books. You said your parents didn't want you so they gave you up right?"

The light novels Ryouta had him submit were Narcissu which was about an unnamed twenty-year-old male. Shortly after celebrating his twentieth our main character is admitted to the hospital. It is here that he learns he has lung carcinoma and will die eventually. Here our protagonist meets an older girl who also is destined to die from an illness. Not wanting to die in the confines of the hospital the two souls escape and drive on a trip together to seek out a narcissus field on an island in the south.

the second one is Violet Evergarden. The Great War finally came to an end after four long years of conflict; fractured in two, the continent of Telesis slowly began to flourish once again. Caught up in the bloodshed was Violet Evergarden, a young girl raised for the sole purpose of decimating enemy lines. Hospitalized and maimed in a bloody skirmish during the War's final leg, she was left with only words from the person she held dearest, but with no understanding of their meaning.

"Yeah it's alright besides I'm working on a new book when I start traveling with the old man again it will be called Kino's Journey: the Beautiful World,

Where do you come up with these ideas he thought.

Ryouta worked trained like crazy he also had his masters make him something..However, he knew with what they had it would be limited and it might break but if he used it against gramps he might win.

Like that a week before the festival. Ryouta no Kazu wearing a unique beanie and new clothes and special shoes

"Hahaha, you seem to have improved greatly in this year. I hardly recognize you"

Kazu did his Hold Fist Salute.

'this might be more interesting than I thought... 'let's see how you do heir of the Misaki'

All the masters were from History Greatest Disciple Kenichi

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