
Tempting the Heir

A battle of Love. The tempting game of Samantha Aliah Erigon begins when he met the young billionaire heir of the largest group of company in their nation, Jaysean Nikolas Iwamoto. She fully accepted her fate that leads her to this game in her mind. She thought that by tempting it's only heir, she will find answers through the mysterious family behind their bankrupcy.

LittlePink_21 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

It's a awkward rode for me. All I did was to look at the blurred window of the car and constantly looking at my cellphone. I do not dare to look at him or just peek.

My phone rang and it was my driver who called me.

"Hello ma'am, can I ask if you manage to find any taxi in this weather? The car's okay now." He said and that made me breathe heavily for a second.

"I did not but someone fetched me so it's okay. I will call you if i'm near" I said and looked at Nikolas who's busy on his phone.

He looked at me and raised his left eyebrow.  "Where do you live?" He said. Does that makes him raise his eyebrow? What a natural pisser.

"I live in Sunshine subdivision." I said and moved my eyes to my phone again and scroll on social media.

"Mr. Parker, in Sunshine Subdivision." He said to his driver

It's raining so hard that it is so blurry outside plus my eyes are now hurting because of my contact lenses.

I searched for my glasses on my bag but it seems that I forgot it in my room. I need to get rid of this contact lenses. I have no choicr but to throw this away. Anyways, we have no class tomorrow so I will just buy it tomorrow.

I removed it and put it on a small plastic and put it in my bag. I don't dare to have a mess here in his car or else I will be thrown out here.

" Mr. Niki, It's seems like it's too blurry to drive. It's dangerous. Let's park for the mean time." The driver said and I looked at the time, it's still early so we can stay a little bit.

"Please, park it at the nearest restaurant so we can have our dinner." He said and checked the time in his watch.

The driver parked it in the nearest restaurant and Nikolas fixed his hair before telling me to come with him.

"You're not coming with us?" He asked Mr. Parker but he immediately shaked his head and smiled at us.

"I'm nor hungry. The two of you should enjoy. I will be waiting here." He said and that made Nikolas tilt his head.

"Let's go." He said, got out first and opened the door for me. My first impression of him in my mind is slowly vanishing. A little bit more then I will be convinced that he's not the bad.

I just followed him up until inside. It seems that he's always here. The employees here are greeting him.

"Table for two." He said and the employee guided him to our seat. This is a japanese restaurant so this plase is nice and cozy. You can also see their design looks expensive.

We're here now at our seat and we were handed the menu. I looked at the menu and all of the dishes looks appetizing but a little pricy but ut doesn't matter as long as my mouth eats delicious food, I don't care about the price.

But it seems like the guy in my front will treat me because he's the one that invited me to eat. Let's see what you got. I smirked.

" Uhm I want this sushi, this ramen in mild spice, this omurice, this cake and also a cup of butterfly tea. That's all." I said and smiled at the waitress.

I can see how Nikolas widens his eyes as I say my orders but back again with his cold stare.

"You sure do eat a lot. Now I know why you're that fat." He said and stared at me. I just rolled my eyes and sighed because my tummy is now growling in hungriness.

He's creepy, he's staring at me like he's  judging my whole existance. The food arrived before I melt. The food's aroma roamed around my nostrils making me hungrier. I'm excited to eat all of this delicious food. If ever I can't finish all of this, I will ask a take out.

"He're all of your orders, ma'am and sir. Enjoy eating!" The waitress said before leaving us

I closed my eyes and started praying for the food before we eat and what had me shocked is he's staring at me. Doesn't he know how to pray?

"What are you staring at?" I said and he just shook her shoulders and started eating. Is he mute?

I started eating and this foods doesn't made me disappointed. It feels heaven especially the ramen.

"The foods are so good!" I said while sipping the ramen soup and getting the Omurice. This is perfect for this weather!

"So why's your driver didn't come?" He said while munching his food. He looks so elegant while cutting his Wagyu steak.

"Do you want some?" He said but I immediately shook my head and finished my takoyaki.

"Our car's broken so he asked me if I can manage to go home alone but things happened, there is no taxi so you saw me earlier in the waiting shed." I said and continued eating.

He just nodded and finished all of his steak. I am also nearly done on my food so I quickly chew the remaining  foods. It's amazing how my tummy can hold a lot of food. I'm so proud of myself.

"Wow, I think you're a world record. How could you eat all of that?" He said as he calls the waiter and the waiter arrived.

"Please seperate our bill, we will pay for our own order." He said seriously while smirking. What the.. My calculations were not accurate. I thought he will treat me. I'm doom!!

"Here's your bill, ma'am and sir." The waitress said.

He pulled out money on his wallet while I'm staring at him like I'm gonna kill him.

"Keep the change." He said and turned his eyes on me. He smirked and said "Why? You thought I will gonma treat you? I will not gonna do that my dear seatmate. Not ever." He said while smirking .

"Here's my debit card." I said and gave it to the waitress.

While waiting for my card, I am calming myself not to burst here. I feel like I want to kill the man infront of me.

"Here's your card, ma'am." She said and I immediately ran towards the car to get my bag. I don't want to ride to his car anymore. Luckily, it stopped raining and there's more taxi that's roaming around.

I opened the car to get my bag and hailed a taxi. The taxi stopped right before Nikolas got out of the restaurant. I'm so lucky!

"Sunshine Subdivision, please." I said and opened my cellphone. It's still early to go home. I have an excuse though.

The ride was smooth. I almost fell asleep on the seat. I gave my fare to the driver and walked inside our gate.

I arrived at home safely. When I got inside our house, one of my maids greeted me.Why are they still here? Didn't I fired them?

"Good evening, ma'am." She said and then bowed her head . " Dinner's ready at the kitchen. Do you want to eat?" She said.

"Didn't I fired you earlier? Why are you still here!" I said with my little higher voice.

"I'm sorry,ma'am but it is you mom's decision why i'm staying." She don't dare to look at me, just staring at the floor.

This maid's only at my age, she don't have any family so my mama hired her and helped her financially especially for his education but she will become our maid.

"Okay okay, i'm just a little tired and frustrated. Did you clean up my bedroom?" I asked her while holding my nape. It's been a long day! I need some rest, i'm so beat.

" I have cleaned your bedroom, are you not eating?" She said. I roamed around my eyes to see if my father or my mother came home but as expected, I did not see them, maybe later.

"Later, call me if the came home. I'm just at my room, studying so you can always bother me." I said. I'm good to them always but there is also times that they make my head ache for some reason just like earlier in the morning. They made my head ache early in the morning.

I moved my ass and went upstairs. I removed my uniform and take a shower and wear my comfy  pajamas. I  blowered my hair and after that I did my assignments so I don't have reason to sleep late. I badly need sleep.

I fell asleep while doing my assignments. I woke up by the sounds of breaking glasses. After a minute I heard my mother and father arguing about something. What are they fighting? It's evening! Some will hear them or even wake up. It's 10 in the evening.

I tiptoed and put my ears on my door to hear why are they fighting but I can't hear it clearly so I slowly opened the door and started walking slowly towards the stairs and from that point, I can now hear them clearly and loudly.

"Can you stop this? Our daughter might be sleeping or doing her assignment." My mom said while holding my father's shoulder.

"What are we gonna do now?" My father said and I can see the tears in his eyes. What happened? Why are they crying?

"We will do everything get that back, okay? So let's settle this and let's eat first." my mom said and that makes my father calm down.

"Mira, can you call Sammy. It's dinner time." My mom said and my maid immediately went to the staircase to call me so I went to my bedroom as fast as I can so they will not notice that I heard them.

"Sammy, your mom and dad are calling you. It's dinner time." She said after knocking the door. I acted like I just woke up so they will not notice.

"Okay, I will go down now in any minute. I will just finish this." I said and packed my assignments and cleaned my study table.

I fixed my hair and also my pajamas before I opened my room. As I go down to stairs, I can hear the plates and spoons, they are now eating.

"Good evening mom and dad. I waited for the two you." I said before kissing my mama and papavs cheeks. They smiled at me like there's nothing happened earlier.

"Sorry for being late, my baby. Come let's now eat." My mom said and I made my way to my seat across my seat. The ambiance here is a bit odd. There is really something wrong.

"There is something we wan't you to know." My mom said. i looked at both of them, there is really something going on in our family. I can see that this announcement will be bad, I can see at their eyes.

"Our company..... Is now bankrupt but I know, there is something wrong on our company. I will find out who's the culprit!" My father said while gritting his teeth.

I looked at both of them with curiosity in my eyes. My mind can't process of what i've heard right now. I can't, I don't want to believe it.

"Why? I mean, how?" I said while still looking at both of them.

"We will investigate, honey. I promised that we will take bacl our company. I will never-ever give them our years of hardwork. " My mother said.

All I want is to comfort them with all I have. I will help them know who's the culprit and I will make them pay! My young age will not stop me! I can see how miserable my parents is.

"Let's continue eating." I said to break off the unnatural ambiance. I promise to the both of you. I will bring back the company.