
Tempest in the Kingdom of Zephyra

Prince Lionel Andressardado was forced to drown Princess Jasmine Astrettiana, his wife, because he heard the story of his sister, Princess Marianna Andressardado, saying that Princess Jasmine would take revenge for the death of her father, King Philip, who was killed in the battle against Lionel. When Princess Jasmine drowned, a fragrant aroma wafted out, indicating that Princess Jasmine was innocent, making Prince Lionel regret all his actions for trusting his sister more than listening to his wife's sincere words. How is Prince Lionel's life story after Princess Jasmine left? Will he find a replacement wife or will he stick with his position as a widower that many women are fighting for?

arie_riyan · Fantasie
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20 Chs

19. Mirror of Life

King William, who had been focused on looking at Queen Ladyana, never thought that someone was behind him. He turned around and saw a man standing in front of him. The man in front of him smiled.

"Since when has Grandpa been here? My best regards to the noble grandfather of your suffering grandson."

King William 1, the grandfather of King William who is currently in power, smiled watching his grandson who was embarrassed because he was caught peeking at Queen Ladyana. The very wise old man now looked at a beautiful woman who was still sitting in her original place. King William 1 looked at his grandson then he promised himself to be able to unite the both of them so that he could see his beloved grandson smile like he had just seen. So far, King William 1 has never seen King William as happy as he is now. Several times he tried to think of alternatives that he could use to get Queen Ladyana into his trap so that he would have no reason to shy away from the wedding he was planning to arrange for King William and Queen Ladyana.

"You just wait for the play date. Your grandfather will never be silent when he sees his grandson having a very serious problem. Your grandfather will try to make all your dreams and wishes come true."

"W-what do you mean? Grandpa doesn't think too much about this. I can do my own thing for the best in my life. I will never burden Grandpa's mind. need to remind us when we made a mistake. The rest of your job is just to please yourself and make yourself happy by expressing all your wishes to me."

King William just frowned and then stretched out his hand to lead the old man who still looked very dashing and invited him to sit in the garden not far from Queen Ladyana to sit.

A while had passed and neither of them had started the conversation. King William who was caught watching over Queen Ladyana finally felt very ashamed of his grandfather. King William 1 occasionally tried to convince his grandson that his grandson was really in love with the woman who was currently standing and walking over to a flower pot not far from where he was sitting.

"I see my grandson is really interested in her. Who is she and why did you never tell grandpa about this? Don't tell me you took from other men because grandpa would never approve of that."

King William lowered his head. He did not know Queen Ladyana's background. There was only a little news that he heard from the citizens of the kingdom about the queen who was expelled from the kingdom because the king was in love with a concubine. Several times King William heard that the kingdom belonged to king Nyctophilluc who had divorced his queen and preferred to make Sheryl's concubine to replace the queen who had been banished from the kingdom.

"Don't tell me you don't know about the ins and outs of the woman you want to marry. If that happens, I will never forgive you. Grandpa has always been firm in his actions and you must have the same desire to do whatever he has done all this time. Grandpa is firm in everything and you know it. Grandpa likes honesty even though it hurts. Your grandfather likes women who are gentle and simple even though many people think simple is not fun. But for a simple grandfather it is perfect. Simple women tend to be more accepting of circumstances whatever you face compared to women who look glamorous and put more emphasis on their physical appearance."

"Yes grandfather. I will remember all your advice. So far I have also adhered to the principles that grandfather taught me. I will never forget all the lessons that grandfather has taught me."

King William 1 nodded. He then stood up and left his grandson alone to go to his room to come up with a plan. Several times he tried to look at the mirror he put on the wall in his room. He rubbed the mirror and tried to see the area that had been the residence of Queen Ladyana.

"Your husband is a fool for throwing away pearls. I will make you the happiest Queen in the world by marrying you off to my grandson King William. Wait for my play and you will never be able to escape my request."

The mirror in front of King William 1 presented a very unpleasant sight. The Nyctophillic king's expulsion of Queen Ladyana really made King William 1 feel heartbroken.

"I'm going to be the bad guy for a while, Diana. I'll do whatever it takes to get you to unite with my granddaughter. After watching the film of your life, I became convinced that you are the only woman worthy to give birth to the true royal lineage of Arendelle. Never give up when you get my test. I'm going to be a real bad guy and you have to survive to be a part of this kingdom. I will never make the same mistake as my son King William 2. My son has taken a reckless woman from a large royal family without any test which has kept her here for so long.``

King William 1 then wiped back the mirror on the wall of his room. He then stepped into the garden, not far from where Queen Ladyana was sitting.

He kept an eye on the woman from where he was then he stepped over to Queen Ladyana, when King William 1 knew she was about to leave her place.

The dreamy Queen Ladyana did not see an old man passing in front of her so that she unknowingly bumped into King William 1 until he fell.

"Forgive me sir. I didn't mean to run into you at all."

King Willem 1 glared at Queen Ladyana's words. He shook his head while holding his feet.

"Ouch, my feet. Why are you so reckless when you walk?"

King William 1 tried to get up but he was unable to do so.

He then screamed for the soldiers and asked them to arrest the queen Ladyana who was still stunned by the events that lay before her.

"Arrest this woman and put her in jail!"

Queen Ladyana was stunned. She never thought that the man in front of her would give her an arrest warrant. Her body shook violently and she began to cry. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she could only surrender to the circumstances she had to accept. His only thought was on Marianna's daughter and the fate of her son.

"Please don't arrest me, your highness. I accidentally bumped into your highness. I'm sorry!"

King William 1 shook his head. The corner of his eyes glanced elsewhere, looking for the figure of the grandson he loved. He hoped that King William would come and see the woman he loved being dragged away by soldiers and put in prison.