
First Pack Member

A week passed by after Alexis made herself known to the town of Beacon Hills and Peter Hale.

She spent this time making plans during the day and training in her full wolf form at night.

Despite her threat, she knew Peter would still continue with his plans but now he knows who's territory he's in.

She could smell Derek the moment he entered the vicinity of the town and she kept track of the Argent family by paying some "rats" to spy on them whenever they left their home.

Her "rats" were mostly the homeless, teens, orphans, and deputies looking for some side cash.

Now, in her room, she wipes off the sweat from her head and drops the toy that was previously between her legs. she jumps in a quick shower before getting dressed.

Leaving her hilltop mansion, she decides to walk in the light of the half-moon.

Hearing the roar of Scott McCall from the high school makes her head spin in his direction.

Reaching the school, she sees Derek on the ground with a hole in his chest and Peter about to enter the school.

Taking off her clothes, she strips naked before transforming seamlessly into her twelve-foot white humanoid wolf form.

Her eyes are a dark shade of red that shines in the moonlit darkness.

"RAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH", letting out her roar causes peter to stop himself from entering the building and forcing him to turn in her direction.

She stands straight and cocks her head to the side, "I thought i made myself clear... i guess not".

Taking a few steps toward him, she notices Derek rising despite his injuries with his head lowered, "Leave, meet me at the Hale house in three days"

Derek doesn't need to be told twice and runs away as quickly as possible, she turns towards the now quivering Peter.

Standing in front of him, she is a whole head taller and just her presence alone causes shivers throughout his body.

In one quick movement, she grabs his throat with one hand and lifts him easily off the ground, "I'm going to break three of your bones, if you make a single noise of pain, I'll kill you"

After releasing his neck, she breaks both his arms and a rib without hearing any noise from him, "You're a part of my pack now, you don't have a choice in the matter. if you try to pull this shit again, i won't kill you... I'll skin you alive"

Receiving a nod from the now whimpering alpha, she turns to leave while motioning him to follow.

Entering her home with an almost healed Peter behind her, "I'll be treating you as a slave until you can prove yourself remotely useful"

Sitting on her sofa and turning on the news channel, she takes off her boots before pointing at him to come closer, "Massage my feet, I don't know if you have any fetishes about feet but don't try and lick or suck my toes. it will only end up with me ripping out your tongue"

He nods his head before sitting on the sofa and tending to her, "So, how do i prove myself?"

She continued to watch the tv, "control your emotions, prove yourself as a loyal and trustworthy person... who knows, maybe I'll reunite you with your daughter"

Peter chuckled at her joke, "I don't have a daughter"

"Oh... then i guess what came out of Corinne nine months after you had sex wasn't your daughter then? i have a lot of information and knowledge, trust me, she's yours"

She moved her feet from his lap as he felt a mixture of emotions after finding out that he truly might be a father.

His head swiveled towards her, "tell me about her, please"

A smile appeared on Alexis' face, they talked for many hours on several subjects before she headed to bed and he was given one of the six guest rooms.

Three days passed after that, she trained with her first pack member but still treated him as a slave. he massaged her feet, cooked her meals, did her laundry, and cleaned her house.

At first, he grumbled at every task and chore but eventually did them with ease and quickness, as the more he cooperated, the more freedom she gave him.

He was never into domineering women but found her power and beauty very alluring.

The next day, she arrived at the Hale house, or what was left of it. the wood was black due to the fire and the place looked ready to collapse.

Seeing Derek and Scott lowering their heads without knowing why they were doing do, she smiles, "Hi, I'm Alexis"


Author's Notes: Sorry for the long wait and apologies for the rather short chapter, a lot is happening in my life due to my father having a mini-stroke and a distant family member passing away.

Please forgive my lack of releasing chapter!

I'm not fully back, I don't know when I'll be releasing another chapter, please be patient.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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