
Technology Library (English)

Reincarnated with a bookstore full of high-tech information, his goal is the search for knowledge, exploring different universes to study their peculiarities.

BOZALTO · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Future Plan and Job Search

(Soon there will be time jumps in the plot, MC does not know what year he is in since he is not on earth, also the technology library is not a system as such, he has all the knowledge of the section he has unlocked MC available for you to learn, but the learning is not instant like with the fighting technique, if you want to get rewards from the library you must meet certain conditions)

He suddenly he can feel how every one of his senses sharpens, even his eyesight becomes sharper, he hasn't done any tests but his strength and intelligence should have grown as well.

"This is... the transformation of the gene-seed into my genes, but I shouldn't feel the effects so quickly... perhaps, because only the human base of my body was enhanced? If anything, the upper limit and My body's basic capabilities must be far superior to other humans now, including my lifespan" Red begins to smile excitedly.

He continues investigating the Library window trying to figure out how to unlock another Section of it when suddenly a window appears indicating.

*ding* To unlock new Sections of the Technology Library the user must make contributions to it in the form of knowledge, this must have value and not be something that already exists or is a manifestation of the same knowledge in a different format.

The message leaves Red thinking, but in the end he takes it as good news, he used to be a scientific researcher in his past life and nothing is happier for him than seeking knowledge and learning.

If there is something worth mentioning, it is that he does not plan to be alone in this life, although it will surely be difficult to take a liking to three-dimensional women, considering that they are also "fictional" characters like his previous waifus, if they are cute enough there should not be problem then.

He happily getting out of the tub, drying his body as he begins to plan what to do from now on.

¨Following the Xandar study system is a waste of time, although I can get a scholarship with my intelligence if I stay there and prove my ability against the AI, it is too time consuming so it will slow down my development in other areas, not to mention Since I would have to use that time to study only the knowledge of Xandar, I would not be able to access their cutting-edge technology unless I proved myself trustworthy by accepting their bonds anyway¨

Dressing in the room I lie on the bed and prepare to rest while I keep thinking.

¨The ideal would be to create a legion of robots with artificial intelligence that serve me as a workforce for collecting materials, research, fighting, among other things¨

¨I have Arma but it's not a good time to take her out, I don't have important tasks to give her and her mere existence will make her rampant over time, I also don't know what anti-AI capabilities Xandar has as part of the Nova Empire, so I don't know its usefulness¨

¨Robot Legion is a long way from me now, it only serves as a general long-term goal, for that I need a huge amount of capital first¨

¨To get it I can give Halo technology to the Nova Empire in exchange for it... but that would be asking for trouble.¨

¨I better build a slipspace engine, with a ship that does not depend on Marvel's fixed wormholes to move, if it perfected the fighting technique to work in a science fiction environment, which is no longer fiction, added to the ability of my body granted by the genetic seed, then I should not be in great danger even working as a mercenary, it seems to me a good way to raise capital, with controlled danger but high reward¨

¨Then all that remains is to think, what am I going to study first? Nanotechnology is among the least complicated of my objectives but most useful, the fighting technique will be a fundamental pillar at the beginning, so I also have to develop it further, then all that remains is the slipspace engine, which is essentially a particle accelerator assisted by an AI to not die by jumping to the wrong place, as it is used to open and then expand a stable black hole, then it also requires massive amounts of energy. Ok I can see it will be a pain in the ass to build, I even think I'll end up getting the ship first and then end up building the engine¨

¨I don't know what happened to the bodies of my parents, considering the large population I doubt they have the culture of burying them, they would take up too much space and contaminate the soil¨

¨In the world of my past life a plan was being proposed to turn the corpses into fertilizer for plants through compost, maybe they do that here, I doubt they'll throw them into space because there would be too much garbage in the form of corpses¨ Red finishes thinking with a yawn.

Then start sleeping. The next morning he gets up and under Spark's assistance manages to cook a nice meal for he and his little sister, also leaving food for her to heat up later.

"Yellow I'm going out, don't open the door for strangers" Red yells at him from the door and then whispers to Spark that if someone comes to the house to notify his communication device by sending images of the person at the door.

"I don't need you to tell me Red I'm not a girl" Yellow complained to which I was stunned.

¨ughh, if you're not a girl, what are you¨ he thinks leaving the apartment with his bag.

As for the place where he goes is the shipyard, there ships that arrive damaged by pirates or by accident are repaired.

If you get a job at that site, you can rescue damaged pieces that can be useful both for the pieces themselves and for the materials that compose them.

Unfortunately you can't stay there all day, you have to come home in the afternoon to see classes that are a minimum of 4 hours a day.

Until he manages to hack Spark to get rid of the supervision of the Child Protection Center, then he will not have absolute freedom to invest his time, Red does not know if he feels happy or sad to live in a civilized society.

Money is also essential, you need tools to work with, either to be able to rescue the parts or make things with the materials you collect, maybe you can borrow tools from the shipyard, remember that Rocket used nanotechnology for emergency repairs to the ship.

¨If the working class is as well paid as on earth then not to mention buying a ship, I won't get so many resources, I'll concentrate on creating armor that saves me from instant death from plasma shots¨ Red thinks.

Getting off the electromagnetic train, he starts walking around the shipyards looking for the foremen, most of them don't want to hire an inexperienced child, even though he explains his situation to them and tells them that he is smart so he learns fast.

This reminds Red of when he was looking for a job in his past life, at least none of them have the audacity to ask a 13-year-old boy for a resume, anyway he just has to find one that gives him the opportunity to work and hope that don't try to take advantage of him, then there will be no problem, after spending half the morning searching he finally finds one.

"Hey, excuse me, are you Foreman Valdez? Did they tell me I could talk to you?" Red asks the stocky man in front of him.

"Yes, it's me, the boy you want" Valdez answered, a bit puzzled by what the unknown boy could look for with him, but his next words only left him with more questions.

"I'm looking for a job," Red says without taking his eyes off the Foreman.

"We don't hire children, besides you can't look for a job without your parents before you're of legal age, you're not qualified for the job either," Valdez replies to make the child leave.

"I'm smart and I learn fast, I assure you that you won't have to explain something to me twice, plus my parents died in the recent Kree raid so they can't come with me"

"Please sir, although the child protection service is paying me a pension it's barely enough, I have a little sister to take care of and I don't want to let her live in poverty, I can work as a helper while I learn the most complicated" says Red with a sad look.

At the same time he thinks that he's already lost count of the number of times he's tried to sell pity that morning, he can already say it even without stuttering, hopefully now it slips through.

Foreman Valdez is speechless, he really doesn't know what to say to the child, morality hangs like a weight on his conscience, he even thinks that the child may be trying to swindle him, he has been to poorer planets before and this development is not strange to him , but here in Xandar the capital of the Nova Empire...

"What is your name child" asks the Foreman.

"Red Spark sir" Red replies.

"Well congratulations Sparky, you've got the Job, show me what you can do for the next month and maybe I'll give you the permanent position" Declares the Foreman.

translated by Google, I will try to upload one or two chapters per day depending on how busy I am, for now there are few but surely in one or two months there will be many, wait for it :D

Pd:Too many thoughts from Mc in this chapter, it was inevitable you can't make plans without thinking, I'll try to reduce them and increase interactions in the future

BOZALTOcreators' thoughts