
Chapter :1 .Mother Nature

Mother Nature is named after a woman who loves what is on the planet very much. Mhaia was mother nature, her love for everything made every flower field, every garden bloom.

but human evil was worse than the wild beasts of the earth, this was the beginning of a destruction to the beauty of the planet. Mhaia's son Trevor was a happy child, he cared about the animals around him. He asked her mother if she would continue taking care of the planet, if humans destroy it, she answered him with wise words:

"If you are young you have to know this: life escapes you and it goes away minute by minute, and you cannot live like this, so fight to live it. Life can give you a thousand setbacks, but keep getting up, love can do everything , love is an adventure, a dream, but a thousand times you are made with strength to get up again and start over and live to the fullest, this is how I care for planet Earth and the beings that inhabit them "

Trevor listened very carefully to the words of his mother Mhaia, but he was confused why the humans were destroying the planet, maybe he wouldn't understand.

That same afternoon, his mother took a walk in the field when she saw in the distance that the forest was on fire, she ran out to see that she had caused it. Realizing that the human being was cutting down almost half of the forest, she ordered the animals to leave the place, but some animals had been killed by some hunters. Trevor saw the smoke that caused the fire and went out in search of her mother, when he arrived, he saw her mother who was trying to contain the fire, he wanted to help her.

but some branches almost fell towards Trevor, so his mother threw herself towards her son and protected him with her body.

"Mommy!" She looked at her as bright as the sun, that meant she had died

"Don't...don't hate them son" Those were his last words

So Trevor became Mother Nature, or rather Father Nature. The other animals took him out of there, the fairies, elves, goblins and forest nymphs took him to the deepest part of the forest. The men who had been cutting down and burning half the forest saw a bright light and said to themselves:

"That light was the soul of mother nature, we have burned the forest"

"I do not believe in those supertictions, they are stories for silly children without brains, it is better to continue with the work of Mr. Rupert Blas or else he will leave us in the street like stray dogs eating his garbage"

Rupert Blas an aristocrat of the Middle Ages, bathed in money from the taxes of the city of Spain. but since the money of the citizens of Spain was not enough, he decided to marry his daughter Trinity Blas with Duke Rogelio Casanovan.

But his daughter Trinity Blas had other conditions for the marriage, it was to marry for love and not for convenience, but Rupert Blas hated the ideology of his daughter, for being born a woman.

"That will never happen! You are not going to decide my life" Trinity Blas's temperament was the same as her mother's

That's why Rupert Blas hadn't kicked her out of the house, because he reminded her of her wife, Camelia. That's why he tolerated her.

"Daughter, you are young and I understand it, but you must know that that was what your mother wanted when she was alive, she was to see you married"

Trinity Blas was already tired of her reminding her of those pathetic words again. She already knew that it was blackmail that she was using to marry her off to Duke Rogelio Casanovan, to inherit her fortune and thus marry her off to another.

Sara Montiel, was the maid hired to clean Trinity Blas's chamber, saw her enter the chamber discouraged, stopped folding her clothes and comforted her.

"My lady, don't worry, I know her father will come to her senses one day"

"Oh Sara, I'm only 17 years old, I'm still a girl"

"I know Miss, do you know that she? Why doesn't she take a walk in the country?"

Heeding Sara Montiel's words, she took her umbrella, a tablecloth and a basket with some snacks and went for a walk in the countryside. She came to a tree and put the tablecloth under the basket and took out the sandwiches and started eating.

Some white rabbits approached her and watched her eat.

"Shall we tell master that there is a beautiful human here?"

"No, I hope she gives us that delicious lettuce"

Trinity Blas looked at them there by her feet and bringing the lettuce to her mouth they began to eat it, they were so focused eating the lettuce that they didn't see Trevor standing behind Trinity Blas. When they saw him, they ran away when they saw Trevor's furious eyes.

Trinity Blas, confused, watched them get lost in the grass.

"Wow, am I so scary? mmm, they were so adorable that you want to kiss them, hahaha I don't think even mother nature is as beautiful as them"

Trevor listening to everything behind her started laughing " Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha, you're so funny "

trinity Blas tensed so much that she stepped back and her foot caught on the root of the tree.

"But! ...! AA AHHH!"

"Be careful!" The shot of the waist

He saw her up close, she was very beautiful, she had never been so close to a human, she hated humans because of the death of her mother.

"You are so beautiful" replied trinity Blas << what things >> thought trinity

"I am. Now will you say that mother nature is more beautiful than those white rabbits?"

trinity Blas was confused but suddenly she came to her senses << Is this mother nature? Or rather, father nature? >>

"I will not lie you are more beautiful than white rabbits hehehe"

" You too "

Trevor looked into her deep brown eyes, he saw them full of bitterness and sadness, he studied her for a long time that made Trinity Blas very uncomfortable. So she moved away from her a little bit from her.

" I have to go "

" Do not go "

"But my father...he's going to"

I don't finish the sentence, she would argue again with hers, due to her marriage to Duke Rogelio Casanovan.

"I'll Come Tomorrow"

"Before you go, can you give me a kiss on the cheek?"

" Yes, why not "

Trinity Blas stretched her lips and closed her eyes but he lied to her, instead of putting her cheek, she put his lips. This set Trinity Blas up so much, but she just enjoyed the kiss.

They were as warm as blooming spring, and scented with flowers. She left, Trevor watched her go, a little Ada came out of her hiding place and remarked:

"Don't go using it to take revenge on the human being"

"I won't... she's different, she suffers, and she doesn't know why, her mind is blocked"

in the duchy.

"Rogelio Casanovan due to our friendship, I give my daughter in marriage, in a month she will turn 18"

"Rupert Blas, your daughter is very beautiful yes, but if she has already rejected me countless times, I've already lost count of her"

"Come on, you are 2 years older than her, you are young, you will see that over time she falls madly in love with you, she has no choice but to obey me"

Rogelio Casanovan clenched his fists, but did not object to a single word, he even agreed with Rupert Blas's words.

"Very well, if you say so, I will agree with your words"