

"Now that was a good night," Robb stated while there were some muffled noises in the background.

"For how long will we remain here?" Viserys asked.

"Not too long, I'd like to make an impact on the war."

"Do you really think that Aerion can conquer the Seven Kingdoms?"

Robb laughed. "With both his arms tied! I doubt anything in this world could do any harm to him... its a similar case when it comes to myself."

After a few knockouts, Viserys had learned to respect Robb and keep his stupidity in check when around him. Duncan sat down on one of the chairs at the table and was offered some wine by a maid, he kindly accepted.

"So this is the life of a noble, comfortable yet lacking in adventure."

Jon shrugged. "Too much adventure gets men killed."

"Yet we have survived for so long," Duncan replied.

"We are experienced and move with caution, many adventurers do not. I once had a squire who became overconfident and faced a large bear... it did not go so well. I told him to take care of my horse for a few minutes and he decided to do some hunting."

Robb joined the conversation. "How old was he?"



The muffled noise got louder, to the point that it was irritating.

"That noble doesn't know how to be silent."

"Well... if someone came into my home and tied me in a sealed room, I'd be quite restless as well."

Robb nodded. "I think it's time we let him go and leave."

Viserys agreed. "I don't want to stay in this city for too long... but where are we going after we leave?"

"We're going to the Reach. My Lord has probably already went to Bloodstone and might currently be somewhere in the Stormlands since he dislikes House Baratheon so much. Dorne will most likely be an ally. The Reach is most likely going to be on the neutral side which will make it easier to convince them to join My Lord's campaign. In addition, they have around eighty thousand men and I want to visit Highgarden."

"You talk too much sometimes, you know that?"

"He asked a question and I answered it... anyway, let's free the noble."


"The night has not been kind to you, it seems."

Robb cut off his binds and the rope which sealed off his mouth.



Robb smashed his head into the wall, lightly, and left with Jon, Duncan and Viserys.

~A few days later~

Robert Baratheon sat upon his throne, unamused by the events of the court. Eddard Stark, also nicknamed Ned, had become his Hand sometime after he had been freed by Tywin Lannister. He had grown fatter over the (almost) two years. This was due to his bad habits of feasting, drinking too much wine and whoring around. But it wasn't as bad as it would've been if Aerion didn't decide to spar with him. Robert Baratheon was still in fighting shape... well, sort of.

Then a messenger burst through the doors with a letter in his hand.

"An urgent message, Your Grace... Storm's End has been taken!"


Robert Baratheon rose from the Iron Throne.

"A... Aer... Aerion... T-."


Robert Baratheon took the letter and read it for himself. As he read on, one can see the fury growing in his eyes. Then he laughed, this must be a joke... he was taking this too seriously. He threw the letter into the fire. Some whispering broke out.

"He's dead, been dead for almost 2 years!"

"But... some merchants have also reported that they were robbed by a captain who had silver hair and purple eyes."

Robert Baratheon soon came to the realisation that this wasn't a mere joke, nor did the messenger seem like the type to lie about such a matter.



I just waged war on the Seven Kingdoms and everything's so peaceful... guess Robert will need some time to prepare his army. Roughly two months... if he calls the banners of the North, Riverlands, Crownlands, the rest of the Stormlands and maybe the Vale. Even longer if some of the other Kingdoms join. I should do something in that time.

Aerion stood up and flew to where Brightfyre had been anchored. He had left it in the same place due to Storm's End not having a suitable place to dock. All it had was huge cliffs and terrible storms, making it a very dangerous and inconvenient place for ships. Unfortunately, it looked like Brightfyre wasn't going to have a suitable home anytime soon. Aerion decided to leave it in the hands of the thirty pirate guards.

What do I do now?

Then he thought of something... horse riding! He is the son of Rhaegar Targaryen, who won the great Tourney of Harrenhal. Aerion was hopeless in the skill of riding as he hasn't ever done it before. Rhaegal doesn't count since he's probably smarter than most people and listens to his commands well. Horses, on the other hand, don't speak. There were a few knights in Storm's End and he selected the one most skilled to teach him.


It only took Robb three days to fly to Highgarden, yet he could've came sooner. But he took his time and flying three other people had proved to be a bit more difficult than just flying yourself. But... it was all worth it. The sight before the group amazed all four of them. None of them had ever been to Highgarden, they only heard of its beauty from other people. Viserys had spent most of his early life in Kingslanding, where the Mad King (his father) didn't lay his eyes off him. Duncan had been a sellsword in Essos and East Westeros for most of his life. Robb had been born a peasant and his family died under suspicious circumstances when he was sixteen. So he joined the army, in hopes of becoming someone important (unlike his parents). It worked out quite well. Jon lived in the Crowlands for most of his life, so he didn't get to see Highgarden either.

Fields of rich emerald green surrounded the clear, white and towering walls of Highgarden. Not only did nature surround the mighty Castle, one could clearly see that there was plenty of green inside of it as well. There were multiple layers of walls, beyond the first laid a maze of tall bushes. A natural yet very much useful fortification. The bushes would surely be hard to get through if one were planning to besiege the castle. The walls were tall, and so were the towers. The roofs of the buildings were green, blending in perfectly with the aesthetic of the castle. The white colour of the stones and the green from nature seemed to work flawlessly. A stream of water flowed down, to the left of the road.

"So this is... Highgarden. It's beautiful. I must say; it's worthy of all of the praise." Viserys stated.

"Let's get going... it probably looks even better when we're inside."

They walked to the main gate, it was huge and well made. Taking Highgarden would probably be no easy task for ordinary people... especially if it has a large garrison stationed on its walls. Either destroy the walls and go through mazes or attempt to destroy the gate... neither are easy to do.

"Pay the entrance fee if you wish to enter Highgarden." One of the guards announced.

"Entrance fee? The Dragon doesn't pay fo-"

"I don't think an entrance fee would be necessary. We have come here as... advisers of the True King, Aerion Targaryen."

"Say what?"

"Do I have to repeat myself?"

"Yes, go ahead."


Robb punched the guard and knocked him out cold. The other guard saw this but, before he could do anything about it, he was knocked out too. People began to crowd around, some screaming offensive words and whatnot.

"This situation isn't great, let's just fly to the main palace."

The other three agreed to Robb's suggestion and so, they flew. They entered the palace through a window. A pretty girl screamed upon their arrival and ran. Guards came pouring in like ants, one by one. They didn't matter, Robb took care of them in seconds and moved outside the room.

"Aren't you three lucky to have me leading the way?"

"Quite so." Duncan nodded.

"Well done on not 'accidentally' killing any of the guards... we might actually get the Reach on our side."

"It doesn't matter, Jon, I'll make sure they join the war in favour of the one True King, whether by words or force... if I have to."

Robb caught up with the pretty girl with relative ease and lightly tied her arms.

"Who are you? If you can lead us to the Tyrells, we'd appreciate your efforts..."

"Let go of me, you brutes!"

"Shh, don't force my hand. First of all, who are you?"

"Margaery... Tyrell."

"We hit a gold mine! Go and lead us to your father... or whoever is the leader of House Tyrell."

"... Al-alright."

They followed her but instead of leading them to her father, they were lead to a group of guards and screamed for help. Robb sighed.

"Gods, just my luck..."

He knocked out the guards. Margaery was left in shock, Robb narrowed his eyes.

"Don't try that again, or there will be consequences..."

This time, she led them to the right place.


Robb and the others took a seat. A few Tyrells and a dozen or so guards were present. The guards seemed quite meaningless but Robb ignored them and got straight to the point.

"I would like the Reach to join the war in favour of the King, Aerion Targaryen."

"The foolish boy who took Storm's End and because of it, thinks he can conquer the Seven Kingdoms? Don't make me laugh."

"Calling my lord a foolish boy is an unwise decision, old lady. He WILL dethrone the Usurper and then, once he sits upon the Iron Throne, he'll hear of this insulting matter."

"What makes you so confident?"

"He has a colossal dragon and godly strength... nothing can wound him and he can crush entire armies with a single wave of the hand. How do you think he took Storm's End? With words?"

"Dragons...? I thought they were all.. dead?" Mace replied.

"If you can show this 'colossal' dragon, then we'll accept your offer."

Robb sighed. "Then send a raven, he'll probably come if you mention me and Viserys."


Aerion sat atop the tallest tower in Storm's End, it was surprisingly wide for its height. He was in the process of enjoying a cluster of grapes when his castellan came rushing up the stairs, breathless. Aerion stood up and turned in his direction. The castellan gave him a letter.

"What's this about?" He began to read the letter.

"The... Reach needs... some 'convincing'."

Aerion finished reading the letter and looked pleased. "Finally, something to release me from my boredom. I'll be back soon."

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