
Chapter 9

Axel's P.O.V


As I am talking to Mandy about the homework our chemistry teacher gave me, the alluring scent of cherry and roses gets stronger, and then I hear the most beautiful voice I have ever heard. It is like music to my ears.

Zayn is screaming happily in my head and dancing with joy

"Mate mate MATE!!!"

So to face my mate I turn around. Then everything happens so fast. A gorgeous and furious blonde pounces on me. Her long legs wrap around my waist and her soft hand is wrapped around my neck, so I lose my balance and fall, and my mate falls on top of me.

Tingles. I feel delightful tingle sensations in my whole body. Then I make eye contact with the most unique and fascinating grey-green eyes. The world around us stops and it seems like that only I and she is in the room. And oh boy I have never seen such a glorious woman in my whole.

Her facial expression gives up what she is feeling. There is shock and a hint of confusion.

She gets up and I lose the warmth of her body and the amazing tingles that were coursing through my body.

Then I get up and wrap my arms around her. Again the tingling sensation becomes alive and her scent is so amazing that I bury my nose in her neck and she does the same. Her warm breath tickles my skin and where her breath hits small sparks come to life on my skin.

Suddenly she pulls out of my embrace and starts talking to someone but I am too busy, admiring her beauty that I don't even concentrate on my surroundings I am just looking at her like a creep.

Then she turns to me. Her eyes look at me with affection and she asks my NAME!!!

"Axel," I say

"Axel" she repeats

I visibly shiver and have got this giddy feeling. My name sounds so nice coming from her mouth and I have never loved my name being called by someone so much.

Her eyes dilate a little and I come to know that she is being mind-linked.

Then both the boy and my mate hurriedly leave. I can not help it so I ask

"Hey where are you going"

" Duty calls sweetheart," she says and winks

And I can't help but redden. She called me sweetheart and winked, who wouldn't blush.

I am pulled out of my world by my twin's words

"Hey don't talk to her"

"Why??" I ask confused.

"How can she be your mate when she is mine? And I know for a fact that you can not find second chance mates so quickly. So I suggest you stay away from her"

His words shocked me to the core. I couldn't believe it that he rejected her and now dares to ask me to stay away from her. What is wrong with him.

" You rejected her and now she is MY mate so you have no right to tell me to stay away from MY MATE!! And you didn't even want her so why are you making a big deal."

"I am your alpha and I want you to stay away from her cause she is mine and my wolf needs her"

"Well sorry, Alpha but no. You rejected her and now she is mine. And by the way, you are not my alpha yet."

" Well, Axel sorry to burst your little bubble but if she has to choose between us who do you think she will choose an alpha or a beta. And not to forget she is the daughter of an alpha so obviously, she knows the perks of being with an alpha. So I would suggest not to waste your time and get your little heartbroken dear brother. By the way I don't want her for myself I want her to be the Luna and keep my wolf happy and to become the Luna and have power she will do this gladly"

With that, he walked away

" You know what Ace, you are a jerk"

But I know he is right who would choose a beta over an alpha.

Why is my life like this? Again I am the second-best. And not to forget but moon goddess also made me a second choice. After my brother rejected his mate she became my mate.

I know she will choose him cause he is an alpha and I am a lame beta and being a Luna has greater power than being a beta female.

Everybody's always treated me as the second choice and it was far from okay for me because I was only known as Ace the alphas twin, but deep down I knew that my mate will only be the person who will treat me as Axel, and see the real me.

But fate has played a sick and twisted joke with me.

So I will reject her it's better than being rejected or being used to get my brother's attention.

" Don't you dare reject her"

" It's better this way Zyan. Maybe we have somebody else out there."

" But I don't want somebody I want her only her. I really liked her. She was so amazing"

"Yeah that she was" I reply sadly.

I really liked her and this stupid mate bond is not helping. I don't even know her and I like her so much.

With that thought, I go inside the class, ten minutes late and do you know what the teacher said

" Ace you are late and I am letting you pass this time but next time you will get detention"

What a life right?


Poor Axel 😭😭😭😭😭😭

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