
Tang Xiao: The Birth Of Multiverse

At first, Tang Xiao's life was very happy and peaceful, but everything changed when he was five years old, and his parents were murdered before his eyes, leaving only him and his big sister, Tang Yin. In addition, Tang Xiao was framed by several people when he was 17 years old, and one of them was the person he really trusted, so he was forced to spend 7 years in prison. Even so, those people did not let Tang Xiao out of prison, and they sent several people to kill him. However, Tang Xiao was fortunate because someone saved him, but the events of that day changed his life and mindset completely, and he used everything in his arsenal to take revenge on his enemies.

JosieGan · Ost
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123 Chs

Reborn IV

A month later, Tang Xiao was standing in the middle of the courtroom, but his expression was still relaxed, even though he would soon face a trial that would change his future completely.

Even though Tang Yuan had tried hard in the past month to free Tang Xiao from prison, all her efforts to prove his innocence were in vain, especially since Ouyang Hong had fabricated a lot of evidence against him, and he also suppressed many people with his authority.

Tang Yuan had also been looking for Yu Xiaoling's whereabouts, and she heard from her husband that she was abroad. Even so, she could never talk to her, let alone meet her, especially since she didn't want to talk to anyone else or return to their country, citing someone threatening to kill her.

*Knock... Knock...*

"After considering the testimony of the witnesses and all the evidence that has been submitted, Tang Xiao was convincingly proven guilty of assault and attempted to violate Ms. Ouyang Qing and three other women, and the court hereby sentenced him to seven years in prison." The jury representatives read out the court's decision.

From her seat, Ouyang Qing and two other young women smiled triumphantly after the jury read out the sentence. 'Hahaha! You can rot in prison, Tang Xiao!'

Unlike them, Jessica Lie continued to look at Tang Xiao guiltily, and she gripped her fists tightly. 'Please forgive me; I was really helpless under Ouyang Qing's threats.'

Tang Yuan wanted to appeal the court's decision, but Tang Xiao stopped her by shaking his head. "There's no point in appealing my sentence, especially since we'll never win against them. Since I had to spend seven years in prison, I entrust Big Sis Yin to you, and please let me know if there's any progress regarding her health."

Tang Yuan looked at Tang Xiao guiltily before nodding in agreement with him. "Leave her to me; I will take good care of Yin'er."

Even though Tang Xiao was dissatisfied with all the manipulations that got him imprisoned, he accepted his situation calmly, and his transition into prison life was relatively smooth.

Although Tang Xiao is still young, his body is much stronger than people of his age, and he is also a master of many martial arts that he has trained since he was five years old, so almost no prisoners dare to disturb him.




One year




Three years




Unconsciously, seven years passed so quickly. Tang Yuan, Zhao Qing, and Tantai Lingyan have continued to visit Tang Xiao in prison. Unfortunately, Tang Yin's condition never changed, and she had been in a coma for years, but Tang Xiao would be free in two days.

Unfortunately, something unexpected happened, and two prison guards suddenly forced Tang Xiao to go to the hill behind the prison, causing him to frown, especially since they pointed their guns at him. However, they didn't say anything to him and immediately left, leaving him there alone.

Soon, dozens of men came out from behind the crowd of the big trees carrying various kinds of weapons, and they were led by a muscular man. The man's face itself was covered with cuts, and the most striking was the tattoo of a white tiger on both arms.

Tang Xiao nodded in understanding at the situation in front of him. "So you guys are Ouyang Hong's men, huh?"

"Haha." The muscular man laughed and pointed a baseball bat at Tang Xiao, and the other men surrounded him. "Young Miss didn't want you to be released from prison, so she sent us to finish you off."

'Ouyang Qing, huh? I didn't expect that she would be such a vicious and devil-hearted woman.' Tang Xiao inwardly muttered as he was alert to their movements, for he was also aware of his own abilities. Even though he was a martial expert, there were too many of them, and they also carried a lot of weapons. 'Tch! Ouyang family! I will take my revenge on your entire family if I manage to survive this situation.'

"Kill him!" The muscular man shouted as he ran towards Tang Xiao, and those people also immediately followed his orders to gang up on him.

Even so, Tang Xiao didn't want to just surrender to fate, and he moved towards the weakest man among them. After he managed to knock him down and snatch his weapon, he immediately fought the others. But alas, there were dozens of enemies, so it was too overwhelming for him to fight all of them, and he was pushed to the edge of a cliff.

*Bang... Bang...*

Just as he was thinking of a way out, Tang Xiao was startled by the sound of two gunshots, and he felt that his chest really hurt, so he immediately looked down and found blood flowing out of his chest. 'Shit!'

After that, Tang Xiao fell backwards into the ravine, and his body slammed several times against the ravine wall, making his consciousness fade away.

The muscular man then walked to the side of the cliff and looked down, but the ravine was deep enough that he couldn't see Tang Xiao's body. "Heh! He's dead, so we can go back and report this to our young miss."




At the bottom of the ravine, Tang Xiao grimaced in pain all over his body, especially since most of his bones were crushed; even his legs and arms were also broken. Although he was not dead, he was not far from dead. With blurry eyes, he looked up at the sky while inwardly muttering. 'Take revenge? How ridiculous! I couldn't even survive today! Big Sis Yin, I'm sorry; I have to leave you first.'

Before long, Tang Xiao's eyes were closed, and his consciousness was fading away.

*Tap... Tap...*

"Hehe, I'm used to seeing you so strong, and I find it strange to see your younger self so weak, Master." Xiao Ai said as she squatted down next to Tang Xiao, and she injected a liquid into his body. "If we weren't here, he would be dead by now, and this universe would be destroyed without him."

The old Tang Xiao laughed bitterly and shook his head. "The current him is still an ordinary human, so it's natural that he's still weak, right? However, his future will change after he becomes a cultivator like me, and the fate of this universe rests on his shoulders."

"Are you sure the future will still be the same, Master?" Xiao Ai asked while turning to the Old Tang Xiao. "After all, the past has changed a lot in the past seven years; you have never even been in such a situation, right?"

"I don't have an answer for that, Xiao Ai." The old Tang Xiao then lifted Tang Xiao onto his shoulders. "After this, his fate will be in his hands, so he can decide his own fate. Anyway, let's go back now, and we'll carry out our plan."

However, Xiao Ai did not respond to him, and she stood still while continuing to stare at the Old Tang Xiao. "Master."

"We've discussed this matter too many times, so I think that's enough, and I won't change my decision anymore." Xiao Ai just nodded to the old Tang Xiao, and they took Tang Xiao away from that place.




Moments later, they walked into a room filled with various sophisticated modern equipment, and all of the equipment was much more advanced than what existed in that era. Besides, there were two glass capsules the size of an adult in the middle of the room, and the Old Tang Xiao laid Tang Xiao into one of the capsules.

After the glass capsule cover was closed, several needles and wires immediately stuck into Tang Xiao's body, and clear liquid filled the capsule.

"Master, I will start the process of healing and reconstructing his body according to everything we prepared before hand, but the process will probably take quite some time."

"It's okay; we're not in a rush either." The old Tang Xiao replied as he nodded. "Anyway, you can use that on him, so his brain capacity will also be the same as mine."

"All right." Xiao Ai then asked him. "Is there anything else I need to do for him, Master?"

"No, you can start now, and we will immediately carry out the final process after his body has been fully recovered."

After that, Xiao Ai started the process of healing Tang Xiao's body, and she would only start reconstructing his body after it was over.

Meanwhile, the Old Tang Xiao kept watching the process from a large monitor in the north of the room, and he could see that Tang Xiao's injuries were slowly starting to recover, including his internal injuries and bones. 'Sigh, I'm sorry, my younger self. Because of my kindness, I have to burden you with a great responsibility, but I have no other choice to save this universe, and I hope that you will not repeat the mistakes I made in the past."

A few hours later, Tang Xiao's condition has completely recovered, and Xiao Ai has also finished reconstructing his body. "Now everything is done, and we can carry out the final process, but it will definitely cause you a lot of pain, Master."

"I know, but it means nothing to my old bones." The Old Tang Xiao rubbed Xiao Ai's head. "From today onwards, you will be his guide, and you must help him become a powerful cultivator. However, you should not tell him about me for the time being, and he will meet me once he forms his cultivation soul, so I will explain everything to him in the future."

"I know, Master." Xiao Ai replied as she nodded. "I will properly guide him, and he will become the strongest in this universe like you."

After that, the Old Tang Xiao entered another glass capsule and lay down inside. "You can start now, Xiao Ai."

- To Be Continued -


My other novels:

1. Cultivator With Modern AI

2. Primordial 'Dual Cultivator' Dragon With System

3. Otherwordly-Cultivator

4. Zhang Fei - The Abandoned Son
