
Chapter 1

Every girl wants their love story to be like a fairytale...

Wants a man to pull her close under the moon lit sky and tell her how she is the one he wants for the rest of his life.

And he'll kiss her til she melts-.

"Piper you have 5 minutes to get ready and leave or I'll make sure your school year ends early." My dad's voice boom against the door and shook the house.

I felt my heart race, because I had no doubt that he would hurt me.

"C-Coming!" I stuttered and quickly got ready before running out of the house so I didn't have to face my dad's punishments.

I wasn't quick enough...

My dad grabbed me by the hair and slammed me onto the ground.

If I was human, he would of cracked my head open, thank our mighty alpha I am what humans call a werewolf.

I groaned but quickly blocked my face and curled up into a ball before my dad started to beat me.

"Just because it's your birthday doesn't mean you can be disrespectful." He said between hits.

After what felt like forever he finally stopped and spit on me.

"I hope you find your Soulpartner tonight, so I can get you out of my life!" He yelled in one of my ears.

I felt my eyes start to sting and thought about my mother..

My dad then picked me up by my arm and threw me out of the house like he did every time on my birthday and when ever I was late getting out of the house.

I hit the ground hard and ended up with dirt and grass on my shirt that would take hours to wash out but I didn't have time.

I ran to my bike and hopped on hoping I'd make it in time to wash some of the stains in my shirts.

I pedaled as hard as I could to school and lucky made it ten minutes before my first class.

I locked my bike against a bar and turned around.

I saw the pink mustang and I knew I was fucked. I groaned but still tried to enter the school without her trying to start something.

I thought I was safe when I saw her basic bitch group start walking towards me and heard her high heels tapping behind me as she made her way towards me.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before opening my eyes and found myself surrounded by plastic fake barbies.

"Hey Piper, the janitor said he needs his fuck-it-bucket back and the girls bathroom pipes need to be fixed." Heather said.

Wow, so original, just like your unibrow.

Only when I was slapped hard did I realize I said that out loud.

"Watch it, and also stay away from the new guy, he doesn't know it yet but he's mine, and not like you can interest him anyway, but I don't want your rusty ass to scare him off." Heather said.

"What happened to Andy? Did he find something better than a fake tan and basic bitch energy." I said.

This time I was shoved into a classroom door and punched in the throat which had me coughing and fighting to breathe for a minute.

"For your information, cadela. Andy found his Soulpartner early, and it's my ex best friend Tiffany. But they aren't gonna last." She said admiring her nails like this was just boring news she was telling.

I smiled to myself, Andy was kind before he met Heather and dated her. Maybe Tiff will bring that back.

Heather then poured something on me, bring me back to the present. And I soon realized it was something yellow and smelled like pure piss and rubbing alcohol.

"There, happy bleach- I mean birthday day." Heather said before her and her disciples walked off.

I cursed and knew I would have to miss 1st period to get this off of me.

I went to the office and they called my teacher to let them know I have to miss their class because Heather is the daughter of Alpha and they can't punish her without them being punished.

I quickly grabbed my stuff and put it in my locker before running to the girls locker rooms and took a shower with my clothes on.

It took over a hour and a half but, I got the bleach and most of the dirt and grass stains out, then held them under a motion dryer for about 20 minutes.

I quickly put my clothes back on and ran to my second period.

Clearly no one told my teacher that I was gonna be late because they told me to just get out and go to detention.

I sat down in the back and held myself together.

This happens every day, I get beaten by my dad, or Heather or even both, but did it have to happen on my birthday? The one day I could finally find someone who could save me from this hell hole and make this life feel..I don't know...worth living...

I drew in my sketch book to try to past time, after 3 hours, the principal walked in and sat at my desk before giving me a lecture about proper communication and time is important for young wolves to learn, but I sorta blocked him out. If he would only see that I'm not the one need to change but everyone else, maybe life here wouldn't be so bad.

Soon he stopped and left me alone for about 3 more hours til the school day was finally over and I went to get my bike when I noticed my dad's truck near it and him looking extremely pissed off in it.

"I called your dad because I felt like you weren't listening to my advice, so maybe you will listen to his." The principal said from behind me then picked my bike up before setting it into the back of the truck.

"Piper, get your ass in the car. NOW!" My dad yelled but I was shaking and frozen in place.

I knew deep inside that if I got into that truck, I would not make it to the end of my birthday but I also knew running will just seal the deal of my death if there was even a slight chance I would survive the beating I was about to get.

I pushed myself to get into the car and felt my hands shake as I closed the door and put on my seat belt.

The principal looked concerned for a minute but quickly masked it when my dad look towards him.

My dad is like a ex warrior for our alpha, so he got special privileges, like could get away with any crime but hurting your alpha.

My dad started the car and started to drive.

I held my hands together to keep from shaking and I felt tears form.

I was about to die, I won't get to meet my soulpartner. My dad is finally gonna kill me.

We soon got to our house and I waited for him to start yelling, or even hurting me.

But it never came..

"Listen here, I have a friend from another pack coming over tonight, and I don't want him to know what goes on in the house, so you will get your punishment later, but if you say a word to him about this. I will kill you." My dad said in a cold voice.

I nodded.

He said good then we left the car and went inside.


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