
Kiana's Daily Life

As the raid mission completed. both Lira and Lex have to go to the southern Laira for doing their paperwork representing Richeolot Clan. she's started to doing her normal typical part-time day as a bartender in guildhall with everyone is coming in and out.

"one beer please," the old red orc asked for a beer for him

"hold on" she replied

and she brewed a beer in a glass that has a width as large as her current body size and height as tall as half of her body. orcs are usually drinking on this size of glass as their normal daily break time beverage basis.

so Kiana who obviously couldn't lift it used her race magic.

"elf magic : levitate! elf magic : telekinesis!"

she used elf magic to lift the beer easily as it has a height half to her. she needs to do it so she can lift the beer easily after filling it and she sent the beer to the red orc straightaway with a silver coin thrown to her. which as much as one hundred Cigs.

"thank you bro!" she happily replied and focus on her bartender job in her table that her table resembles a bartender table that commonly exists for modern era bars. with cups are everywhere for her to play some shake and shake game to brew a bubble tea.

Laira Village is well known for its bubble tea thanks to a wheat farm that available on western Laira Village which is the main material of creating the bubble on its bubble tea. and rich kinds of milk provided in that place as well. making Laira Village has bubble tea as their souvenir.

and three wolf beast-men that look like the same with black fur and scary looking face. walked in

"yo Lionas brothers" one of the random adventurers answered them

"sup guys" one of them replied at the same time.

"hey Kiana, give us three strawberry bubble tea," the man in the middle around three of them asked for Kiana for three strawberry bubble teas in a loud voice that shocked her a bit.

"ah, yea. hold on" she replied hastily and started to open an iron can on the top left on it. pouring some pink colored powder and close it back. then she pulled out a bottle of milk from the huge brown colored drawer beneath the desk where she is now.

"elf magic: telekinesis"

her eyes changed completely from normal gold-colored iris eye. to black and red-colored eyes that making her scary for normal people. but in fact, the adventurer loved her attraction for this. as she opened the iron seal on the top of the milk bottle easily just using her eyes. and one of the adventurers throws one silver coin to her that she's easily caught it. making all of the adventurers clapped their hands to her attraction as she started to pour the milk to the iron glass where she put the pink colored powder.

and she started another attraction where she's shaking the iron glass that has a length as long as her arm and diameter as a kid's head diameter. easily!

everyone clapped their hands for Kiana for her awesome performance when shaking the bubble tea mixture. she may not good in battles. but she's well known for her services in the guildhall. making her having a paycheck as a bartender higher than as an adventurer herself. which is the reason why Kiana is so happy for working as a part-time bartender.

She started to pour some of the mixtures of it to the beer glass in high accuracy with pinkish colored liquid came out from it. then she skillfully pours the black bubble to it and continued with pouring some of the ice that is round-shaped on it.

and then, she delivers the strawberry bubble tea to the brothers.

"elf magic : telekinesis"

the three beer glass containing bubble tea delivered by her using her elf magic.

as an elf herself, she can learn her own race magic, but it won't be work to mix breed creatures.

and Lira who did with his paperwork. slam the door in and shout


everyone silenced almost instantly with his remark and request.

"no bubble tea for Lira" she replied coldly.

"Why?" he replied confusingly.

"ask your beloved dog then" she smirked evilly as she knows that he will find her for bubble tea, so she decided to bully him for a while to favor his demihuman dog more than her.

"I want it too!"

a dog eared girl who slams through the door smashed Lira to the front that making him kissed the land again.

"me too !"

a man who looks like Lira. but all brown thanks to fell down to the swamp accidentally when doing the paperwork. shouted and he hit Mari who just hit Lira. making her kissed Lira's head and said "oopsie Lira. indirect kiss"

and everyone can see it. Kiana's anger mark on her forehead.

several hours passed. Kiana could off from her job quickly since she's achieved her target faster. but the thing that happened, god knows how bad Lira goes attacked by her with balls in his head everywhere around his head and Lex with green bruises anywhere around his head for protecting Lira.

however, her right hand that used to hit Lira. is full of bite marks from a dog.

"Ugh.. you should leash your dog you know" she's cried a bit for her pain as her right hand is full of bruises

"haha. sorry Kiana. I wasn't intended to do it. but Mari loves to cling to me, even when she's sleeping like this" Lira replied while pointing his right thumb to sleeping Mari who clinging on his left arm and foot. making his walks in the weirdest way possible.

"Lira.." Kiana stopped and both Lex and Lira stopped synchronously.

"yes?" Lira asked her

"even you are clinging with Mari. will you still love me? she has a nicer body than me. you didn't love me for her body right?" she asked her shyly.

"what are you talking about Kiana?" lira chuckled. making her face all red

"Sorry for teasing you. in fact, she's my pet. I think it's a normal thing right a master taking care of his pet properly? I mean... don't worry Kiana. I love you not because of your body. but your hardworking nature, kind heart, and friendly. it's the thing I wanted from someone I loved. don't you forget that?" Lira replied it smilingly while patted her head. Kiana may be tall. but she's not as tall as Lira and Lex.

"really? you won't go with anyone right?" Kiana asked him again shyly, and he's nodded

"happy to know it. thank you lira. to love me" Kiana replied as he's nodded. happily and they both going home with Lex murmuring "another lovey-dovey crap again" that made Kiana chuckled and Lira replied with "stop with your murmur you idiot brother! get yourself a girlfriend!!" and they are walking to their home in separate route calmly.

To be Continued

for next chapter onwards. it's flexing time, prepare some bubble tea guys , so you won't get chocked. haha

anyways. thank you for those who supporting me, i'm aware it well that im bad in grammar stuff. but have a faith on me. i'm improving it constantly now! XD

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